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how to fix uc purchase error problem bgmi your transaction cannot be completed to continue this transaction use a different payment.
This solution also works on free fire or ff,and pubg purchase problem.
But if you buy this uc purchase via us dollar,you may pay extra amount when compared to the indian rupees.
Here i using the 2023 released bgmi mobile app,but in future 2024 if they release any new update some setting location may be varying.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil,bangla telugu,حل مشكلة,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to make a payment for battlegrounds mobile india uc purchase :
Your transaction can't be completed.To continue this transaction,use a different payment instrument or contact us.Learn more.
?SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
How to solve your transaction cannot be completed google play secure your account :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.Some user's are have one doubt,if my money is debited from my play balance is there is possible to get refund?.
3.So my answer is just submit the request form to get refund amount.
4.Otherwise if you like to fix this issue,just remove your all payment methods like credit card,netbanking,upi and redeem code.
5.And also clear your google play store app data's.
6.So after you done this processes,and one more time you can try to make a payment for uc purchase.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is fixed in permanently.
8.This error not occurs on ios based iphone and ipad devices.
#bgmiucpurchase #yourtransactioncannotbecompleted #googleplay
This tutorial is about how to set vibration when call connect.
Now a days this feature almost available for android pie and oreo operating systems.
This vibration is only works after your outgoing call is attend or connected.
This trick not working on ios iphone,because the setting location is varrying.
Some working devices are samsung a20,a30,a50,a70,s8,s9,s10,mi a1,mi a3,mi note 5 pro,redmi note 7 pro,redmi note 8 pro,vivo,vivo z1 pro,oneplus 6t and oneplus 7.
►How To Make Boomerang Video On Instagram :
►How To Set Tik Tok Video As Wallpaper :
►How To Remove Ads From Imo App :
how to make phone vibrate when call connects :
1.Lot's of user's are raising one question about how do i turn on vibrate on call connect or answer.
2.So if you have the same doubt just follow me friends.
3.But here i show the steps by using my samsung galaxy m30s android mobile.
4.First of all open your phone app or contact application.
5.In keypad section you can press that vertical 3 dot icon and goto "Settings".
6.In this setting section you can goto "Call alerts and ringtones".
7.Finally you can click to enable "Vibrate when answered" option and the first one.
8.There is possible to activate this notification when you receive incoming call from someone.
9.Otherwise if you not like it,just click to disable or turn off this option.
#callvibration #vibratewhencallisanswered #vibratewhenanswer
This trick is 2022 released and may be works on other models like that oppo and one plus.
This hidden features almost works on all xiaomi devices including mi a1,s2,redmi note 5 pro,note 4,redmi y2 and mi note 6 pro.
This video is also available for tamil,hindi and telugu.
►How To Disable Google Chrome Notifications On Your Pc :
►How To Send High Quality Photos,Videos On Whatsapp :
►How To Stop Unwanted Notifications On Android :
how to remove watermark logo from video in android :
1.Yesterday i capture the one image by using my new xiaomi redmi 6 pro.
2.And the photo is very clear,but the problem is it shows one time stamp and shot on device model in middle of video.
3.So how to deactivate this feature?
4.Just open your android phone camera application and then select "Photo".
5.Because this dual settings are not visible in video mode.
6.Now here you can locate "Add time stamp on photos" option and then click to turn off it.
7.Finally this watermark is permanently stopped in my picture using remover.
#removewatermark #shotonredmi #redmicamerasettings
This tutorial is about how to fix the password you entered is incorrect please try again or get a code to log in - incorrect password instagram.
Always use 2023 released new update of insta app on your device.
This solution works for all android mobile as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This is one and only way to recover your instagram account.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,bata raha hai sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my instagram account :
Incorrect password
The password you entered is incorrect.Please try again.
►►How To Enable Dark Mode On Instagram PC :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp :
How to reset instagram password if you forgot it :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.So my suggestion is this is not a problem.
3.Which means that my google smart lock assign my old instagram account password.
4.So if you like to solve this message,just one time change your existing password to new one.
5.By simply press this link "Get help logging in".
6.And then put your instagram account linked username,email address or phone number.
7.But if you use insta by without any email id or mobile number is not linked,first of all link it.
8.Once you put the details and click to "Next".
9.So next they ask for send an email,send an SMS or Login with facebook.
10.So here i try to select "Send an email",and then they send the one verification email.
11.So now i try to check it.
12.Once you receive the email from instagram,just press "Reset your password".
13.And then create your new password.
14.Once you enter the new password,your instagram account is successfully recovered.
15.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#incorrectpasswordinstagram #thepasswordyouenteredisincorrect #pleasetryagain
This tutorial is about how to recover deleted contacts from recycle bin.
My suggestion is always you can back up your contacts with google account.
But this is only possible if you link your contact in gmail account.
This method not working for recovery after factory reset is completed.
Some samsung a and j series working mobile model is a4,a5,a6,a7,a10,a20,a30,a50,a70,j2,j3,j4,j5,j5 prime,j6,j7 prime,j7 nxt,j7 pro and j8.
Other working models on samsung is m30,m31,s6,s6 edge,s7,s7 edge,s8 or note 8,s9,s10,s10 plus,samsung duos,galaxy grand prime and all keypad phone.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Make Boomerang Videos On Facebook :
►How To Change Default Search Engine In Edge Browser :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google App :
how to retrieve deleted contacts from samsung phone :
1.If you want to restore your removed contact just follow me friends.
2.Here i show the steps by using my samsung galaxy m30s device.
3.This trick only works if you have the operating system of android 10.
4.At same time if you press "Move to trash" option.
5.Just open your contacts app and then press that horizontal lines icon.
6.And it shows some settings,here you can select "Trash".
7.Finally it shows my all deleted contacts,so just long press on it and then select "Restore".
8.Otherwise if you like to delete your contact in permanently just select "Delete" option.
9.This feature is only available if you buy 2022 released mobiles.
#recover #restore #samsung
This tutorial is about how to delete purchase history on iphone app store | clear app store purchased history.
If you like to see your all hided apps just goto settings and tab your apple account.
Here you can goto Media & Purchases - View Account - Hidden Purchases.
This section will show your all hided apps,but if you like to unhide these apps and it will again goes to that app store purchase history.
Here i show the steps by using my iphone se and which is have the operating system of 2023 released ios 15.3.1.
At same time this solution also works for ios 15,ios 14 and ios 12 based ipad and all mac devices.
Some other iphone working models are iphone 5s,iphone 6s,iphone 7,7 plus,iphone 8,8 plus,iphone 11,iphone 12 pro max,iphone 13,iphone 13 mini,iphone xr,iphone x and xs max.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
►►How To Turn off Auto Brightness On iPhone :
►►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
How to check app store purchase history on iphone :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,how do i know my already purchased apps list from iphone's app store?.
2.This is very simple,so if you like to view your all purchased items just open your app store.
3.In home page section you can press that profile picture icon.
4.And it shows your apple id,but you can goto "Purchased" section.
5.Now it shows your all installed apps and pending list,so you can see one by one.
6.And also they showing one more section called "Not on this iPhone".
7.But if you like to clear this app list,just swipe that particular app from right side to left side.
8.And then you get the "Hide" option,so just select it.
9.At same time there is no specific option is not available to delete all the apps in one click.
10.And also these apps are not removed in permanently.
11.Which means that it only hide from this section.
12.But if you cancel any app subscription,it not showing that app name in this section.
#deletepurchasehistoryiphone #deleteappstorepurchasehistory #seepurchasedapps
This tutorial is about how to disable save video in tiktok.
Always use 2022 released new update of application in your android mobile or ios iphone.
Once you do this method no one can't download your tiktok videos like your profile act as private account.
There is no specific settings are not available to get the notification about if anyone get your videos.
But my suggestion is just delete this app or don't put your personal details.
►How To Turn off Tiktok Notifications :
►How To Delete Facebook Watched Videos History :
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Google Chrome Pc :
how to remove save video from tiktok :
1.If you want to hide your save video option on tik tok just follow me friends.
2.Because some time this type of options are may be the reason for your all problem.
3.Which means that if you enable this setting,other tiktok followers saving your all videos.
4.And these videos are saved to our phone gallery and may be they edit it.
5.So to avoid this kind of situations just do some steps.
6.Just open tiktok mobile app and press "Me" icon and it shows my profile.
7.Now you can press that vertical 3 dot icon and goto "Privacy and safety" settings.
8.Finally you can click to open "Allow your videos to be downloaded".
9.In my device this is automatically enabled,but you can click to turn off it,by simply select "Off".
10.So don't forget to stop anymore activites in future.
#tiktok #tiktoksavevideo #savevideooption
find call recording in redmi-know recorded calls on android mobile-enable-activate phone call records-get folder-check recordings.
This tutorial is about how to listen previous mobile call records.
This trick is 2022 released and works on all xiaomi redmi android phone models are redmi note 4,redmi note 5 pro,redmi 4,redmi note 5,redmi 5a and redmi 4a.
Some working mi phone is mi a1,mi note 5,redmi note 3,redmi 3s prime and redmi 5.
For other devices are ios iphone,samsung,oppo,vivo,one plus one and moto.
This video is available in tamil,hindi,telugu and malayalam and no root is required.
►How To Turn Off Google Assistant In Android Mobile :
►How To Remove Saved Passwords On Google Chrome :
►How To Remove Suggested Groups,Pages In Facebook :
how to enable or activate call recording feature on android phone :
1.Long time i have the one doubt about where the recorded call stored and how to use it.
2.But today i get the answer to how to know my gf last call recordings in my device.
3.This is the latest hidden features to recording of last call.
4.This is the way you can easily find where is call recorder folder and file is located.
5.If you select the auto option,it will record any number of incoming and outgoing calls.
6.Then also check if your call is being recorded by someone or not.
7.And then stop this all notifications.
This tutorial is about how to clear amazon search history on mobile.
Always check if you're using the 2022 released new update of app or not.
This trick almost works for all android mobile devices,but may be works on ios iphone,ipad and tablet.
Same way you can delete this recent search by using the amazon online shopping website.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google App :
►How To Make Your Twitter Account To Private :
how to remove search history from amazon app :
1.If you like to clear your all recent searches in amazon just follow me friends.
2.Just open your amazon application in your mobile and then press that horizontal lines icon.
3.Here you can goto Your Account - Your Recently Viewed Items.
4.Now it shows my all recent searches,but i doesn't purchases from this list.
5.So anyway if you like to delete this entire list,just press "Manage" option.
6.And then press "Delete History".
7.Also disable this option "Turn history on/off".
8.So if you turning off your recently viewed items will remove them from view.
9.But there is not possible to hide your order history from your amazon account.
#deleteamazonsearchhistory #clear #orderhistory
An update is required to continue Please restart Fortnite to download the latest patch PS5 | ESP-RPA
This is about how to fix An update is required to continue Please restart Fortnite to download the latest patch PS5 | ESP-RPA update available fortnite error code.
Here i get this new update chapter 5 season 2 and which is released on april 2024.
But this solucion may be not working for windows pc,xbox 1 or xbox one and xbox series s.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to cara mengatasi,hatası cozümü,en español,français,em português,deutsch,o'que fazer,que hacer,brasil,oq fazer and que es languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to play the fortnite in my ps5 :
Update Available
An update is required to continue.Please restart Fortnite to download the latest patch.
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About this error
00:27 : What is this?
00:42 : Force close
00:50 : Solution
01:21 : Outro
How to solve update available fortnite glitch :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why does it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This bug only occurs to you,if you try to open the fortnite game screen during the new update notification.
3.Otherwise if you try to open this fortnite during updating process,it shows same message.
4.So anyway if you like to fix it,first of all force close this game from your ps5 or ps4.
5.And goto settings - Users and Accounts - Other - Restore Licenses.
6.And finally click to "Restore".
7.So after you done this processess,and again try to update your fortnite.
8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#fortnite #updateavailable #anupdateisrequiredtocontinue #pleaserestartfortnite #error #fix #ps5 #ps4 #pc #xbox #xboxone #chapter5 #season2
This tutorial is about how to delete linkedin account permanently - deactivate linkedin profile.
At same time if you want to turn off your profile for temporarily,just press "Hibernate account".
But if you have a premium profile,first of all change it to basic one.
For app user's just press that profile picture icon and goto settings - Account preferences - Account management.
Once you delete your account all of your industry person contact is also removed from google search.
Always use 2023 released new update of app on your android mobile and ios iphone.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google App :
how to remove linkedin account completely :
1.One of my subscriber ask how do i deactivate the profile in linkedin?.
2.Here i show the steps for desktop user as well as mobile app user's from the start over to end.
3.So first if you have a laptop or pc just click to access this linkedin website.
4.And complete your login processes,but without login is not possible.
5.In home page section you can press that down arrow mark.
6.And goto settings & privacy - Account preferences - Account management.
7.Finally you can press "Close account".
8.And some time they ask for why you're closing your account,so you can select any one of the reason.
9.And click to "Next".
10.One more time they ask for your password and this is for verification process.
11.And finally press "Close account".
12.If you press that option,your profile is permanently deleted.
13.But if you forgot password and email just reset it,before doing this method.
#deletelinkedinaccount #closelinkedinaccountpermanently #deactivatelinkedinaccount
This tutorial is about how to fix invalid session try restarting your game minecraft.
Here i get this error message in my xiaomi mi 11i 4g android mobile and which is have the operating system of 2023 released miui 13.
But this trick not works on ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This same error may be occurs in minecraft aternos,realms,lunar client and minecraft bedrock edition.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to como resolver,hatası çözümü,cara mengatasi and some other languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the minecraft pe :
Invalid session (Try restarting your game)
And also this "Marketplace" option is greyed out.
►►How To See Archived Posts On Instagram :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
How to solve failed to login invalid session (try restarting your game) minecraft error tlauncher :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This same problem also occurs on nintendo switch,ps4 and windows pc.
3.But this solution only works for android mobile user's.
4.So anyway if you like to fix this issue,first of all check your mobile data connection as well as wifi connection.
5.And one time clear that minecraft app data's.
6.So after you done this processes and then try to access this minecraft pocket edition.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#minecraft #invalidsessiontryrestartingyourgame #marketplace
This tutorial is about how to turn off low data mode in iphone.
In bottom of this option it shows "Low Data Mode helps reduce your iPhone data usage over your mobile network or specific Wi-Fi networks you select.
When Low Data Mode is turned on,automatic updates and background tasks,such as Photos syncing,are paused".
Here i get this error message in my iphone se and which is have the operating system of 2022 released ios 14.5.
At same time this trick also works on ios 12,ios 13,ios 14 and ios 14.5.1 based ipad devices.
Some other working iphone models are iphone 6,6 plus,iphone 7,iphone 8,8 plus,iphone 10,iphone 11,11 pro max,iphone xr,iphone x,xs max and iphone 12.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to update the apps in app store :
Low Data Mode Is On
Do you still want to update Facebook? The update size is 106 MB.
Cancel Update
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Make Instagram Account To Private In iPhone :
►How To Check Your Iphone Warranty Details :
How to stop low data mode on iphone :
1.Some user's are ask this feature is good or bad?.
2.And how to fix this setting automatically keeps turning on?.
3.So if you want to deactivate this feature just goto settings.
4.And then click to access wifi settings.
5.Here you can press that i mentioned icon,and scroll down.
6.Finally click to disable this "Low data mode" option.
7.So if this option is always turn on,may be if your friend using your hotspot they won't able to download large files.
8.So finally this low data mode won't turn off problem is fixed.
#lowdatamode #turnofflowdatamode #lowdatamodeiphone
This tutorial is about how to fix the media could not be played twitter or videos not playing issue.
Here i get this issue in my windows 10 pc.
At same time this solucion also works for windows 7,windows 8 and upcoming win 11.
But if you use this twitter in your mobile,just install the 2023 released new update.
Because this same error may be occurs in android mobile and ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to play the twitter videos in my google chrome browser :
The media could not be played.
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►How To Uninstall Apps From Microsoft Store :
►How To Hide Your Last Seen In Truecaller App :
How to solve media could not be played on twitter :
1.One of my subscriber ask why twitter video not playing over wifi?.
2.My guessing is if may be your broadband not working or lost their signal it shows this kind of message.
3.So only way to fix this error is just one time clear browser data's.
4.And here i show the steps for chrome as well as microsoft edge user's.
5.But if you have a opera,safari and firefox,also you can try this same method.
6.Once restart your windows pc,finally that problem is fixed.
#mediacouldnotbeplayed #twittervideonotplaying #twittermediacouldnotbeplayed
This tutorial is about how to see archived posts on instagram or how to archive instagram post and how we get back the archived posts from insta.
Here i show the steps by using my xiaomi mi 11i android mobile.
At same time this solution works for all android devices like samsung,oppo,vivo,poco,realme,one plus and mi phone.
But if you have a ios based iphone and ipad devices,also you can try this method.
