21+ Browser Dev Tools & Tips You Need To Know
The web browser is one of the most sophisticated tools on the planet. Today we look at 21 tricks, tips, and lesser-known features in Chrome Dev Tools that will make your life easier as a web developer. https://fireship.io
#webdev #chrome #tips
? Resources
Chrome Dev Tools Docs https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/
Cool PWA Features Video https://youtu.be/ppwagkhrZJs
Brave https://brave.com/
Visbug Extension https://chrome.google.com/webs....tore/detail/visbug/c
? Chapters
00:00 1. Design Mode
01:04 2. Command Palette
01:20 3. Screenshots
01:29 4. Visual Coverage
02:10 5. Dollar Sign Shortcut
02:37 6. Live Expression
02:53 7. Snippets
03:07 8. Redeclare variables
03:22 9. Copy Elements
03:50 10. Force State
04:12 11. Animation Timeline
04:30 12. Rendering FPS
04:51 13. Grid & Flexbox Editor
05:20 14. VisBug
05:32 15. Responsive Devices
05:49 16. Sensors
06:00 17. Lighthouse
06:21 18. Network Waterfall
06:51 19. Server Timing API
07:13 20. Performance
08:14 21. Memory Profile
08:51 Be Brave
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