Before going to do this process,first of all check it if your insta app is updated to the 2023 released latest version or not.
Because this trick only works on new update of instagram app.
And mac laptop user's are also try this method and this is one and only way to get back your archived post.
But there is not possible to see other peoples archived posts.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
►►How To Enable Dark Mode On Instagram PC :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
How to bring back archived pictures on instagram :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,where to find/view the archive post from instagram?.
2.So before going to recover your archived posts,first of all i show the steps to hide the photos and videos.
3.So just access one of the post and press that vertical three dots icon.
4.And then you get the one option called "Archive",just tap on it.
5.Now you can goto your profile section,here it not showing that image file.
6.So anyway if you like to unarchive that post,just press that horizontal three lines icon.
7.And goto "Archive".
8.So here you can press "Stories archive",and then change to "Posts archive".
9.And it shows your all public post,so you can click to open any one of them.
10.So finally you can click to "Show on profile" or undo.
11.And then check it,if that picture is visible in your news feed section or not.
12.Same way you can see your hided story via instagram website or web mode on your pc or computer.
13.But this is only works after posting the reels or photos in instagram.
#getbackarchivedposts #seeinstagramarchivephotos #findarchivedposts
This tutorial is about what to do if instagram says sorry there was a problem with your request.
Here i show the steps by using my iphone se and which is have the operating system of 2023 released ios 15.4.
This solution also works on android mobile and ipad devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my instagram account :
Sorry,there was a problem with your request.
►►How To See Your Liked Instagram Posts :
►►How To Delete Purchase History In iPhone App Store :
►►Fix Telegram Files Not Showing In Gallery Issue :
How to solve instagram login error sorry there was a problem with your request :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what does it mean when instagram says this kind of message?.
2.And why does this issue happening?.
3.So my guessing is this is occurs if you enter the wrong username and password in continuously.
4.First time they showing incorrect details,but if you try in continuously finally they saying this kind of message.
5.Once you get this notification,don't try to clear your insta app data.
6.So otherwise you can log into instagram by simply press the "Login with link" option.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
8.This is one and only way to fix this error.
#sorrytherewasaproblem #withyourrequest #instagramloginerror
This tutorial is about how to change username on truecaller.
This is 2023 released trick and works for all android mobile devices,ios iphone and jio phone also.
But there is no possible to edit the landline number of others.
For everyone you can edit your own database and put any another number as on same application.
This english youtube video also available in tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,kannada and malayalam.
►How To Remove Suggested Groups,Pages In Facebook :
►How To Send High Quality Images And Videos On Whatsapp :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Your Google Maps :
how to change name in truecaller for dual sim :
1.If you have the doubt about,how to rename my true caller id and profile picture just follow me friends.
2.Also delete your old profile pic and set it to new one.
3.But it is only works if you already complete the registration process.
4.Same way you can do this method by without app is used.
5.Which means that just go online in your pc and follow same tips.
6.Just open that app and goto setting and press "Edit profile".
7.Finally i get the photo changing settings,here remove your photo in permanently.
8.Now choose it from your gallery and don't forget to save all the changes.
#truecallernamechange #changetruecallerphoto #changenameontruecaller
This tutorial is about how to fix please exit any apps that might be drawing over the screen and try again google pay.
This solution is 2022 released and works for all android mobile devices.
Some working models are vivo,oppo,oppo a37,mi phone,oneplus and realme.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to make a payment in gpay :
Please exit any apps that might be drawing over the screen and try again.
Looks like another app is blocking access to Google Pay.Turn off any apps that might be drawing over the screen and try again.
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
How to solve looks like another app is blocking access to google pay :
1.First method i show the steps for redmi phone user.
2.And the second method is for samsung mobile user.
3.So if you get this issue first of all disable all display over the apps.
4.And the restart your device.
5.So if you follow this simple step,your problem is solved in permanently.
#googlepay #pleaseexitanyapps #drawingoverthescreengooglepay
This tutorial is about how to remove multiple contacts in iphone all at once bulk.
Here i show the steps by using my 2022 released iPhone se and it has the operating system of ios 14.
And some ios 14 based devices are iphone 10,iphone 11,iphone 11 pro max,iphone x,iphone xr,iphone 12 and xs max.
And also works on ios 13 os,some working models are iphone 4s,iphone 5s,iphone 6s,6s plus,iphone 7,7 plus,iphone 8,8 plus and ipad.
But if you link your gmail contact or outlook contact,first of all fast clear that entire list from your account.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Turn off Auto Brightness In Iphone :
►How To Make Your Twitter Account To Private :
how to delete all contacts from iphone without icloud :
1.If you like to erase your duplicate and favorite also just use this method.
2.But this trick not working by without app,which means that you can install that i mentioned one application from app store.
3.After the installation is completed,just click to open it.
4.And it ask for contact access permission,so you can click to allow this app.
5.Also if you like to backup your phone contact before deleting,just use that backup setting.
6.Because after you clear your sim card contact also,there is no possible to get the recovery options.
7.So any once you open this app,and goto "My contacts".
8.Here it shows my all contact list,if you like to remove it,just select one contact and then press "All" option.
9.Finally in bottom it has the option called "Delete",so simply select it.
10.Now all your contacts are deleted in permanently.
#deleteiphonecontacts #deletemultiplecontacts #removecontact
How To Fix vanguard not initialized valorant error code 57 & error 128 ✔ valorant riot vanguard has not been initialized windows 10/11.
Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc.
At same time this method also works on windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 based platform.
Some laptop working models are asus,acer,hp,dell and microsoft.
If you follow this solution,in future it not showing both the error code like error code 57 and error 128.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to حل مشكلة,kaise kare hindi,cara mengatasi,lỗi and hatası cozümü languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to play the riot client valorant :
Vanguard Anti-Cheat has not been initialized.If this is your first time playing you will need to reboot your computer to continue.
If you see this message frequently you may need to update your drivers.
Error Details: Error Code: 57
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:12 : About This Error Message
00:35 : Again Try To Launch
00:51 : Solution
02:13 : One More Time Try To Launching The Game
02:27 : Outro
#vanguardnotinitialized #errorcode57 #errorcode128
How to solve vanguard not initialized valorant incompatible software :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why does valorant say this kind of message?.
2.So my answer is this is occurs due to vgc or vanguard service not working properly.
3.So anyway if you like to fix this issue,just force stop all the riot client related processess from your task manager.
4.And execute i mentioned two commands,and also delete that valorant installation folder.
5.Finally you can click to uninstall riot vanguard app.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
This tutorial is about how to fix syncing game progress with play games keeps popping up.
This 2023 released solution works for all android mobile devices like samsung,oppo,vivo,realme,oneplus,xiaomi redmi or mi phone.
If may be this message won't stop or won't go away just comment to me.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to tab my android mobile notification panel :
Syncing games progress with Play Games.
►►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp :
How to solve syncing game progress with play games stuck :
1.One of my subscriber ask why it shows this kind of message while i try to install or uninstall the apps from google play store?.
2.So very simple method to fix this error is,just open your google play games app.
3.And goto settings.
4.Finally click to "Delete Play Games account & data".
5.If may be this first method not working for you,just open your settings.
6.And goto Apps - Google Play Games.
7.And finally click to turn off "Show notifications".
8.Once you disable this option,finally this notification problem is solved in permanently.
#syncinggamesprogress #syncinggameprogresswithplaygames #notification
how to fix roblox same account launched experience from different device code 264,or roblox same account launched game from different device.
This problem mainly occurred if you try to play the blox fruit,ncraft,glitch and gpo game server.
Here i using the 2023 released roblox mobile app,but in future 2024 if they release any new update some setting location may be varying.
But if you get this error on mac and ios based iphone,ipad devices also you can try this method.
If you change the password one roblox account is banned and remain one will work.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to حل مشكله,hatası cozümü,แปลว่าอะไร, and cara mengatasi languages.
Today i get the following one bug report while i try to play the one roblox game server :
Same account launched experience from different device.Reconnect if you prefer to use this device.
Error code: 273
Leave Reconnect
?SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
How to solve same account launched experience from different device connect if you prefer to use this device :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs if your account was used on two devices at a time.
3.So if you like to fix this issue,just one time reset your roblox account password.
4.And also clear that roblox app data's.
5.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#sameaccountlaunchedexperience #roblox #errorcode273
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to update my microsoft store apps :
Something unexpected happened
Reporting this problem will help us understand it better.You can wait a bit and try again or restart your device.
That may help.
Error code : 0x80072f8f
This tutorial is about how to fix something unexpected happened code 0x803fb005 and not working.
Always check if you install the 2022 released new update on your windows 10 pro or windows 10 home.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Uninstall Microsoft Edge Browser From Windows 10 :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Android :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
how to fix microsoft store not installing apps :
1.Some user's are ask why my store not downloading apps?.
2.So if you like to solve this issue just follow me friends.
3.Just open your settings and goto "Apps" category.
4.Here you can locate that "Microsoft Store" and simply click on it.
5.Now you can goto "Advanced options".
6.Finally once reset this store app.
7.After the restarting is completed now you can try to update your all apps.
8.I hope this time all your apps are starts to updating.
#notupdatingapps #microsoftstore #error
This tutorial is about how to fix error code 268 roblox you have been kicked due to unexpected client behaviour.
Always use 2023 released new update of roblox studio on your device.
But this trick may be not working for ios based iphone,ipad and android mobile also.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,español,как исправить,çözümü,como solucionar and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to join the one roblox server in windows 10 pc :
You have been kicked due to unexpected client behavior.
Error Code: 268
►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
How to solve error code 268 kicked out of server in roblox :
1.One of my subscriber ask why this issue happening and what is the meaning of this error?.
2.And this solution also works for windows 8.1,windows 8 and win 7 based computer or laptop.
3.So very simple method to fix this error is,just delete that i mentioned files from roblox folder.
4.And also change your dns address to manually.
5.If may be this trick not works for you,just delete that roblox folder in completely.
6.And then one time download and install that same roblox player.
7.Finally this problem is solved.
#errorcode268roblox #youhavebeenkicked #duetounexpectedclientbehavior
Here i use the 2021 released mobile app,but if they release new update in 2022 the options not changing.
If you are using ios iphone,some setting location may varrying.
This english subtitle video common for following languages are tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam.
►How To Install Apps On Your Samsung Smart Tv :
►How To Make Group Video Call In Google Duo :
►How To Turn On Dark Mode In Twitter Android :
how to erase local search history on flipkart :
1.Long time i have the one doubt about,how can i remove my order history?.
2.But there is no possible friend,because it is maintain by flipkart team.
3.So why we do this process?.
4.Because based on this recent view browsing data's they provide the recommend products.
5.And this is not relevant to me.
6.So i want to delete my entire histories by using android phone.
7.Just long press that app icon and then goto "App info".
8.In this setting section,simply you can press "Clear all data".
9.And once restart this application and then complete login processes.
#deleteflipkartsearchhistory #clearorderhistory #flipkartapp
This tutorial is about how to fix facebook session expired please login again and someone tried to log into my facebook problem.
Always use 2023 released new update of facebook app on your device.
This solution also works for ios based iphone,ipad and desktop user's.
But my suggestion is once you receive this notification you can change your old password to new one.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala,tagalog,cara mengatasi,hatası çözümü and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to tab my android mobile notification panel :
Someone tried to access your Facebook account.
Session Expired
Please log in again.
Check the login details shown.Was it you?
We noticed a login from a browser,device or location you don't usually use,so we've locked your account to help keep it safe.Learn more
Only choose "Yes" if you're sure you recognize the login details shown here.
See IP address
No Yes
►►How To See Your Liked Instagram Posts :
►►How To Link Bank Account With Whatsapp :
►►How To Delete Amazon Search History On Mobile :
How to solve facebook we noticed an unusual login from a device or location :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.If i try to tab that "someone trying to log into my facebook account" notification shows session expired message.
4.But one more time if you try to sign in your fb profile,it shows that unusual login activity message.
5.So here if you press "No" option,it ask for the new password.
6.Which means that you can create your new facebook account password.
7.So otherwise if you press "Yes" option,now your facebook profile is opening.
8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#someonetriedtoaccessyourfacebookaccount #sessionexpiredfacebook #checkthelogindetailsshownwasityou
How To Fix something went wrong google pay problem | Gpay error something went wrong in tamil and malayalam
But this issue not occurs if you using the google pay lite feature.
This solution works for all android mobile devices,but if you using the ios based iphone or ipad don't try this method.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the google pay contact :
Something went wrong!
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About Error Message
00:21 : Reason For This Error Message
01:14 : Reset Mobile Data Network
01:28 : Clear Gpay App Data
02:12 : Google Pay App Setup
03:04 : Outro
#googlepay #somethingwentwrong #gpay
How to solve google pay me something went wrong please try again problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why google pay showing this kind of message and what is the meaning?.
2.This is occurs for two possible reasons.
3.One is if your mobile data or wifi network not working properly,it shows this kind of message.
4.And the another one of the reason is,due to gpay app data's.
5.So if you like to fix it,just one time clear that gpay app data.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
This video is about how to fix windows 11/10 security error page not available your IT administrator has limited access to some areas of this app in tamil,hindi and malayalam.
Here i have a 2024 released 23h2 update in my windows 11.
At same time this solution also works on windows 10 based 22h2 update.
And this trick works also for windows pro and home based pc and laptop.
But if you install the any third party software,there is no possible to turn on the "Virus and threat protection".
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to opening the windows security in my windows 11 laptop :
Page not available
Your IT administrator has limited access to some areas of this app, and the item you tried to access is not available.
Contact IT helpdesk for more information.
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About this error message
00:28 : Reset windows security
00:59 : Command prompt
01:33 : Run security health
02:11 : Again try to access windows security
02:24 : Another method
02:48 : Outro
How to solve windows security not working :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,when i try to access the virus & threat protection, why it shows this kind of message?.
2.And what is the meaning of this issue?.
3.So if you like to fix it,just one time reset that windows security settings.
4.Otherwise if you have a windows defender,just reset it.
5.And then execute i mentioned two commands.
6.And also don't forget to restart your windows platform.
7.So i hope after the restarting is completed,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#windowssecurity #windows10 #windows11 #pagenotavailable
This tutorial is about how to fix sorry it's taking this long or validate mobile number in phonepe.
This 2023 released solution also works on ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to activate my phonepe upi id :
Sorry its taking this long
Sometimes the SMS you just sent takes time to reach us.
You can come back later to complete the registration or try to send another SMS now.
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Play Store :
How to solve we need to send an sms from to fetch your linked bank account :
1.One of my subscriber ask what is the meaning of this issue and why this happening?.
2.My point of view may be your mobile not have a proper network signal.
3.Otherwise your linked bank account server is down.
4.So first of all clear that phonepe app data's.
5.And also unlink your bank account.
6.One time restart your android mobile.
7.After the restarting is completed,that problem is fixed.
#validatemobilenumber #sorryitstakingthislong #phonepe
This tutorial is about how to fix we are unable to process your request please try later yono sbi lite.
Here i using the 2023 released YONO SBI Mobile Banking app on my android mobile.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my sbi yono lite app :
We are unable to process your request.Please try after some time.
We are having technical issue.Please try again later.
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Get 3D Animals In Google Search :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Play Store :
How to solve sorry due to technical problems we are unable to process your request :
1.If you get this issue first of all clear that yono sbi lite app data's.
2.But don't use sbi anywhere app in your device.
3.Most of the time this is occurs due to the sbi server down.
4.Otherwise if you want to transfer the money in immediately,just use sbi internet banking.
5.Because there is no way to fix this problem.
6.And this is my one of the best suggestion.
#weareunabletoprocessyourrequest #pleasetrylateryonosbi #yonolitesbi
This tutorial is about how to disable comments on tik tok.
The old musically new update is now called as tik tok and it has lots of features in 2023.
But if you like to receive the comment from tiktok just click to enable it.
This trick works for all android mobile and ios iphone also.
This youtube video also available in tamil,hindi kaise kare,telugu and malayalam.
►How To Make Reverse Tik Tok Videos :
►How To Hide Last Seen In Truecaller App :
►How To Turn off Suggested Groups,Pages In Facebook :
how to turn off tik tok notifications :
1.Long time i have the one doubt,about how do i delete others comments on tik tok.
2.But today i get the answer to stop my all ads and notification from tick tock.
3.Just open your tik tok app and then complete login or sign up processes.
4.Then press that person and then one more time press line icon.
5.Here you can goto "Privacy and safety" settings section.
6.Now locate the option called "Who can send me comments" and then click to disable or switch off it.
7.Once you disabled this setting you won't get any popup messages during videos playing.
#tiktokcommentdelete #disabletiktoknotifications #turnoffcommentsontiktok
This tutorial is about how to fix can't read from the source file or disk.
This error is some time occurrs when deleting any file from usb flash drive or any other external source.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,cara mengatasi and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to copying the files from my sd card to external hard drive :
Interrupted Action
Can't read from the source file or disk.
Try Again Skip Cancel.
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
How to solve cannot read from the source file or disk :
1.Here i get this issue in my windows 10 pc when copying my ios iphone file.
2.At same time this problem also occurrs on android phone or dvd pst.
3.But if you have the windows 7,windows 8 or windows 8.1 computer also you can try this method.
4.This solution 2022 released,so if may be not works just comment to me.
5.If you follow this simple step,your problem is fixed.
#interruptedaction #cannotreadfromthesourcefileordisk #windows10interruptedaction
This tutorial is about how to fix we couldn't connect to instagram. make sure you're connected to the internet and try again.
Always use 2023 released new update of insta app on your android mobile or ios iphone.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my instagram account :
We couldn't connect to Instagram. Make sure you're connected to the internet and try again.
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Make Your Twitter Account To Private :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Chrome Pc :
How to solve we could not connect to instagram :
1.Here i get this issue in my windows 10 pc.
2.At same time this trick also works on windows 7,windows 8 and win 8.1.
3.Only way to fix this issue is just send the request message to instagram team.
4.Once they verify your details,finally this problem is fixed.
#instagramloginerror #instagramloginproblem #wecouldnotconnecttoinstagram
This tutorial is about how to solve otp not receiving and there was a problem in setting.
Some time this tips not working while verifying upi pin number on root device.
If your otp not coming or it shows waiting for sms error notification just clear data from this app.
This trick is 2022 released and works for all phone devices and ios iphone also.
This video also available in tamil,hindi kaise kare,telugu and malayalam.
►How To Disable Comments On Your Tik Tok Videos :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Maps :
►How To Turn Off Google Chrome Notifications :
how to fix unable to find bank account in google pay :
1.When i try to register tez app,but it could not verify and i didn't receive verification sms.
2.So how to restore bank account in your application.
3.Once you complete this registration process you can easily active account.
4.Because this restoring steps are needed to transfer the money using upi pin number.
5.Just open android mobile settings and then reset your mobile network setting.
6.Also click to enable all the permission.
7.By use this way you can easily bypass sign up failed problem.
8.Finally all the details are registered successfully via received one time password.
#googlepayotpproblem #googlepayotpnotreceiving #fixotpnotcoming
This tutorial is about how to fix minecraft error failed to login null failed to connect to the server.
Here i get this error message in 2023 released minecraft java edition on my windows 10 pc.
At same time this solution works for all windows platform like windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 also.
But most of the time this is only occurs on older version of minecraft 1.19,in single player.
This same issue also works on following servers like lunar client,realms,after migration,hamachi,aternos and hypixel.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to jak naprawić błąd,hatası çözümü,deutsch,español and cara mengatasi languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to join the one server in minecraft launcher :
Minecraft 1.19.3
Failed to connect to the server
Failed to log in: null
Back to Server List
►►How To Change Your Name In Truecaller :
►►How To Make Your Twitter Account To Private :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
How to solve failed to connect to the server minecraft tlauncher :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what does it mean and what to do if it says this kind of message?.
2.So first you can click to access that microsoft official website link.
3.And select "Xbox one/Windows 10 online safety".
4.Now you can check it,if all the options are allowed or not.
5.So next you can access that same microsoft website.
6.Here you can goto account section.
7.And then check it,if your age is set to above 13 or not.
8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#minecraft #failedtoconnecttotheserver #failedtologinnull #minecraftfailedtoconnecttotheserver #minecraftfailedtologinnull
This tutorial is about how to fix there was unusual login activity on your account - incorrect please try again twitter.
In july 2023 i upload the same video for pc user's.
Always use new update of twitter mobile app on your device.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my twitter account :
There was unusual login activity on your account. To help keep your account safe,please enter your phone number or username to verify it's you.
Incorrect.Please try again.
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►How To Link Your Bank Account For Whatsapp Payment :
How to solve twitter login problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask why this error happening and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This type of errors are occurring due to the multiple login devices.
3.So only way to fix this error is,just one time reset your twitter account password.
4.After you done this processes,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
5.Here i show the steps by using my samsung galaxy m30s android mobile.
6.At same time this solution also works for ios based iphone and ipad devices.
#incorrectpleasetryagain #twitter #therewasunusualloginactivity
This tutorial is about how to fix steam is having trouble connecting to the steam servers.
Always check if you use the 2023 released new update of steam or not.
But this method not working for mac platforms like macbook,macbook pro and ios also.
At same time if you have a linux and ubuntu os,don't try this method.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,cara mengatasi and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login the steam in windows 10 pc :
Steam - Warning
Steam is having trouble connecting to the Steam servers.
Troubleshooting tips
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►How To Check iPhone Warranty Details :
How to solve steam warning steam is having trouble connecting :
1.One of my subscriber ask why this error occurs and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.My point of view this is happening due to the network connection.
3.So just change your dns address to manually.
4.And also execute i mentioned commands on your command prompt.
5.Finally one time disable and enable your network adapter.
6.Once you done this processes,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#steamishavingtrouble #connectingtothesteamservers #mac
This tutorial is about how to create and use private account on tik tok.
This hidden features 2023 released and works for all android mobile and ios iphone also.
But you doesn't view or open your tik tok videos on your pc or laptop.
If once you set this option to deactivate status my tik tok account not private.
This new update is only working if you upgrade old musically into new tiktok.
This youtube video also available in tamil,hindi kaise banaye,telugu and malayalam.
►How To Add Instagram and Youtube Channel Link On Tik Tok :
►How To Hide Last Seen On Truecaller App :
►How To Change Your Tik Tok Username :
how do you make your account private on tik tok :
1.But once you activate this option there is no possible to see the other person profile id picture also.
2.Just open your tick tock app and then complete login or sign up processes.
3.Then press that person icon,here also press that horizontal icon for accessing the setting.
4.Now it shows lots of options,but you can goto "Privacy and safety" settings.
5.Here you can click to enable this option "Private account".
6.Same way you can click to disable one more option called "Allow others to find me".
7.This tricks will help you to users will not receive suggestions to follow you and prevent duet from video.
#tiktokprivacy #tiktokprivateaccount #tiktoksettings
This tutorial is about how to fix instagram please wait a few minutes before you try again problem.
This solution works for all android mobile devices like samsung,oppo,vivo,oneplus,xiaomi redmi or mi phone and realme.
But this method may be not working on ios based iphone,ipad and laptop or pc.
Always use 2023 released new update of app on your device.
Once you install this app just enter your email id or phone number along with your password,finally your profile is ready to use.
If you forgot your password,just change it by verify the email address or mobile number.
At same time if you likes post in continuously some time they show this kind of message.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my instagram account :
Please wait a few minutes before you try again.
►►Fix Telegram Files Not Showing In File Manager Issue :
►►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
How to solve instagram please wait a few minutes before trying again. status fail :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why does this insta showing this kind of message and what is the meaning of this error?.
2.So i decide to access this same instagram website in chrome browser.
3.But this instagram is opening on my browser,so the problem is with this instagram app.
4.So if you want to fix this issue,just one time clear this insta app data's.
5.And also install that i mentioned one app from play store.
6.Finally try to connect this app with your device.
7.So i hope,if you follow this simple step,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#pleasewaitafewminutes #beforeyoutryagain #instagramloginerror
This tutorial is about how to fix snapchat login problem due to repeated failed login attempts or other suspicious activity.
Always use 2023 released new update of app on your android mobile and ios iphone devices.
If you want to change the old password to new one,just press "Forgot password" option and then create the new one.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to sign in my snapchat account :
Due to repeated failed login attempts or other suspicious activity,login for your account is temporarily disabled.
Please try again later.
Forgot your password?
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
►How To Enable Data Saver In Facebook :
How to solve snapchat suspicious login problem :
1.If you want to unlock your temporarily locked snapchat profile just follow this few steps.
2.Only way to fix this issue is just send the request message to snapchat support team.
3.And don't forget to put your username,phone number or email address.
4.Because if you not give any email id,you won't get the reply message from this snapchat team.
5.Once they verify your identity,your account is automatically activate it.
6.And this is one and only method to bypass this issue.
#failedloginattemptssnapchat #loginproblem #temporarilydisabled
This tutorial is about how to fix file manager permission to operate sd card.
If you no give any permission your storage is denied,so you can must allow this required field.
This trick works for following xiaomi devices are redmi 3i,redmi 4,redmi 4a,redmi xt,redmi 5a,redmi y1,redmi note 4,redmi note 5 and mi a1.
►How To Remove Lock Screen In Xiaomi Redmi :
►How To Install Apps On Samsung Smart Tv :
►How To Create A Group In Gmail :
how to solve mi file manager not opening problem :
1.In previously i using the miui 10 update,but after update the miui 11 my app icon is missing from my home screen.
2.Also my sd card not detected,at same time i access the images and video files via internal storage.
3.So why it can't work?.
4.My suggestion is just click to allow all the permissions from this file manager application.
5.By simply open your android mobile settings and goto "Apps" section and then select "Manage apps".
6.Here you can locate that app and click to open it.
7.Now in this setting section you can goto "Notifications" and enable "Show app icon badges".
8.Also give the permission for contact and storage options.
9.Finally click to delete that app data's and don't forget to restart your redmi phone.
#filemanagerpermission #redmisdcardproblem #appiconmissing
Why it shows sorry the credentials you are using are invalid or have not been stored for offline use in epic games?
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my epic games launcher account :
Sorry the credentials you are using are invalid or have not been stored for offline use.
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
►How To Disable Chrome Notifications On Pc :
This tutorial is about what to do if fortnite says sorry the credentials you are using are invalid.
This same error is also occurred on android mobile,ios iphone,ipad,ps4 and xbox devices.
But this method not working on that devices,but my suggestion is always use 2022 released update to avoid this kind of problems.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
How to solve epic games login problem :
1.Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc.
2.At same time this trick works for all windows versions like windows 7,windows 8 and 8.1.
3.Very simple method to fix this issue is just locate that installation folder.
4.And goto Saved - Webcache.
5.Finally click to delete all the files and folders from this webcache folder.
6.If you get sign in failed error,just login your account by using with facebook account details.
7.Once you follow this simple step,that error message is fixed.
8.And your epic games store is ready to download the games like gta 5,rocket league and fortnite.
#loginproblem #epicgames #sorrythecredentials
the default gateway is not available windows 10-fix default gateway is not available in windows 7-ethernet connection-wifi-error.
I get the following error message,while try to troubleshooting my windows laptop :
The default gateway is not available.
This trick also works on windows 8,windows 8.1 operating systems and this is 2022 released method.
So don't worry about 64 bit or 32 bit operating systems and if the issue is again and again keeps happening once unplug your network cables and again plug it.
►How to clear history on instagram :
►How to hide add friend button on facebook :
►How to change d-link wifi router password & username :
how to fix default gateway is not available windows 10 :
1.Simple way to fix the error is once reset your wifi or ethernet adapter.
2.By right click on your network icon and select "Open Network and Sharing Center".
3.In this section you can goto "Change adapter settings".
4.Here it shows your ethernet connection adapter or wifi adapter and select it.
5.Then right click on it and choose "Disable" and wait for sometime.
6.After the sometime again try to enable it.
7.This is the way you can easily fix the default gateway is not available problem in windows 7.
This tutorial is about how to update manually genshin impact on pc 2.2.
This 2023 released new update have the size of nearly 5gb.
But here i try to update the genshin impact from 2.1 to 2.2.
Same way you can do this process on your mac laptop,ps4,ps5 and android mobile.
During updating process,if your pc lost their internet connection,it starts with redownloading.
Once the update process is completed,it automatically starts to install it.
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Instagram PC :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
how to update genshin impact in pc :
1.One of my subscriber ask how do you manually update the genshin impact by without launcher?.
2.Here i show the steps by using my windows 10 pc.
3.At same time this latest version also available for windows 8,win 8.1 and windows 11.
4.But if your computer have low end specification,don't try to download this new update 2.2.
5.So you can use manual downloading process,to get the older version of 2.0 or 1.6.
#updategenshinimpact #genshinimpact #manuallyupdategenshinimpact
Fix my hero ultra rumble there is a discrepancy with the server time. please check your time settings and reconnect pc,nintendo switch,ps5,ps4 and xbox
Here i try to play this game via steam launcher.
But this solution not working for ps4,sony ps5,xbox and nintendo switch.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to play the my hero ultra rumble :
There is a discrepancy with the server time.Please check your time settings and reconnect.
#servertime #fix #myheroultrarumble
How to solve my hero ultra rumble error server time :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is only occurs due to incorrect date and time settings.
3.And here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc.
4.So anyway if you like to fix it,just right click on your date and time and goto "Adjust date/time".
5.Now you can tick to enable "Set time automatically".
6.And also check your time zone.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
☑️SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
I get the following error notifications while try to change my profile name within 30 days :
Username needs to be between 2 to 24 characters without special characters.Please try again Got it.
This username has been taken.
This tutorials will solve your all tiktok related problems.
This is 2022 released feature and works for all android mobile and ios iphone also.
This app songs and music is available on tamil,hindi,telugu and malayalam.
Always use private account,because this is very safe one.
Exact meaning is you can do after the few months later.
►How To Turn On Dark Mode On Twitter For Android Mobile :
►How To Turn Off Suggested Groups,Pages In Facebook :
►How To Read Web Pages Offline With Chrome :
How to fix this username is taken problem :
1.Just open that tik tok app and then press "Edit profile".
2.Now in this settings section you can type your new names.
3.But my suggestion is there is no possible to add it,before that particular days.
4.Also update old musically into tick tock application.
5.Any other tricks is not available for without waiting 30 days.
#changetiktokusername #usernameistaken #tiktoknameedit
This tutorial is about how to stop whatsapp checking for new messages.
And this error is occurring on both wifi connection as well as data connections.
This solution is 2023 released and may be works in ios iphone and ipad devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
When i try to tab my android mobile notification panel it showing one notification :
Checking for new messages.
But no message is received.
►How To Add Your Bank Account In Whatsapp :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
How to hide whatsapp notifications :
1.One of my subscriber ask why does my whatsapp say this error?.
2.And what is the meaning of this issue?.
3.So if your whatsapp friend may be send the any photos or videos,
4.that file preview is not working,at that time my whatsapp is stuck.
5.So if you want to fix this problem just long press on that whatsapp messenger app icon.
6.And then goto App info - Notifications.
7.Here you can click to disable "Other notifications".
8.Finally the problem is fixed.
#checkingfornewmessages #whatsappcheckingfornewmessages #stopwhatsappnotification
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the one website via my mozilla firefox :
Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead
Your computer clock is set to today's date.Make sure your computer is set to the correct date,time and time zone in your system settings and then refresh this page.
Accept the Risk and Continue.
This tutorial is about how to turn off sec error expired certificate.
This problem is mainly occurred in india and the hindi persons,and cara mengatasi indonesian.
►How To Remove Facebook Account From Instagram :
►How To Adjust Sleep Mode In Windows 10 Pc :
►How To Remove Edge Browser :
How to remove this untrusted connection message :
1.My suggestion is don't access this type of websites.
2.Because they steal your informations.
3.And don't use any bypass proxy settings to solve this issue.
4.Another way to fix this error is just disable manual id configuration.
5.And this is not a solution video,just creating the awareness.
#potentialsecurityriskahead #firefoxerrorcode #secerrorexpiredcertificate
This tutorial is about how to check pvc aadhar card print status online.
This new card is launched in middle of 2022.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Uninstall Microsoft Edge From Windows 10 :
►How To Check Your Iphone Warranty Details :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google App :
how to check pvc aadhar update status :
1.If you already apply this new plastic aadhaar card,then how to track delivery status?.
2.But you can check,if you get 28 digit SRN Number from your mobile.
3.At same time if you not received this message,which means that without srn number not able to tracking the live status.
4.Here i show the steps by using my android phone,but also works on ios iphone and desktop user's.
5.So anyway just open your google chrome or any other web browser.
6.And then click to access that aadhar official website.
7.Here you can press this link "Check Aadhaar PVC Card Status".
8.And then enter your srn number as well as your aadhar card number.
9.Finally you can press "Check Status".
10.Now it shows my reprint status and the message is "Request Processed and Sent for Printing".
#trackpvcaadharcard #checkpvcaadharcardstatus #srnnumber
This tutorial is about how to fix fifa 23 not launching on windows pc or launching game stuck problem in steam and origin.
Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc.
At same time this 2023 released solution also works on windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 based platforms.
But this method not working for ios,android based mobile device,ps5 and xbox one.
If you play this fifa 23 via origin or steam launcher,also you can try this same method.
This loading screen problem mostly occurs after update your fifa to new version.
After you tried these methods,if may be it not opening or it can't start just comment to me.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to sorunu,hatası çözümü and cara mengatasi languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to launch the fifa 23 via epic games launcher :
Launching game...
You can double click on game tiles to quickly launch a game.
►►How To Add Song In Facebook Profile :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
►►How To Make Your Twitter Account To Private :
How to solve fifa 23 not launching stuck on splash screen on pc :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why this fifa freeze at load screen or won't launch?.
2.Some time this issues are happening if you not enable the secure boot.
3.So if you like to fix this issue,just force close all the fifa 23 related apps like ea app and epic games launcher.
4.And one time update your ea anti cheat.
5.And also open the ea app and select fifa 23,now you can click on "Manage".
6.And then click to repair your fifa game.
7.Once this repairing process is completed,and then try to play that game.
8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#fifa23 #fifa23notlaunchingpc #fifa23launchinggame
This tutorial is about how to fix bad request error 400 google chrome roblox there was a problem with your request.
Here i get this error message in my windows 11 laptop.
At same time this 2023 released solution works for all windows platforms like windows 10 and windows 7 based pc.
But not working on android mobile,ios based iphone,ipad and mac laptop.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to hatası çözümü,español,como solucionar,türkçe,роблокс and cara mengatasi languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the roblox website in google chrome browser :
Bad Request
400 | There was a problem with your request.
Back Home
►►How To Change Your Name In Truecaller :
►►How To Enable Dark Mode In Instagram PC :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
How to solve bad request error 400 roblox problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs for two possible reasons.
3.One is due to roblox server down or not responding.
4.And the second one of the reason is due to browser caches.
5.So if you using the chrome browser,just goto settings and select "Privacy and security".
6.And then click to clear your data.
7.So same way you can do this process for your mozilla firefox and microsoft edge browser.
#roblox #400 #badrequesterror400 #googlechrome #robloxerror400 #therewasaproblemwithyourrequest
This tutorial is about how to fix we are sorry but you don't have access to classroom.
This 2022 released solution works for all android mobile devices.
But this trick not working in ios iphone and ipad platforms.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the google classroom app :
We are sorry,but you do not have access to Classroom.
Please contact your domain administrator for access.
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
►How To Get 3D Animals In Google Search :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
How to solve google classroom not opening problem :
1.What is the meaning of this error and why this happening?.
2.If you get this issue first of all remove your existing gmail account.
3.And one time restart your phone.
4.After the restarting is completed,just open that classroom app.
5.Now this you can press "Add Account" option and then click to sign in your gmail account.
6.Finally this google classroom login problem is fixed.
#wearesorry #butyoudonothaveaccesstoclassroom #loginproblem
This tutorial is about how to fix memory integrity cannot be turned on/memory integrity is off your device may be vulnerable.
This 2023 released solution also works on windows 11 based laptop and pc.
Some error occurred drivers are xhunter1.sys,tencent,logitech and ftdibus.sys.
If may be again it won't turn on/turn off just comment to me.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and cara mengatasi languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to turn on the memory integrity in my windows 10 pc :
Memory integrity is off.Your device may be vulnerable. Dismiss
Resolve any driver incompatibilities and scan again.
Scan again
Review incompatible drivers
Learn more
Windows Security
Device security
Memory integrity can't be turned on
Try resolving any incompatibilities with your drivers.
Incompatible drivers.
Resolving incompatibilities with these drivers will enable you to turn on Memory integrity.
Learn how to resolve problems with incompatible drivers.
Fuzhou Rockchip
►►How To Create Desktop Shortcut For Microsoft Store Apps :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►►How To Stop Email Notifications From Twitter :
How to solve memory integrity is off your device may be vulnerable page not available :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to incompatible drivers.
3.So if you like to fix this issue,just open your command prompt.
4.But you can run command prompt as administrator mode.
5.And then execute first command to locate your problem occurred drivers.
6.Once you identify the drivers,just execute second one to delete or uninstall that drivers.
7.So once you done this processes and one time restart your windows pc.
8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#memoryintegrityisoff #memoryintegritycannotbeturnedon #windows10
This is about How To Fix Your content has been removed instagram | We Removed Your Content Instagram Problem Solve | Instagram Removed Content.
This solution works for all android mobile as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
Always check if your instagram app is updated to the 2024 released new version or not.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil,kaise thik kare,bangla telugu,kannada,malayalam,sinhala,kya hota hai,hatası cozümü,ko kaise hataye and cara mengatasi languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to upload the one post in my instagram feed section :
We removed your content
You shared this on your profile
See why
Why this happened
It looks like you shared or sent nudity or sexual activity.
Your content goes against our Community Guidelines on nudity or sexual activity.
See rule
What you need to know
Repeatedly breaking our rules can cause more account restrictions.
How we made this decision
Account status
Some of your content was removed
We remove content that may not follow our Community Guidelines and add restrictions to help protect the Instagram community.
What this means
You could lose access to your account or features if you continue to post content that doesn't follow our guidelines.
What you can do
View affected content
Learn about our Community Guidelines
What can't be recommended
Features you can't use
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : Error Message
00:22 : See Why
01:01 : Solution
01:56 : Outro
How to solve instagram me we removed your content problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what does it mean and why this issue happening?.
2.And this is occurs for several reasons.
3.And the first one is if you post the copyright video or image in your instagram account,they immediately delete your content.
4.And sometime they give the copyright strike or community strike for your instagram account.
5.At same time if you post the reels from another insta account,also they remove your audio with reels.
6.So before going to post any content in instagram,just read their terms and conditions.
7.So otherwise if you like to recover your post,you can sent the request review form to this insta support team.
8.So i hope once you submit the request with in 4 days,your problem is solved in permanently.
9.If this trick may be not working for you,just leave a one comments.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#instagram #weremovedyourcontent #instagramremovedcontent #problem #instagramcontent #someofyourcontentwasremoved #yourcontenthasbeenremoved #fix #howto
Fix fortnite successfully logged out relaunch | Ack we got disconnected from fortnite problem solved
This tutorial is about how to fix successfully logged out fortnite | fix login problem.
Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc.
At same time this solution also works on windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 based platforms.
But if you have a mac laptop,don't try this method.Because it not working for you.
For gaming console user's like xbox one,ps4 or ps5 and nintendo switch user's are also don't try this method.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the 2023 released fortnite chapter 3 season 3 via epic games launcher :
Ack! We got disconnected from Fortnite.Sorry about that.Make sure your internet connection is still good and try again.
Connection to the server failed.
►►How To See Your Liked Instagram Posts :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
How to solve fortnite successfully logged out retry :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why does my fortnite say this kind of message?.
2.And what is the meaning of this issue?.
3.So my guessing is this is occurs due to internet connection not working properly.
4.So first of all one time restart your network adapter.
5.And also delete i mentioned web cache files from fortnite game folder.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#fortnitesuccessfullyloggedout #ackwegotdisconnectedfromfortnite #successfullyloggedout
how to fix a dns server cannot be used ps5,ps4 the dns server did not respond within the time limit.
Here i update my ps5 to 2023 released new version,but in future 2024 if they release any new update some setting location may be varying.
This solution also works on ps4 based error code diablo 4 and can't connect to dns server nw-31247-7.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to sign in the playstation store in my ps5 console :
A DNS server can't be used. The DNS server didn't respond within the time limit. NW-102308-4
If you selected Manual under IP Address Settings or DNS Settings when you set the internet
connection for your PS5,verify that Primary DNS and Secondary DNS are set correctly.
Suggested Actions OK
SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
How to solve a dns server cannot be used ps4 nw-31246-6 :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.Some time this is occurs due to your service provider.
3.So first of all check that wifi as well as fiber modem indicators.
4.And then goto settings - network - settings - Set Up Internet Connection.
5.And right click on your wifi network name and then select "Advanced Settings".
6.Now you can change the DNS Settings to Manual.
7.And then change the primary dns as well as secondary dns addresses.
8.Finally don't forget to save this changes.
9.So i hope once it's update the new dns address,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#dnsservercannotbeused #ps5 #thednsserverdidnotrespond
This tutorial is about how to fix software update failed an error occurred while downloading ios 16.1.
This update is released on end of october 2023.
Here i show the steps by using my iphone se at same time this solution also works for iphone 5s,iphone 6s,iphone 6 pro,iphone 7 pro,iphone 8,iphone 11,iphone 12 pro max,iphone 13 mini,iphone xe,iphone xr,iphone x,iphone 14 pro max and xs max.
This method also works if you update your ios to 16 beta,16.0,16.0.2,ios 16.1,ios 16,ios 15,ios 15.6 and ios 15.7.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to update my ios 16.0.3 to new version ios 16.1 :
Software Update Failed
An error occurred downloading iOS 16.1
►►How To Delete Instagram Account Permanently :
►►How To Remove Multiple Contacts On iPhone :
►►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
How to solve an error occurred while checking for a software update :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to three possible reasons.
3.One is due to your wifi or mobile data connection not working properly.
4.And the second one of the reason is due to battery backup goes to drain.
5.And the final one of the reason is due to date and time settings.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#softwareupdatefailed #ios #anerroroccurreddownloadingios
This tutorial is about how to fix intel graphics driver installer something went wrong your system has a driver that is locked to manufacturer specifications exit code 8.
Always use 2023 released new update of graphics driver on your windows platform.
This solution also works for windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 based pc or laptop.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the intel graphics driver installer in my windows 10 pc :
Something went wrong
Your system has a driver that is locked to manufacturer specifications.
Please try downloading the latest driver from the manufacturer's website to update.
Exit code: 1
►►How To Enable Dark Mode On Instagram PC :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
How to solve the driver being installed is not validated for this computer :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.And this is occurs due to that manufacturer blocked any unusual activity like update and downgrade.
3.So anyway if you like to update your graphics driver just goto "Device manager" section.
4.And then click to open "Display adapters".
5.Here it shows your intel graphics driver name,so just click to update it.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#somethingwentwrong #intelgraphicsdriverinstaller #yoursystemhasadriverthatislocked
How to fix camera failed error in samsung mobiles-camera failed error message handler.handlemessage (-1).
I get the following error in my samsung mobile:
camera failed.This error is mainly occurred in following android devices like that samsung galaxy grand prime,samsung galaxy core 2,samsung galaxy s6,samsung galaxy s3,samsung galaxy s5,samsung galaxy s2,samsung galaxy core,samsung galaxy grand neo plus,samsung j5,samsung duos,samsung galaxy s4,zenfone,galaxy s4 mini,galaxy e5,samsung core 2 duos and note also.
Goto Settings-Application manager-All-Camera
Click "Clear data" option and then click "Force stop" option.
Finally once restart your android the error-camera failed- is fixed.
This tutorial is about how to fix something went wrong please try again later flipkart | content not found.
This error is occurred on 2nd january 2022,but if may be occurs in future just follow i mentioned steps.
This is occurs even if you try to access order details,flipkart pay later and supercoins.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to search the one product in flipkart mobile app :
Something went wrong!
Content Not Found
Something went wrong!
Please try again later.
►►How To Stop Pendrive Auto Opening In Windows PC :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
How to solve flipkart content not found problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.My point of view this is occurs due to this flipkart server down.
3.Otherwise this flipkart app or website may be not working on particular region.
4.So there is no way to fix this kind of server issue.
5.But some youtube video shows just clear that flipkart app data and then this problem is solved.
6.So don't try this kind of things.
#flipkartsomethingwentwrong #contentnotfound #pleasetryagainlater
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to troubleshoot my laptop :
Problems found
The DNS server isn't responding Detected
So what is the means of this issue?.My guessing is if you're using the bsnl broadband or airtel this type of errors are occurring.
This tutorial is about how to fix dns server not responding windows 10 wireless.
This method also works for all windows versions like windows 7 professional,home,pro,windows 8 and 8.1.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Enable Data Saver In Facebook App :
►How To Stop Notifications Coming From Tiktok :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Chrome Pc :
how to solve dns server not responding problem on windows 10 pc :
1.Here i using the internet connection via my tp link wifi router.
2.I assure this trick works 100 %.
3.At same time if you get this dns server is not responding message in ps4 and android mobile,this tips not working.
4.First method is just change the primary dns address for your wired lan connection or ethernet.
5.Second step is by using the command prompt or cmd,so just type i mentioned commands.
6.This is 2022 released solution,so if you follow my steps this will resolve your issue.
7.This is the way you can easily fix win 10 network problem.
#dnsserver #windows10 #wifi
This video is about how to fix bgmi server is not online yet, server is not online yet bgmi please check the official news or battlegrounds mobile india server not online.
This same error may be occurs in free fire max or ff.
Here i get this message in my xiaomi mi 11i 5g android mobile.
At same time this same message also occurs on ios based iphone and ipad devices.
But this video not have a any solution.
This tutorial has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,malayalam and sinhala languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the battlegrounds mobile india :
Server is not online yet. Please check the official news for further information regarding availability.
Thank you for your understanding.
☑️SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
How to solve bgmi server shutdown not open :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why my battleground mobile india is not opening after update it to latest version?.
2.Is any unban news is available in india?.
3.So my answer is this is not a error message,which means that this is occurs due to server upgrading.
4.So if you are from india,they again come to your place.
5.So don't worry about it,this server is live.
6.If you like to know the new update about bgmi,just visit that bgmi official twitter page.
7.In soon you get the server open date in india.
8.Some time this issue occurs if you try to login your bgmi by using with the facebook login credentials.
9.So i hope we will fix your problem in end of the 2023.
#bgmiserver #bgmi #bgmiindia
This tutorial is about how to fix this post is unavailable instagram or solve post unavailable instagram direct message.
Always use 2023 released new update of instagram app on your device.
This solution common for android mobile as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,o que significa,kaise dekhe,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open one of my friend direct message or dm via instagram messenger :
Post Unavailable
This post is unavailable
►►How To Enable Game Turbo In Redmi Mobile :
►►How To Add Link In Your Instagram Story :
►►How To Change Your Google Play Store Country :
How to solve this post is unavailable because it was deleted :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue or what does it mean?.
2.This same issue even also occurs for voice message.
3.So if may be that insta reels or post or story is deleted by the uploader,it shows this kind of notification.
4.So there is no way to copy and paste that message to see the content.
5.But don't worry about it,that user not blocked your profile.
6.At same time there is no way to fix this kind of message.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#instagram #postunavailable #thispostisunavailable
This tutorial is about how to fix sorry we couldn't find your account twitter problem.
Always use 2023 released new update of twitter app on your device.
This solution works for all android mobile as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my twitter account :
Sorry,we could not find your account.
►How To Get 3D Animals In Google Search :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Maps :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
How to solve sorry we couldn't find your account with that information :
1.One of my subscriber ask why this error happening and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is also occurs even if you enter the correct email id or phone number or username.
3.So only way to fix this error is just one time reset your twitter account password.
4.By simply press "Forgot password" link.
5.Once you reset your password and it will open very smoothly.
6.Finally that problem is solved in permanently.
#wecouldnotfindyouraccount #sorry #twitterloginproblem
This tutorial is about how to set tiktok video as wallpaper with sound.
Here i using 2022 released new update on my android mobile,but also works for ios iphone devices.
There is no possible to add more videos to display picture.
This english subtitle video common for tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam.
►How To Remove Ads From Imo App :
►How To Add Music To Facebook Story :
►How To Create a Group In Gmail :
how to make a tiktok video to your wallpaper :
1.Lot's of tik tok video user's are raising one question,how to put favourite videos as ringtone.
2.So if you have the same doubt,just follow me friends.
3.First of all open your tik tok app and then click to login account details by use the facebook or google id informations.
4.And choose your content and press "Share" icon.
5.In bottom it keep up one popup window,so you can press "Live photo" setting.
6.But this feature only works if you install the one plugin application from google play store.
7.Once your installation is completed,just select same icon and it starts to save that file to your gallery.
8.Finally you can press "Set wallpaper" link,but it ask for lock screen or both home screen and lock screen.
9.You can customize this settings.
#settiktokvideoaswallpaper #tiktokvideowallpaper #tiktokhomescreen
This tutorials about how to make a reverse video in tik tok.
This 2023 released tiktok new update works for all android mobile and ios iphone also.
Same way you can make good hair reverse transition and slow motion songs.
This youtube video also available in tamil,hindi kaise banaye,telugu kaise kare and malayalam.
►How To Make Your Tik Tok Account On Private :
►How To Add Instagram and Youtube Channel Link In Tik Tok :
►How To Create Raindrop Video Effect In Your TikTok :
how to put a video in reverse on tik tok :
1.Long time i have the one doubt about how to do reverse editing while your camera is recording.
2.But today i get the ideas to set reverse video effect in musically.
3.Also you can create best birthday or anniversary challenge.
4.Just open that tick tock app and then login your account.
5.Now long press that song recording icon and then wait for 15 seconds.
6.Finally i get the some settings like that slow motion and flash in my tutorial.
7.But you can use that option and add this effects to your videos.
#tiktokreversevideo #makereversetiktok #createreversevideointiktok
This tutorial is about how to fix whatsapp connecting problem like audio call and video call not connecting.
Here i have a 2022 released ios 14.6 new update.
At same time this solution also works on iphone 4s,iphone 5s,iphone 6s,iphone 7,iphone 8,iphone 11,iphone 12 and iphone xr.
And mobile data user's if your area have poor connection,this whatsapp video call and voice calls are not connecting properly.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
When i try to open the whatsapp messenger via my iPhone se it showing the following error message :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
►How To Disable Auto Brightness In Iphone :
How to solve whatsapp connecting problem :
1.If you get this issue first of all check your mobile data as well as wifi connections.
2.Because if your wifi router not working properly,it shows this kind of error message.
3.So first of all check it.
4.Otherwise if you use mobile data network,just one time reset all network settings.
5.And also restart your device.
6.So after the restarting is completed,this problem is solved in permanently.
7.But this method not works for android mobile and jio phone.
#connectingwhatsappiphone #whatsappconnectingproblem #whatsappvideocallnotconnecting
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to translate the one website on my google chrome browser :
This page could not be translated
Try again Options
Google Translate
This tutorial is about how to fix google translate not working problem.
Always check if you're using the 2022 released new update of google chrome or not.
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google App :
How to fix google translate oops this page could not be translated :
1.This same problem also occurred in youtube site.
2.When you try to translating the other language channels into english.
3.Very simple method to solve this issue is just install that extension.
4.Once you install it,just click that extension icon while translating the website.
5.This is the way you can easily fix google translate not translating error.
#googletranslate #googlechrome #error
snapchat something went wrong please try again later support code c14a android,ios | snapchat support code c14a.
Here i get this error message in my xiaomi mi 11i 5g android mobile.
At same time this solution also works on samsung,oppo,vivo,poco,oneplus,realme and all redmi models.
But if you have a ios based iphone or ipad,also you can try this same method.
So always check if you have a 2023 released new update of snapchat app or not.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to bangla telugu,tamil,kaise kare hindi,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my snapchat account :
Something went wrong.Please try again later.Support code: C14A
☑️SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
How to solve snapchat support code c14a when logging in :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.Some time this is occurs due to incorrect date and time settings.
3.So first of all check your date and time.
4.But if may be again it shows same error message,just follow few steps to fix it.
5.By simply open that snapchat mobile app,and then press "Forgot your password".
6.Now they ask for via phone or via email.
7.So here i select "Via Phone",because i already linked my phone number with this snapchat account.
8.So once you enter your mobile number,and then it will automatically verify it.
9.Now you get the password reset section,so just create your new one.
10.So after you done this processes and one more time you can try to login your same snapchat account.
11.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
12.If you get support code c04a or c14b,also you can try this same method.
#snapchat #supportcodec14a #somethingwentwrong
This tutorial is about how to fix no account match that information facebook problem.
Always use 2023 released new update of app on your device.
This solution works for all android mobile as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to reset my facebook account password :
No accounts match that information.
Make sure you've entered the correct phone number or email address.
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
How to solve no accounts match that information facebook :
1.One of my subscriber ask why this error happening and what is the meaning?.
2.So if you get this issue don't try to clear that fb app data's.
3.And this same error also occurred on facebook lite app.
4.So only way to fix this error is just send the request form to facebook team.
5.So i hope once you send this request,they will fix your problem.
#noaccountmatchthatinformation #facebook #phonenumberoremailaddress
updates failed windows 10-not installing-not updating problem-Error 0x80070020.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to update my windows 10 pc to latest version :
Updates failed
There were problems installing some updates,but we'll try again later.
2021-01 Cumulative update Preview for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64 (KB4598301)-Error 0x80070020
►How To Change Chrome Download Location In Mobile :
►How To Make Your Twitter Account To Private :
►How To Enable Data Saver In Facebook :
How to fix installation failed problem :
1.This type of issue is mainly occurred due to the internet connection.
2.So first of all check your laptop or desktop network settings.
3.Once you check it and then follow this few steps.
4.So i hope after restart is completed,this problem is fixed,which means that the install work.
5.This is happening in version 1909 as well as version 1903.
6.Finally this will solve your not updating or not installing issues.
7.If you know the tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam languages, can easily understand this solution.
#updatefailedwindows10 #notupdatingwindows10 #notinstalling
This tutorial is about how to disconnect facebook messenger from instagram.
This update is release from 2022 and available in android mobile as well as ios iphone also.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Android :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google App :
►How To Disable Auto Download In Telegram :
how to remove facebook messenger from instagram :
1.In few days back this fb messenger and instagram launched it's one of the new update.
2.And the update is "Cross app messaging",by using this updates you can easily chat with your followers.
3.But i like old dm feature,so anyway if you like same thing just follow me friends.
4.Because i show the steps to get back your dms feature on instagram.
5.First of all open your instagram app and then press your profile picture icon.
6.Here it shows my profile informations,so i try to press that horizontal lines icon.
7.And then goto "Settings".
8.Now you can goto "Accounts center" and it shows my linked account details.
9.But you can unlink this accounts,by simply tab on it.
10.First you can disable "Sync Profile Info" and then click to "Remove From Accounts Center".
11.Once your account is deleted from this list just close this insta app and also clear that app data.
12.After i clear my app data and one more time i try to open this instagram app.
13.Finally this messenger icon is successfully removed from my story section.
#removefacebookmessengerfrominstagram #disconnectfacebookmessenger #instagramnewupdate
✅SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
how to uninstall riot client
Also you can delete valorant without riot client games completely and this solution works on windows 11,windows 10 and windows 7 platforms.
Here i install the 2023 released riot client,but in future 2024 if they release any new update some setting location may be varrying.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil and any other language.
how to delete riot client permanently :
1.If you like to remove your riot vanguard from your pc or laptop just follow few steps.
2.And here i show the three methods to delete your riot client games like valorant and league of legends.
3.And the first method is just open your control panel and goto "Apps and features".
4.And then locate "Riot Client", and click to uninstall it.
5.And the second method is just locate that app icon and right click on it and goto "Open file location".
6.Now you can tap "Riot games", and click to delete that riot client folder files.
7.And the third method is,just open your windows run and execute that command.
8.Now you can goto "Local" folder and locate "Riot client".
9.Finally you can click to delete it.
#riotclient #uninstallriotclient #riotgames
This tutorial is about how to stop or fix minecraft game crashed an unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed exit code 0.
This solution also works for the following older versions like 1.17,1.17.1 and 1.16,1.16.1,1.16.2 and 1.16.5.
But this method not working on mac platforms like macbook pro and macbook air.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to cara mengatasi,como resolver and hatası çözümü languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the minecraft launcher in my new windows 11 pc :
Game crashed
An unexpected issue occurred and the game has crashed.We're sorry for the inconvenience.
Exit Code: 0
►►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►►How To Uninstall Apps From Microsoft Store :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
How to solve game crash problem in minecraft launcher :
1.One of my subscriber ask why it shows this kind of crashing issue whilst initializing this game?.
2.Here i try to play this 2023 released minecraft java edition version 1.18.1.
3.At same time this error also occurs on curseforge and forge 1.18.
4.Some time this exit code 1 occurs whilst rendering screen.
5.Most of the time this minecraft crashes on startup.
6.So if you follow this simple step,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#gamecrashedminecraft #exitcode0 #anunexpectedissueoccurred
This video is about how to fix roblox approved third party applications or extensions detected or unapproved third party apps fixed windows 7.
This solution also works on windows 11,windows 10 and windows 8 based desktop and laptop.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to español,cara mengatasi and hatası cozümü languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the roblox player app in my windows 7 pc :
Unapproved third party applications or extensions detected.Please
uninstall this third party software and re-run Roblox.
Need help? Click 'OK' to create a memory dump,then please share it on our support site:
OK Cancel
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About this error message
00:24 : Solution
01:43 : Restart
01:57 : Re-install
02:24 : Outro
How to solve roblox not approved third party applications or extensions detected :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to some 3rd party apps are block this roblox connection.
3.So first of all force close that kind of third party application from your task manager.
4.And also clear that temp files from roblox installation folder.
5.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#roblox #unapprovedthirdpartyapplications #approvedthirdpartyapplications #robloxerror
This tutorial is about how to fix facebook login error access denied you are not allowed to access this page at this time.
Here i show the steps by using my windows 10 pc.
But this solution also works for android mobile as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
Always use 2023 released new update of app on your device.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my facebook account :
Access Denied
You are not allowed to access this page at this time.
►►How To See Your Liked Instagram Posts :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store In Windows 10 :
►►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp :
How to solve facebook login problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.And here i enter the correct email id as well as password.
3.But why this occurs?.
4.And this is occurs due to various login devices or login location.
5.So very simple method to fix this error is,just press "Forgotten password".
6.And then enter your mobile number or email id and click to search.
7.Now they find your fb account and also in right side they showing your profile name.
8.So here i select "Send code via email" and click to "Continue".
9.And then they send the one verification link or code to your email id.
10.So after you enter that 6 digit code your facebook account is successfully recovered.
11.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#accessdenied #youarenotallowed #facebookloginproblem
When i try to switch off my wifi network it goes to disconnect status,but it shows the following one notification in my control center :
Disconnecting Nearby Wi-Fi Until Tomorrow
This same problem is also occurring while i try to disable my bluetooth connection.
This tutorial is about how to turn off wifi in iphone and fix all your wifi related problems.
But one of my iphone 6s user ask my wifi automatic turns off when screen locks or locked that particular sleep mode time.
So how to troubleshoot this problem,just adjust this sleep mode time or you can enable auto join.
This trick also works for all ios 12 and ios 13 based platforms.
Some iphone working models are iphone 5,iphone 6,iphone 7,iphone 8,iphone 10,iphone 11,iphone xr and xs max.
Now a days this siri assist and wifi calling only works on fastest wifi,but it lag on mobile data network.
Also download and share your files via wifi sharing.
►How To Turn off Auto Brightness In Iphone :
►How To Make Your Twitter Account To Private :
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Google Chrome PC :
how to stop wifi and bluetooth from automatically turning on iphone :
1.If you want to fix this issue just follow me friends.
2.Here i show the steps by using my 2022 released iphone se and it has operating system of ios 14.
3.Just open your settings menu,in wifi section it shows "Not connected".
4.Which means that my wifi setting is enabled,but it keep not connected to any wifi signal.
5.So just click to open this setting,and then press that i mentioned icon.
6.Now you can click to turn off this option "Auto join",and then go back to one step.
7.Finally you can click to deactivate this wi-fi setting.
8.Same way you can disable "Bluetooth".
9.Once you done this processes it will automatic turned off in permanently.
10.So in next day it won't turns on by itself.
11.There is no shortcut icon is available to access this wifi,only way is just open your control centre.
#turnoff #wifi #iphonewifiproblem
This tutorial is about how to fix can't update garena free fire illuminati or can't install apps in play store.
In 2023 this is very sad news in our india.
This same problem also occurs on free fire max and booyah day version.
If you already installed this app,just uninstall it.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,sinhala,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to update the apps in google play store :
Can't update Garena Free Fire - Illuminate
Try again, and if it still doesn't work,see common ways to fix the problem.
Send feedback Got it
Couldn't update
If you search this game in pc it shows "This app is not available for your device" message.
►►How To Change Your Country In Google Play Store :
►►Fix Telegram Files Not Showing In Gallery :
►►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
How to solve cannot update garena free fire :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why this free fire new age is not updating and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to free fire is banned in india,and this is very hot today news.
3.So if you're from india,if you like to open this app in your mobile it shows "Network connection error".
4.At same time if you like to install this app in first time it shows "Can't install or Cannot download" message.
5.And there is no possible to download this game in apk file.
6.Also not possible to fix this kind of issue.
#cannotupdategarenafreefire #freefirebanned #garenafreefireilluminati
How to become a Beta tester for google play store applications in any Android mobile|Tablet-how to become a beta tester for google play applications-how to become a beta tester for google play store-how to become a beta tester for play store-how to become a beta tester for android-android beta testing-android beta tester-android beta apps-android beta version.
? ? ?✔✅LIKE &?.✔✅SHARE ? ?✔ COMMENTS?✔ ?
This video is about
how to become beta tester for android apps
how to become beta tester in play store
how to become beta tester for any app
how to become beta tester for whatsapp
how to install beta version
? ? ?✔✅LIKE &?.✔✅SHARE ? ?✔ COMMENTS?✔ ?
This method is works for android,tablet,bluestacks and the android versions are kitkat,lollipop,marshmallow and nougat also.
This trick is no need for root access it also works on without root android mobile phone devices.
This method is also working for following android devices samsung,asus,asus zenfone,micromax,lenovo,lg,yureka,redmi,gionee,panasonic,one plus one,htc,htc one,leeco,lyf,honour,opp,vivo,nexus,google pixel,sony,sony xperia,black berry,nokia,moto e,moto g,moto x,moto z,genymotion also.
Beta version is also available for snapchat,whatsapp messenger,youtube,google app,facebook,twitter,instagram,minecraft pe,mcpe,minecraft,ps4,clash royale and other all android gaming apps also.
? ? ?✔✅LIKE &?.✔✅SHARE ? ?✔ COMMENTS?✔ ?
1.Goto your google play store and search your app.
2.Click to open it and scroll down, here you can get the " Beta tester for this app " option.
3.Then choose this option and you can get the update version of application.
4.Finally you can enjoy your updated beta version of android application.
? ? ?✔✅LIKE &?.✔✅SHARE ? ?✔ COMMENTS?✔ ?
How to fix unable to start restoring your message history backup in whatsapp-I try to reinstall the whatsapp but backup isn't working it shows the following error:
Unable to start restoring your message history backup.Please check that you are connected to the internet and try again-Messages will be lost.Are you sure you don't want to restore your message history from backup,this method is working on all android devices.
1.Check your internet connections wifi and data connections.
2.Install the latest version of whatsapp with compatible version.
3.Check your date and time settings.
All above conditions are correct your backup is done in a successful way.
This tutorial is about how to fix bgmi server is busy please try again later error code restrict area issue.
This solution also works on ios based iphone and ipad devices.
But in your pc if you use following emulator like memu emulator or ldplayer,nox player,gameloop and bluestacks,this same error also occurs.
Always check it,if you have a 2023 released bgmi version 1.8 or not.
Now a days this is occurs for all global countries like india,bangladesh,canada and etc.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,cara mengatasi and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my battlegrounds mobile india account :
Server is busy,please try again later.Error code:restrict-area
►►How To See Your Liked Posts On Instagram :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►►How To Make Your Twitter Account To Private :
How to solve bgmi server busy problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to battleground mobile india server is down in particular region.
3.And here i show the steps by using with my samsung galaxy m30s android mobile.
4.So anyway very simple method to fix this error is,just install that vpn app from play store.
5.And then i try to connect your mobile data network or wifi network with this app.
6.So i hope after the connection is made successfully,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
7.But if without vpn is used,there is no possible to fix this error.
#bgmiserverbusyproblem #errorcoderestrictareabgmi #serverisbusypleasetryagainlater
Roblox Failed to connect to the Game id=17 connection attempt failed | Roblox disconnected error 279
This is about how to fix Roblox Failed to connect to the Game id=17 connection attempt failed | Roblox disconnected error 279 id 17 error code.
This 2024 released solucion also works on windows 11,windows 8 and windows 7 based computer.
Most of the user's are facing this issue while they try to joining the arceus x and blox fruit server.
But if you have a mac laptop and ios based iphone,ipad,ps4 and android mobile don't try this method.
At same time if you like to install this roblox player just visit windows microsoft store.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to hatası cozümü,cara mengatasi,trên điện thoại,español,como resolver,türkçe,как исправить and ไทย languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to join the one roblox game server in my windows 10 pc :
Failed to connect to the Game. (ID=17: Connection attempt failed.)
(Error Code:279)
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About this error
00:25 : Reason
00:55 : Logout
01:05 : Reset roblox player
01:27 : Check router
01:57 : Change dns
02:46 : Re-join roblox server
03:03 : Outro
How to solve failed to connect to the game id 17 connection attempt failed roblox no celular :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what does it mean and why this issue happening?.
2.This is occurs for two possible reasons.
3.And the first one is,if your internet connection not working properly,it shows this kind of message.
4.And the second one of the reason is,due to roblox server down.
5.So if you using the internet via wifi router,just check that router as well as fiber modem indicators.
6.And also change your dns address to manually.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
8.This is one and only way to fix this error código de error 279.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#error279 #failedtoconnecttogame #id17errorcode279
how to stop data usage in jio, or how can i turn off data usage messages in jio.
This solution works for all android mobile as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
Same way you can follow this steps for jio 5g data messages.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one warning notification while i try to using the jio 4g data network :
50% Daily Data quota used as on...
Jio Number :
Daily Data quota as per plan :
☑️SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
How to disable data usage alert message :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,how can i stop the receiving of jio data usage messages?.
2.So my answer is this is very simple to fix this problem.
3.So first of all open your myjio app or jio official website.
4.And then complete the sign in process by simply verify the jio phone number.
5.And tap that profile picture icon and goto "Service Settings" - Usage alerts.
6.In my device it is default set as 50 limit.So just click to turn off this option.
7.And also enable fully blocked for do not disturb feature.
8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#stop #jiodata #datausagemessage
Today i get the following one error message while i try to tab my android mobile notification panel :
Mobile networks
No Service
Selected network(JIO 4G) not available
Emergency calls only
This tutorial is about how to solve no service selected network unavailable.
This same issue is also occurring in bsnl,airtel and vodafone idea sim cards.
Always check if you're using the 2022 released new update of phone app or not.
This trick almost works for all android mobile devices like samsung,mi phone or redmi,asus,oppo,vivo,samsung,one plus,realme and ios iphone also.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Uninstall Microsoft Edge Browser :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Android :
►How To Pin Your Instagram Comments :
how to fix no service sim card problem :
1.Some keypad mobile user's are also ask why my phone saying mobile network not available error?.
2.And there is possible to fix this issue?.
3.My suggestion is this type of problem is mainly occurred due to your low mobile signal strength.
4.So i mentioned the good and bad signal levels.
5.So if your area not covered 4g network just switch to 2g or 3g network.
6.And this is best solution to troubleshoot this problem.
#noservice #mobilenetworknotavailable #jio4g
game could not start administrator access is required fifa 23 ea anticheat windows 10 11 epic games,ea or steam.
Here i get this error message in my windows 10 computer.
At same time this solution also works on windows 11 and windows 8,7 based platforms.
If you have any query about this error,just visit reddit and then you get the all answers about this issue.
Before going to the process,first of all force close the fifa 23 related apps like ea app,steam or epic games launcher.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the fifa 23 via epic games launcher :
Game could not start,administrator access is required.
☑️SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
How to solve fifa 23 anti cheat game could not start administrator access is required :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to ea anti cheat launcher not working properly.
3.So if you like to fix it,just right click on that fifa 23 app icon and goto "Open file location".
4.Here you can goto "Installer" folder,and then launch that setup file "Cleanup".
5.And also uninstall and reinstall that ea anticheat launcher.
6.Finally one time restart your windows pc.
7.So i hope after the restarting is completed,this problem is solved in permanently.
#fifa23 #gamecouldnotstartadministratoraccessisrequired #eaanticheatfifa23error
This tutorial is about how to fix new login location detected discord android mobile.
If you get email does not exist error,just check it which email account is you're linked with your discord.
This 2022 released solution also works on all discord phone app and ios iphone devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,cara mengatasi and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my discord pc account :
New login location detected.please check your email.
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
►How To Check iPhone Warranty Details :
►How To Change Default Search Engine In Edge :
How to solve new login location detected in discord :
1.One of my discord friend ask why does it say this kind of message?.
2.And what is the meaning of this issue and how to bypass it?.
3.My answer is this is type of verification process.
4.Which means that if you change your network connection it shows that kind of error.
5.So if you want to turn off this notification just open your discord account email inbox.
6.And then check it if any email is received or not.
7.If may be no email is received or it this discord team not sending any verification link,just ask resend link.
8.Finally once you press this "Verify login" link your problem is solved.
#newloginlocationdetected #discordnewloginlocationdetected #discordloginproblem
Fix roblox disconnected error code 279 failed to connect to the game id=17 connection attempt failed
This tutorial is about how to fix roblox disconnected error code 279 failed to connect to the game id=17 connection attempt failed android mobile & windows pc.
Always use 2023 released new update of roblox app on your phone.
But this solution not working for ios based iphone,ipad,mac or macbook and xbox one platforms.
At same time if you have a windows 7,windows 8 or windows 10 laptop also you can try this method.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,cara mengatasi,как исправить and hatası türkçe.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to join the one roblox server :
Failed to connect to the Game.(ID = 17:Connection attempt failed.)
Error Code: 279
►►How To See Your Liked Instagram Posts :
►►How To Delete Purchase History On iPhone App Store :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
How to solve failed to connect to the game id=17 connection attempt failed roblox :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning?.
2.So my guessing is this is occurs due to the internet connection.
3.So if you use wifi network,just check your wifi router indicator.
4.So otherwise if you use mobile data network,just one time reset all the network setting.
5.And here i show the steps by using my samsung galaxy m30s android mobile as well as windows 11 pc.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#robloxerrorcode279 #failedtoconnecttothegame #connectionattemptfailed
paytm account delete permanently-2022-remove paytm account-deactivate-close your paytm account-disable-recharge history-android mobile-kyc-block paytm id.
This tutorial is about how to deactivate paytm merchant account.
This method is new one 2022 released,if once your paytm id is disabled all your paytm a/c related online informations like that paytm order list,mobile recharge history,passbook history or paid history is removed.
Once you remove the paytm account and all the seller account,kyc account,business account and upi account is deleted in permanently.
Also unlink or block this bank account from dream11,my jio app,uber app without kyc details is entered.
In this video also available on tamil,english,telugu,malayalam,kannada and in hindi it is named as kaise kare.
But there is no possible to disable someone paytm account on pc or android mobile.
►How To Remove Suggested Groups & Pages In Facebook :
►Best Instagram Downloader App :
►How To Delete All Conversations On Facebook Messenger :
how to delete paytm account permanently :
1.Long time i have one doubt,about how can i close my paytm account.
2.But today i have the answer to close your paytm account.
3.This trick is most useful if mobile phone is lost.
4.So just open your paytm application via android phone or iphone.
5.Then press paytm profile icon and it is located at almost top.
6.Then goto 24/7 Help - Managing my paytm account - I am unable to access my account.
7.In this section you can click to open this "Message us" link,located at the bottom.
8.Now in this description section,you can type any valid reason.
9.Once you entered the text,finally click to "Submit".
10.This process may take with in 2 days or less than.
11.After the few days the paytm blocked my account and wallet.
This tutorial is about how to fix could not connect to wifi network or wifi not connecting problem.
When i try to connect the saved wifi network it shows the following message "Authenticating or obtaining ip address".
But here i enter the correct password.
Always enable this option "Connect automatically",because this option will automatically connect your mobile with wifi network.
So this auto connect feature is very useful one.
And here i show the steps by using my xiaomi mi 11i 5g android mobile,and which is have the operating system of 2023 released miui 14.
At same time this solution also works on samsung,oppo,vivo,oneplus,realme,poco and redmi or mi phone.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to connect my mobile with wifi network :
Couldn't connect.Try again.
►►How To Setup PS5 Stand In Horizontal & Vertical :
►►How To Stop Email Notifications From Twitter :
►►How To Change Your Name In Truecaller :
How to solve could not connect to wifi network problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs for two possible reasons.
3.One is wifi router password is changed to new one.
4.And the second one of the reason is,due to mobile wifi settings.
5.So if you like to fix this issue,just one time reset your wifi settings.
6.And don't forget to restart your android phone.
7.So after the restarting is completed,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
8.And also your wifi is successfully connected with that particular wifi network.
#wifi #couldnotconnecttowifinetwork #wifinotconnecting #android #redmi #mobile #wifinetwork #not #tryagain
This tutorial is about how to fix a device is requesting access to login instagram problem.
This solution works for all android as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
Always use 2023 released new update of insta app on your device.
This same message also occurs on instagram pc or laptop mode.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to tab my android mobile notification panel :
A device is requesting access to log in.
For your safety,only approve devices you recognize.
You can turn off login requests in your security settings.
►►How To Add Your Link In Instagram Story :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp :
How to solve instagram login request sent problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.So my suggestion is,this is not a error message.
3.Which means that if you login another device or new device,they send the one notification to your mobile.
4.So if you approve that login,you can only able to access your profile.
5.So otherwise if you denied,it ask for the password reset.
6.So i hope,if you follow this simple steps finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#instagram #adeviceisrequestingaccesstologin #instagramloginproblem
This tutorial is about how to fix your payment didn't go through. please try a different payment method or try again later. or-pmsa-05.
Always use 2023 released new update of play store on your android mobile.
But this solution also works on following websites like ebay and patreon subscription.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to make a payment for truecaller premium :
Your payment didn't go through.Please try a different payment method or try again later.[OR-PMSA-05]
►►How To Change Your Country In Google Play Store :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp :
How to solve your payment didn't go through. please try a different payment method or try again later. or-pmsa-03 :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs for new rbi guidelines.
3.Which means that if you're from india,this rbi will declined the auto renewal payment system from your credit card.
4.So if you try to use your credit card in google play store it shows this kind of message and also all your payments are declined.
5.So very simple method to fix this error is,you can change the payment mode to netbanking or upi payment.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#pleasetryadifferentpaymentmethod #googleplaystore #yourpayment
This tutorial is about how to fix optimal resolution notification keeps popping up problem.
This same message sometime occurs on windows 7,windows 8 and win 8.1 pc or laptop.
Mostly occurs while playing the counter strike or youtube streaming.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,cara mengatasi and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access my windows 10 pc action center :
Optimal Resolution Notification
The optimal resolution is 5120x2880. Select this notification for more information.
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Google Chrome Pc :
►How To Get 3D Animals In Google Search :
►How To Disable Facebook Live Video Notification :
How to disable optimal screen resolution problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask what is the meaning and how to fix this issue?.
2.And this is only occurs due to display drivers.
3.And sometime your monitor doesn't have a hd display,it shows this kind of message.
4.Only way to remove this kind of notification is just goto settings - system - notifications & action center.
5.And click to turn off "Get notifications from apps and other senders".
6.Finally that problem is solved.
#optimalresolutionnotification #windows10 #disableoptimalresolution
This tutorial is about how to enable automatic call recording-2022.
There is possible to stop this call record in manually,because it has the special icon in your keypad after you receive the incoming or outgoing call.
Here i show the steps by using my redmi note 8 pro android mobile,also works in mi 8 device,because it has the miui 11 update.
Some other working mi models are note 4,note 5,note 5 pro,mi 6a,mi y2,note 6 pro,note 7 pro,6a,mi a1 and mi a3.
This video has english subtitle,at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,kannada and malayalam people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Facebook Lite :
►How To Make Boomerang Video In Instagram :
►How To Set Tiktok Video As Home Screen Wallpaper :
how to turn on auto call recording on xiaomi phone :
1.There is no need to download any call recorder app.
2.Just open your settings menu - Apps - System app settings - Call Setting.
3.Now you can choose "Call recording", and then click to enable "Record calls automatically" option.
4.And you can record this call for all numbers or selected numbers.
5.Also don't forget to activate first option "Call recording notification".
6.Because this will help you to find the recorded file,after this call ended.
7.Best way to know the location is,in bottom of that option it shows the exact folder location in your internal storage or sd card.
8.If you not like this feature just click to turn off it.
#enablecallrecording #redminote8pro #automaticcallrecording
Today i get the following error notification,while try to access the one pdf file via my whatsapp messenger :
This document might contain unsafe content.Make sure you trust the sender before you open it.
►How To Cancel Automatic Payments On Paypal :
►How To Create a Group In Gmail :
►How To Disable Comments On Your Tik Tok Videos :
So what is this message describes?.
It shows the awareness of your phone security,which means that if you open this type of file your device may be goes to repair.
Also shows the problem when you opening the apk or some jpg image files.
Here i using the android mobile,but also occurring on ios iphone models,and this is not a solution video.
#whatsapperror #pdffilenotopening #unsafecontent
This tutorial is about how to fix trusted devices list is not available iphone - works for all iphone models.
Here i show the steps by using my iphone se and which is have the operating system of 2023 released ios 15.3.
At same time this solution also works on ios 15,ios 14 and ios 12 based ipad also.
Some iphone working models are iphone 5s,iphone 6s,iphone 6,6 plus,iphone 7,7 plus,iphone 8,8 plus,iphone 11,iphone 12 pro max,iphone 13,iphone 13 mini,iphone xr,iphone x and xs max.
If you like to check your trusted device list just open your settings and tab your apple id,here you can get all your trusted devices list.
At same time if you like to remove trusted devices from your apple id,just tab that particular device and then click to "Remove Account".
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access my iPhone apple id :
Trusted devices list is not available
Sign Out
►►How To Turn off Auto Brightness In iPhone :
►►How To Check Your Iphone Warranty Details :
How to solve trusted devices list is not available :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning?.
2.So very simple method to fix this issue is,just one time sign out your existing connected apple id.
3.And also reset your iphone settings by simply goto General settings - Transfer or Reset iPhone - Reset.
4.Finally you can select "Reset All Settings".
5.But they ask for your apple account password or touch id for confirmation process.
6.Once you done this processes,and one more time you can try to sign in your same apple id.
7.But if you use your phone number for sign in process,they verify your number by sending the verification code.
8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#trusteddeviceslistisnotavailable #iphone #removetrusteddevicefromiphone
This tutorial is about how to change mobile font style in samsung.
This tips almost work in all samsung devices,some working a series are a5,a6 plus,a7,a8 plus,a9,a10,a20,a30,a50 and a70.
Some j series are j2,j2 core,galaxy j2 pro,j4,galaxy j5 prime,j6,j7 max,j7 prime,j7 nxt,j7 duo,j7 pro,and j8.
And the m and s model is m10,m20,m30,m40 and s6,s6 edge,s7 edge,s8,s9 plus and s10 plus.
Other models are note 8,note 9 and grand prime.
This english subtitle video common for tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,kannada and malayalam.
►How To Add Music To Facebook Story :
►How To Adjust Sleep Mode In Windows 10 Pc :
►How To Change Name and Profile Photo On Truecaller :
how to install any font for free in samsung :
1.Lot's of user's are raising one question,how to get more custom stylish fonts?.
2.So if you have the same doubt,just follow me friends.
3.Here i show the steps by using my samsung galaxy m30s device.
4.This method almost works for all android pie operating systems including tablet.
5.Just open your phone settings and then goto Display - Font size and style.
6.Here you can click to open second option.
7.But unfortunately it only shows default,samsungone and gothic bold.
8.So if you want to add rosemary or myanmar unicode font just press "Download fonts" setting.
9.Here it shows paid and top free apk files,so you can choose your favourite one.
#changefontstyle #samsungfonts #samsungstylishfont
you cannot browse this page because it is restricted iphone & ipad restricted site access.
Here i get this error message in my ipad 10th generation and which is have the operating system of ios 16.5.
At same time this solution also works on iphone devices.
This same issue even also occurs if you try to access the following websites like,amazon,docs google,localhost and youtube.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the one website in google chrome web browser :
Restricted Site
You cannot browse this page at because it is restricted.
Allow Website
☑️SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
How to solve restricted websites problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to parental control settings.
3.So if you like to fix it,just open your settings menu.
4.And goto Screen Time - Content & Privacy Restrictions - Web Content.
5.Here it shows some websites and these are the some websites are allowed by me.
6.So if you like to browse without any restrictions,just select this option "Unrestricted".
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#restrictedwebsitesiphone #youcannotbrowsethispage #ipad
This tutorial is about how to fix battleground mobile india server did not respond please return to the login page and try again.
This solution works for the following versions like battleground mobile india 1.4 or 1.4.0 and upcoming version 1.5.
If you play pubg mobile kr or pubg lite version,also you can transfer the data to bgmi.
This trick works on all android phone and ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification after i login my battlegrounds mobile india :
Server did not respond.Please return to the login page and try again.
Cancel OK
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Google Play Store :
How to solve match server didn't respond please try again later :
1.If you get this issue first of all repair this bgmi game.
2.And also clear that entire app data's.
3.And one time restart your android mobile.
4.After the restarting is completed,just try to check it if you have a 2023 released version of bgmi or not.
5.Once you check it,and then click to open it.
6.Now you can try to sign in or sign up this game by using with the twitter,facebook or guest account.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple step,finally that problem "server does not respond" is fixed.
#serverdidnotrespondbgmi #pleasereturntotheloginpage #serverdidnotrespond
This tutorial is about how to remove bank account from amazon pay later.
Always use 2023 released new update app on your device.
This solution works for all android mobile and ios based iphone and ipad devices.
Once you unlink your bank account,there is possible to link that same account with this amazon pay later.
But during upi id registration process,they charge some amount from your sim card.
At same time if you delete your upi id,your transaction history details are not deleted from this app.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
How to deactivate amazon pay account :
1.If you want to delete your existing linked bank account from amazon pay just follow this steps.
2.First of all open your amazon shopping app.
3.And don't forget to sign in or login your account details.
4.In home page section you can press that horizontal three lines icon.
5.And then select "Amazon Pay".
6.Now it shows your amazon balance as well as amazon upi id,so just tab on that upi id.
7.And it shows my linked bank account,but you can scroll down and then press "More options".
8.Now you can select "Deregister Amazon Pay UPI" and click to confirm.
9.Finally your upi id as well as linked bank accounts are successfully removed in permanently.
10.Same way you can remove debit card and credit card payment methods.
#removebankaccount #amazonpay #unlink
change tik tok video background black-make raindrop effect-create musically black background-get effects.
This tutorial is about how to change black background in tik tok.
This trick is 2022 released and works on all android phone and ios iphone also.
Also use kinemaster to edit your white or any colour backgrounds by without green screen.
This video is also available in tamil,hindi,telugu kaise kare and malayalam.
►How To Read Web Pages Offline In Chrome For Android :
►How To Take 360 Degree Photos In Your Mobile :
►How To Edit PDF Files In Android Mobile :
how to make your background black in tik tok best musically :
1.Long time i have the one doubt about how to do raindrop effect in musically videos.
2.But today i get the answer to create the raindrops challenge or rainbow effects.
3.If you are a tiktok lover just follow my steps.
4.Open your app and then press that plus icon to start the recording.
5.And then my mobile camera is turned on,here press "Effect" icon.
6.It shows lots of video editing options in hd
#tiktokblackbackground #raindropeffect #makebackgroundblack
error validating access token the session has been invalidated facebook messenger 452-facebook error validating access token 490-session expired problem-the user is enrolled in a blocking logged in checkpoint.
I get the following error notification,while try to sign in my fb messenger account via my messenger app :
Error validating access token: The session has been invalidated because the user changed their password or Facebook has changed the session for security reasons.(452)
This problem solution is only works on android mobile and may be works on ios iphone.
This is the new method 2022 released to fix the error code 490 and 452.
►How to remove add friend button on facebook :
►How to turn off suggested groups and pages on fb :
►How to stop live video notifications on facebook :
How to fix the user is enrolled in a blocking logged-in checkpoint (490) :
1.Goto Settings - Installed apps or Application management.
2.Here locate that facebook messenger app and click to open it.
3.Then goto "Storage",in this section you can click to "Clear data" and select "Clear all data".
4.Finally this app related caches are deleted successfully.
5.Now once again open that same app and click to login your account.
6.Finally this "session has expired" issue is solved.
This tutorial is about how to fix an unknown error occurred zoom pc - please join this meeting from your browser.
This solution also works for error code 104 114,error 104 103,error code 0,error code 1001 and code 5.
Always use 2023 released new update of app on your android mobile as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,cara mengatasi,hatası,sinhala,artinya and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to join the meeting in zoom :
An unknown error occurred
Please join this meeting from your browser.(Error code: 104101)
Report Problem
Join from browser Close
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To See Post You've Liked On Instagram :
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Google Chrome PC :
How to solve zoom an unknown error occurred error code 1132 :
1.Here i get this issue in my windows 10 pc.
2.At same time this method also works on windows 7,windows 8 and upcoming win 11.
3.So simple method to fix this error is just execute that commands.
4.And one time restart your laptop or computer.
5.And the second method is just install that extension to your google chrome.
6.And the third method is just click to access that zoom official website.
7.Now you can put your meeting id.
8.Finally this problem is fixed.
#anunknownerroroccurred #zoomanunknownerroroccurred #errorcode
This tutorial is about how to fix login request sent instagram problem we sent a notification to the trusted devices on this account to help you log in.
Always use 2023 released new update of insta app on your device.
This solution works for all android mobile as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
If may be this trick not working for you,just comment to me.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my instagram account :
Login request sent
We sent a notification to the trusted devices on this account to help you log in.
If you're already logged in on another device,you can open the Instagram app to approve this request.
►►How To See Archived Posts On Instagram :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp :
How to solve instagram login problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.And this is occurs due to two factor authentication feature.
3.So first of all remove unwanted apps from your mobile.
4.And then press "Try another way".
5.Here it shows Send text message,Use backup code,Get support,Visit Help Center and Cancel.
6.But you can select "Send text message",and then wait for a few minutes.
7.Because they sent the 6 digit confirmation code to your mobile number or email id.
8.And also tick to enable this option "Trust this device(We won't ask for a login code next time)".
9.Once you enter the code and click to "Continue".
10.Now my instagram account is successfully recovered.
11.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#loginrequestsent #instagram #wesentanotificationtothetrusteddevices
This tutorial is about how to fix facebook lite app not working or fb lite not opening problem.
This solution works for all android phone models,but not works on ios iphone.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,tagalog,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open my facebook lite app :
It only shows loading message....
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To See Post You Have Liked In Instagram :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Chrome Pc :
How to solve facebook lite app not opening links externally :
1.Due to this loading notification it doesn't shows my account logging in page.
2.Here i get this issue by using on my wifi network.
3.At same time this error also occurs for mobile data connection.
4.So anyway how to fix it?.
5.First of all check if you're using the 2023 released new update of fb lite app or not.
6.And then give all the access permission.
7.Once you allow this permissions,just one time restart your android mobile.
8.So after the restarting is completed,that problem is solved in permanently.
#facebooklitenotopening #fblitenotworking #facebookloadingproblem
This tutorial is about how to fix dp-06 error-epic games install location error.
This solucion is 2022 released and may be not working for mac platforms.
This method common for rocket league,gta v and unreal engine.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,hindi,deutsch and codigo de people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to download the fortnite via epic games launcher :
Install location error
You do not have permission to install to:
Error Code:DP-06
Search our knowledge base to learn more
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Chrome Pc :
how to solve install location error you don't have permission :
1.Here i get this issue in my windows 10 pc.
2.At same time this trick also works on windows 7,windows 8 and windows 8.1.
3.This is only happening if you choose the wrong installation folder path.
4.Otherwise if your path doesn't exist.
5.My suggestion is always you can select the default path to local disk A or Local Disk B.
6.Because if you select the drive c,may be your operating system files are affected.
7.If you follow my tips,that error dp 07 is also fixed in gta 5 game.
#installlocationerror #errordp06fortnite #fortniteinstalllocationerror
This tutorial is about how to fix problem with wireless adapter or access point in windows 10.
This solution is 2022 released,my best suggestion is always check if you're using the new update of windows or not.
Some working laptop models are hp,dell,acer,lenovo,asus and toshiba.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,malayalam,sinhala and cara mengatasi people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to troubleshoot my network settings :
Problems found
Problem with wireless adapter or access point Detected
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp Payment :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
How to solve wifi adapter not working properly issue :
1.Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc.
2.At same time this trick also works on windows 7 ultimate,home,windows 8 and windows 8.1.
3.First method is just disable your ethernet adapter/lan or wifi device for few seconds.
4.After the few seconds just click to enable it,if may be it not fixed your problem just try next step.
5.Just type i mentioned commands in your command prompt.
6.And don't forget to restart your windows desktop.
7.I hope this methods are will fix this issue.
#problemwithwirelessadapter #accesspoint #windows10
This tutorial is about how to solve action required your google pay account-couldn't send sms problem fixed.
Always use 2023 released new update of gpay app on your device.
But this method not working on ios based iphone and ipad devices.
At same time this trick works for android based vivo,oppo,samsung,oneplus and redmi or mi phone.
If you have a jio 4g simcard,airtel,vodafone idea or vi and bsnl you must choose proper network mode like LTE or 2G network.
Now a days they doesn't give any rewards or cashback offer,but it shows please complete action required.
So i decide to open this type of scratch card,but long time it shows your reward is pending and then finally it shows better luck next time.
This method common for all bank accounts like sbi,hdfc,axis and some other banks.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access my bank account in gpay :
Action required
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Play Store :
How to fix couldn't register or couldn't send sms problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask why this issue happening while try to activate the upi id?.
2.My point of view this is occurs for two possible reasons.
3.One is if may be your sim card main balance is very low.
4.And the another one of the reason is your sim card not have a proper network signal.
5.So one time clear that google pay app data's.
6.And don't forget to restart your android mobile.
7.After the restarting is completed,just try to access that same g pay.
8.So i hope now this time your problem is solved in permanently.
#googlepayactionrequired #actionrequiredgpay #googlepayproblem
This tutorial is about how to fix samsung failed to play video an unknown error has occurred.
Here i get this error in my samsung galaxy m30s android mobile.
So if you have samsung j2,j5,j7,galaxy s7 and s8 also you can try this method.
This 2022 released solution also works on realme,oppo,vivo,oneplus and redmi or mi phone.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to play the one video file :
Failed to play video
An unknown error has occurred.
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
How to solve video not playing problem :
1.Here i get this issue while i try to access the one video file via samsung phone default video player.
2.So if you like to fix this error message first of all check that file properties from sd card or internal storage.
3.If it is downloaded or not.
4.So my best suggestion is you can use vlc player to play the video files.
5.If you follow this simple step,that problem is fixed.
#failedtoplayvideo #anunknownerrorhasoccurred #samsung
Incompatible windows settings bluestacks windows 11/10, Fix incompatible windows settings bluestacks
how to fix windows 10 incompatible windows settings error in bluestacks 5, incompatible windows settings bluestacks windows 11.
This 2023 released solution also works on windows 7,windows 8,8.1 and windows 11 based computer.
If you have any query,just visit reddit website for best answers.
This hyper v is only supports on windows 10 pro,windows 10 enterprise and windows 10 education.But not works for windows 10 home.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the bluestacks x in my windows 10 pc :
Incompatible Windows settings
To launch BlueStacks,you will have to make some changes to your Windows settings.
We have an FAQ that explains it in detail.
Review the FAQ
☑️SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
How to solve bluestacks incompatible windows settings fix only in 1 min :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to hyper v is not installed on your desktop or laptop.
3.So if you like to fix this issue,just disable all the compatibility settings.
4.And also tick to enable Virtual Machine Platform,Windows Hypervisor Platform,Windows Subsystem for Linux and Hyper V.
5.But if you don't have a hyper v,just leave it.
6.Because in latest version of bluestacks 5,it has a inbuild of hyper v.So no problem.
7.So after you enable this following settings,and one time restart your windows pc.
8.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is fixed in permanently.
#bluestacks #incompatiblewindowssettings #windows10
This video is about how to fix roblox failed to start call your current settings don't allow for calling. roblox calling update not working.
But before going to make a voice call,first of all send the friend request.
Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc,at same time this solution also works on windows 11,windows 8 and windows 7 based laptop.
Some other working devices are android mobile,ios based iphone,ipad and mac.
At same time this feature only works for you if you enable the camera as well as microphone input.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to join the roblox connect server :
Failed to start call
Your current settings don't allow for calling.
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : Try to join roblox connect
00:32 : Reason for this error
00:51 : Complete age verification
01:11 : Follow instruction
01:48 : Enable inputs
01:59 : Again try to join roblox connect
02:13 : Outro
How to solve roblox call not working :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what to do when roblox says this kind of message and why this happening?.
2.This is occurs for two possible reasons.
3.And the first one is due to your age is not verified.
4.And the second one of the reason is due to your phone number is not verified with roblox account.
5.So if you like to fix this issue,just verify your age as well as phone number.
6.So after you done this processess and then try to connect your voice chat with your roblox friends.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#roblox #failedtostartcall #robloxconnect
This tutorial is about how to turn on data saver on tiktok.
This trick works for all android mobile,samsung tablet and ios iphone devices,because this app settings are common.
Otherwise if you're using tiktok lite app,it will reduce data usage and you can watch videos in low quality.
If you not like to save the internet,which means that if you like to watch videos in hd quality just turn off this data saver mode.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,kya hai telugu,kaise lagaen kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Delete Facebook Watched Videos History :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Play Store :
►How To Remove Ads From Imo App :
how to save data while watching tik tok videos :
1.If you like to save our mobile data usage just follow me friends.
2.Just open your tiktok app and in home page section you can press "Me" icon.
3.Now it shows my profile informations,but you can press vertical 3 dot icon.
4.Here you can goto "Data saver".
5.Finally you can click to enable this setting.
6.Some user's raising one question,about this data saver option is not showing.
7.My suggestion is just use 2022 released new update of mobile application.
#tiktokdatasaver #savemobiledata #datausage
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to send the message via my imessage app :
iMessage is Signed Out
An error occurred and your account is signed out of iMessage.You may miss messages as a result.please go to Settings to address this issue.
Ignore Settings
This tutorial is about how to fix imessage doesn't activate-not working problem.
Always check if you're using the 2022 released ios 14 based operating system or not.
This trick also works for all iphone models like iphone 5,iphone 6,iphone7,7 plus,iphone 10,11 and iphone xr.
Same way you can solve this activation problem on ipad facetime app.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,hindi and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Turn off Auto-Brightness In Iphone :
►How To Change Default Search Engine In Edge :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Chrome Pc :
how to fix imessage error occurred during authentication :
1.Most of my iphone se user's are ask my imessage is not getting activated.
2.So if you like to activate your iphone message app,just follow me friends.
3.Just open your settings menu,here you can locate "Messages" and click to open it.
4.And also don't forget to enable this service.
5.But sometime it shows the one notification "Your network provider may charge for SMS messages used to activate iMessage".
6.So you can click to "Ok".
7.And in followed by it also shows one notification "Waiting for activation".
8.So here you can press this link "Use your Apple ID for iMessage".
9.And then select "Sign In".
10.Once your sign in process is completed,same way i try to check it.
11.By simply send the one message to my friend,finally my message is successfully delievered.
#imessage #iphone #error
Fix driver_irql_not_less_or_equal error on windows 7/8/10-driver_irql_not_less_or_equal windows-driver irql not less or equal windows-irql not less or equal-windows 10 driver_irql_not_less_or_equal-irql_not_less_or_equal.
I get the following error message/notification while try to access my windows 10 pc:
Your computer ran into a problem and needs to restart.
If you'd like to know more,you can search online later for this code:IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL
This error solution is also common for windows 7,windows 8,windows 8.1,windows 10 also
This error is also common for netio.sys,btfilter.sys,nvidia,hp,ndis.sys,error blue screen,storahci.sys,tcpip.sys,storahci.sys.
Method 1:
1.Goto windows search bar then type"memory diagnostics".
2.Then click "Restart now and check for performance" option.
3.Now your pc is once restarting and then the diagnostics process is started.
4.If the process is once completed, again your pc once restarts.
Method 2:
1.Goto windows search bar then type"windows update".
2.Click"windows update settings", in this setting you can goto "Recovery".
3.Then click "Restart now" option.
4.Now the pc is once restarting, after the restarts goto "Troubleshoot - Advanced options - Startup settings.
5.Then click "Restart" option.
6.Now choose "4" for "enable safe mode" option.
7.Now again your pc is again restarting in safe mode.
8.After the restarting you can right click on windows icon then goto"Device manager".
9.Uninstall the error drivers.
10.Then also click "Disk drives" then double click on it.
11.Then click"Policies" Tab.
12.Choose"Quick removal" option.
13.Then it ask "Do you want to restart" , now you can choose"Yes" option.
14.Finally again the pc is once restarting, after the successfully restarting the problem is solved.
This tutorial is about how to view posts you liked and commented on instagram.
If you're use pc or computer this option may not available.
This tricks only work if you get the 2021 released new update,but this feature may be enhanced in 2022.
►How To Make Group Video Calls On Google Duo :
►How To Remove Edge Browser From Windows 10 :
►How To Turn On Dark Mode In Twitter Android :
how to see previously liked posts on instagram :
1.If you have the doubt about how do you know posts you have mostly like in insta.
2.By using this hidden feature you can easily find your mistakenly liked pictures and videos.
3.Also clear that same photos by goto that follower page or following page.
4.But there is no possible to view someone's activity.
5.So here i check my post via android mobile and also works on ios iphone,but the setting location may varry.
6.Just open your phone app and then complete login or sign up process.
7.Now goto profile section and then press horizontal line icon,here you can press "Settings".
8.And then choose "Account" setting.
9.Finally you can press "Posts You've Liked".
#postsyoulikedinstagram #seelikedposts #viewlikedphotosoninstagram
This tutorial is about how to fix personal hotspot not showing up in iphone ios 15 | personal hotspot greyed out.
Here i show the steps by using my iPhone se and which is have the operating system of 2023 released ios 15.1.
This method may be not working on ios older versions like ios 14,ios 14.5,ios 14.6 and ios 15.
Some other working models are iphone 4s,iphone 5s,iphone 6s,iphone 6,6 plus,iphone 7,7 plus,iphone 8,8 plus,iphone 11 pro max,iphone x,iphone xr,xs max,iphone 12 and iphone 13 pro.
If it is works it shows green colour icon,but not works for you it shows "Not Discoverable".
►►How To Delete Multiple Contacts In iPhone :
►►How To Change Amazon Prime Movies Video Language :
►►How To Hide Your Last Seen In Truecaller App :
How to solve personal hotspot not showing up problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask when i try to setup my personal hotspot,this hotspot icon is greyed out.
2.So how to fix this issue?.
3.So very simple method is just disable airplane mode.
4.And goto settings - Mobile Data - Network Selection.
5.And click to turn on "Automatic" mode.
6.And also turn off "Low Data Mode".
7.Once you done this i mentioned steps,just try to enable your mobile data.
8.And long press on that data icon.
9.Finally it shows "Personal Hotspot Discoverable".
10.And it displaying the connected devices list.
11.If you follow this simple step,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
12.This is the way you can easily set up personal hotspot on your ipad also.
#personalhotspotgreyedout #personalhotspotnotshowingup #iphone
This tutorial is about how to fix we couldn't install this update but you can try again windows 11/10 - cumulative update not installing.
This solution also works for windows 10 based laptop and pc.
This method also works on following error codes like 0x800f0922,0x800f0988,0x800f0900,0x800f0984,0x8000ffff,0x80072f8f,0x800f0845 and 0x800f0845.
Some other error code like 0x800f0805,0x800f081f,0x800f080a,0x800f0831,0x800f0900 and we could not install error 0x800f0905.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,cara mengatasi,hatası çözümü and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to update my windows 11 laptop to latest version :
You're up to date Check for updates
2023-03 Cumulative Update for Windows 11 for x64-based Systems(KB5011563) is available.
We couldn't install this update,but you can try again (0x8007000d).
Download & install
►►How To See Your Liked Instagram Posts :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
How to solve cumulative update for windows 11 for x64-based systems not installing :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,my windows update downloading is completed successfully
2.but after the few seconds it stuck and then it showing this kind of issue.
3.So very simple method to fix this error is,just download that windows update file in manually.
4.Once the downloading is completed just try to install that file.
5.After the installation is completed,don't forget to restart your windows pc.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#cumulativeupdatewindows11 #notinstalling #windows11cumulativeupdatestuck
This tutorial is about how to turn off duet in tik tok.
Once you turn on/disabled this feature if your friend try to press duet option they get "Duet isn't allowed for this video" error message.
Which means that this reacts are not working for your all videos.
At same time there is no way to fix this duet is not allowed for this video problem.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Your Google Play Store :
►How To Remove Ads From Imo App :
►How To Change Your Name & Profile Picture In Truecaller :
how to disable your duets on tiktok :
1.If you want to turn off this react feature just follow me friends.
2.Just open tik tok app in your android mobile or ios iphone.
3.And click to login your account details.
4.In home page section you can press "Me" icon and then press vertical 3 dot icon.
5.Now it shows all the settings category...but you can goto "Privacy and safety" setting.
6.Finally you can click to open "Who can duet with your videos" option.
7.But in device this option is default set to "Everyone",but you can change it to "No one" option.
8.Otherwise if you want to enable this feature just follow this same steps.
9.Always use 2022 released new update of tiktok app in your phone.
#disabletiktokduet #tiktokduetreactoff #turnoffduetstiktok
This tutorial is about how to fix confirm it's you to login instagram 30 days we noticed unusual activity from your account so we've logged you out.
This 2023 released solution works for all android mobile devices like samsung,oppo,vivo,realme,oneplus,xiaomi redmi or mi phone.
But if may be not working on your device,just comment to me.
If you have a ios based iphone or ipad device,you can also try this method.
If you get this error,also you can try to login your account by using with the facebook account.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my instagram account :
Confirm it's You to Login
We noticed unusual activity from your account so we've logged you out.
Follow the next steps within 1 day so we can try to get you back into your account before it's disabled.
►►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
How to solve help us confirm you own this account instagram sorry there was a problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask why it shows this kind of message,and what is the meaning?
2.So if you get this issue,just complete that human verification step and click to "Next".
3.And then it shows "We sent an email to ...with a link to get back into your account".
4.So you can click to confirm your email address.
5.In next step they ask "Trouble Logging in?".
6.So here you can enter your instagram account linked email id or phone number or username.
7.Once you enter the details and then press "Send Login Link".
8.Now you can try to check your gmail inbox,once you receive the email from insta just press "Reset Your Password".
9.And choose "Instagram app".
10.And then it shows the password reset section,so here you can put your new password.
11.Once you enter the password and then press "Reset Password".
12.Finally my instagram profile is ready to use.
13.So i hope if you follow this simple step,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#confirmyoutologin #wenoticedunusualactivity #loggedyououtinstagram
This tutorial is about how to fix instagram keeps crashing when trying to post or instagram keeps stopping send bug report to mi for analysis.
This 2023 released solution works for all android mobile devices like oneplus,realme,oppo,vivo,poco and redmi or mi phone.
But if you're a samsung user like samsung j7 or samsung s9 plus it shows " instagram has stopped app info close app send feedback " message and which is similar to that error.
At same time this method may be not working on ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This issue occurs on both mobile data as well as wifi network connection.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,kaise thik kare,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the instagram app in my xiaomi mi11i 4g android mobile :
Instagram keeps stopping
Send bug report to Mi for analysis? This report may contain Personally Identifiable Information.
Your report will be used to help fix this bug and will never be shared in any commercial context.
View summary
Cancel Report
Market Feedback Agent keeps stopping
►►How To Enable Game Turbo In Redmi Mobile :
►►How To Add Link In Your Instagram Story :
How to solve instagram keeps crashing when i try to post a story or reel :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.And here i get this error message after update my instagram to new version.
3.At same time some youtube videos shows if you get this message just one time clear that insta app data's.
4.Otherwise just uninstall and reinstall it,and then this problem is fixed.
5.So my suggestion is don't do this kind of things,because it also occurs even after reinstalling that app.
6.But some user's are having another issue,like if they try to opening that app it only showing white screen or black screen.
7.Which means that instagram app is not opening properly.
8.So anyway my guessing is,once you got this message just check that server status if it is down or not.
9.So otherwise just install the instagram lite app.
10.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#instagramkeepsstopping #sendbugreporttomiforanalysis #xiaomi
This tutorial is about how to hide following list on tiktok.
Always use 2022 released new update of app on your android phone or ios iphone device.
But don't use any follower increase app in your phone,because this is not a safe one.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google App :
►How To Activate Data Saver In Tiktok :
►How To Remove Ads From IMO :
how to hide who you are following on tiktok :
1.If you're a famous tik tok user just follow few steps to disappear your followers.
2.There is no specific settings are not available to hide this following list.
3.Only way is just make your profile to private mode.
4.First of all open your tiktok mobile app and click to login your account details.
5.In my home page section you can press "Me" icon and then press vertical 3 dots icon.
6.Here you can goto "Privacy and safety" setting.
7.Finally you can click to enable "Private account".
8.Once you activate this feature your friends details are disappeared automatically.
#tiktokfollowers #hide #following
This tutorial is about how to reset d'link dvr password.
Once you change your password and also setup the p2p online watch feature.
By using this feature,if you connect your dvr with wifi you can view your home or office through your mobile.
If you forgot the password,just reset it by using your email id.
Always use 2023 released new update of d link mobile cctv app to watch your live streaming.
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
how to change default password of dlink dvr :
1.In few days back i bought a new d-link cctv dvr.
2.This is have a total of 8 channel and price is very low.
3.But the installation process is completed very smoothly.
4.So i decide to setup the other things,like to change the date and time format and hard disk checking.
5.But unfortunately it ask for the system login username and password.
6.So i don't know what is the default password for this dvr?.
7.So if you feel same thing,and the password as press "Enter" key.
8.And right click on your display and then select "Main menu".
9.So here you can goto "Account" settings.
10.And finally press edit icon from "Admin" user.
11.Now you can modify your old password to new one.
#dlinkdvrpasswordreset #change #defaultpassword
[FIX] system service exception windows 10 blue screen stop code ntfs.sys or your pc ran into a problem and needs to restart - how to fix this
Here i get this error message in my windows 10 home based pc.
But this solution also works on windows 11 based pro and some other version.
If you have a acer,asus,hp,dell and microsoft laptop also you can try this method.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala,malayalam,hatası cozümü,ошибка,deutsch,cara mengatasi,detener codigo,pantalla azul,как исправить,حل مشكلة,แก้ ยัง ไง,solucionar,mavi ekran and ecran bleu languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while installing the windows 10 new update :
Your device ran into a problem and needs to restart.We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you.
82% complete
For more information about this issue and possible fixes,visit
If you call a support person,give them this info:
What failed: Ntfs.sys
How to solve system service exception not handled windows 11 vgk.sys :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what is the meaning of this issue and why this occurs to me?.
2.This is occurs due to corrupted system files and this issue keeps restarting your pc or computer.
3.So if you like to fix this issue,just follow i mentioned three steps.
4.Finally don't forget to restart your windows desktop.
5.So i hope if you follow i mentioned steps,in future this problem is solved in permanently.
#bluescreen #systemserviceexception #yourpcranintoaproblem
This tutorial is about how to fix an unexpected error occurred and roblox needs to quit. we're sorry error in roblox.
Always you can use the 2022 released new update of roblox app.
This crash issue sometime occurs in android mobile,ios iphone and ipad devices.
But this method not working on mac platforms,like macbook,macbook pro and all mac devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to hindi,español,como resolver,çözümü and türkçe languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the roblox app :
Roblox Crash
An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We're sorry!
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Google Chrome PC :
►How To Remove Edge Browser From Windows 10 :
How to solve roblox crashing problem :
1.Here i get this issue in my windows 10 pc.
2.At same time this solucion also works on windows 7,windows 8 and win 8.1.
3.So very simple method to fix this error is just uninstall that roblox app.
4.Once you uninstalled it and then open windows run and type that i mentioned comment.
5.And hit to enter.
6.Now you can select "App data" folder path and goto "Local".
7.Here you can locate that "Roblox" folder and click to delete it.
8.And don't forget to restart your windows laptop or computer.
9.After the restarting is completed,just try to install it from microsoft store.
10.Once the installation is completed,just click to play any games via this app.
11.So i hope now this time your problem is fixed.
#robloxcrash #anunexpectederroroccurred #robloxcrashfix
This tutorial is about how to fix failed to unzip game files in genshin impact.
Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc.
But this solution also works on windows 7,windows 8 and upcoming win 11.
This method also works for the version of genshin impact 1.3 and 1.4.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu and cara mengatasi people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to update my genshin impact 1.6 to 2.0 :
Failed to unzip game files. Select "Retry" to try again.
Cancel Retry
More Self-Help Options...
►How To Find Upcoming Birthday In Facebook :
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
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How to solve failed to unzip game file in genshin impact :
1.Here i get this issue in my new genshin 1.5.
2.So very simple method to fix this error is just locate that updated file.
3.And simply click to delete it.
4.And then tick to enable "Run this program as an administrator" mode.
5.And one time restart your windows pc.
6.After the restarting is completed,just try to update your 2023 released genshin impact.
7.So i hope now this time that problem is fixed.
#failedtounzipgamefiles #genshinimpact #selectretrytotryagain
This tutorial is about how to fix google play services your data isn't backed up add a backup account now.
Here i get this message in my xiaomi mi 11i 4g android mobile and which is have the operating system of 2023 released miui 13.
At same time this solution works for all android models like samsung,oppo,vivo,realme,oneplus,poco and all redmi phone models.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala,marathi,bengali,ka matlab kya hota hai,kyu aata hai,kaise hataye,kaise thik kare and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one message while i try to tab my android mobile notification panel :
Google Play Services
Your data isn't backed up
Add a backup account now
►►How To Add Link In Your Instagram Story :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
How to solve your data is not backed up :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.So my suggestion is,this is not a error message.
3.Which means that this is type of notification about backup.
4.So if you get this message,just press on it.
5.And then click to sign in your gmail account.
6.But sometime they verify your device details,so just complete it.
7.Finally you can click to turn on backup service.
8.And your data's are backed up with google one and they provide 15gb of free space.
9.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#yourdataisnotbackedup #addabackupaccountnow #googleaccount
How To Access SD Card Using Jio-Fi Hotspot Device In Pc & Mobile-jiofi sd card use-jiofi sd card sharing-jiofi 2 sd card-use of sd card in jiofi.
This method also works on jiofi 1,jiofi 2,jiofi 3,here i used jiofi m2s.
This jiofi micro sd card support has no limit,which means that unlimited storage space.
Using this way you can share your files from one computer to another laptop/pc.
how to use jiofi sd card in mobile :
1.Open your google chrome browser and then goto jiofi login page.
2.Then enter your login details and click to "Login".
3.Here select "Wifi-desk" and then you can view your files from sd card.
4.Using this trick you can download any files from your jiofi wifi router sd card.
5.Don't forget to insert sd card in jiofi.
This tutorial is about how to create a poll on telegram.
This new update features only works if you're using the 2022 released application.
This trick also working in all android mobile and ios iphone devices,because this app setting location is common.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,kaise banaye telugu and malayalam people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Hide Your Last Seen In Telegram :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Play Store :
►How To Remove Ads From Imo App :
how to make a poll in telegram channel :
1.If you want to send the poll bot just follow me friends.
2.Just open your telegram app or access online mode via desktop.
3.Now in home page section it shows my all chat conversations.
4.Here you can choose any one of the group,to generate the polling.
5.Now in chats section you can press gallery icon and then select "Poll".
6.This time you can write anything about questions section "Ask a question".
7.Also put your answer in "Poll options".
8.Always click to enable "Anonymous voting and quiz mode" settings.
9.Once you done this processes finally press "Create" option.
10.Now my vote bot is ready to function.
11.Don't forget to choose the results in this quiz.
#createpoll #makepollintelegram #telegrampoll
This is about The Finals Fatal Error Downloading Failed Steam ✔ The Finals Not Launching On PC.
This same error also occurs on ps5,xbox devices.But this is not working for you.
This solution only works for windows 11,windows 10,windows 8 and win 7 based pc and laptop.
If it shows any black screen during launch of finals gameplay,just follow this same trick.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to opening the finals game in steam launcher :
Fatal Error
Downloading failed.
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About this error
00:19 : Force close
00:27 : Delete easy anti-cheat
01:03 : Verify game files
01:24 : Delete discovery folder
01:39 : Restart
01:58 : Outro
How to solve the finals fatal error download or login failed :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why does it says this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.If you like to fix this issue,first of all force close this the finals as well as steam launcher from your task manager.
3.And then delete that easy anti cheat folder,and also verify that game files.
4.Once you verify the game files and also delete that discovery folder.
5.Finally don't forget to restart your windows platform.
6.So after the restarting is completed,and then this problem is fixed in permanently.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#thefinals #fatalerror #downloadingfailed #steam #thefinalsnotlaunching #pc #windows #fix #howtofix #notlaunching #notworking #notopening #thefinalsfatalerror
This tutorial is about how to fix snapchat error oops something went wrong please try again later.
You can login your snapchat profile by using with the email id or phone number.
Most of the time this is happening when you try to add friend or quick add the friends.
At same time if you use this snapchat in bluestacks,this is occurs while using the filter or uploading the photos.
Don't worry about your chat message or memories,after you clear that cached data.
And if you want to raise the question about this issue,just use reddit.
But don't try to watch blocked people's snap photo,and always use 2023 released app on your device.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to use the maps feature on snapchat :
Something went wrong,Please try again later.
Exit Map
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
►How To Get 3D Animals In Google Search :
How to solve snapchat something went wrong please try again later problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask why i m getting this kind of message?.
2.My guessing is this is occurs due to the network problem.
3.Otherwise due to snapchat app data's.
4.So first of all clear that entire app data's.
5.And restart your android mobile or ios iphone.
6.After the restarting is completed,this problem is fixed.
#somethingwentwrong #snapchatproblemsomethingwentwrong #pleasetryagainlater
This tutorial is about how to fix instagram username not available problem or username not found.
Always install 2023 released new update of insta app or instagram lite app on your device.
This solution works for all android as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
But if you get "user not found" error message,may be this instagram team will block your profile.
Which mean that there is no possible to unblock it.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
►►How To Enable Game Turbo In Redmi Mobile :
►►How To See Archived Posts On Instagram :
►►How To Change Your Country In Google Play Store :
How to solve instagram username not available when logging in :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to my google smart lock not updating the previously changed insta username.
3.So very simple method to fix this error is,in login page section you can press this link "Get help logging in".
4.And then put your email id or phone number and click to "Next".
5.Now they showing access your account via send an email,send an sms or login with facebook.
6.But you can press "Need more help".
7.Now they automatically show my new instagram username,so just note it.
8.So otherwise you can reset your password by sending the verification code to your mobile number or email id.
9.Once you receive the link and click to reset your password.
10.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this "username cannot be found" problem is solved in permanently.
#instagramusernamenotfound #usernamenotavailableinstagram #usernamenotfound
This tutorial is about how to fix fifa 23 ea anticheat error failure during update process.
This 2023 released solucion works for all windows platforms like windows 11,windows 10 and win 7 also.
But if you get this same error on origin or steam launcher,also you can try this same method.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to cara mengatasi,hatası çözümü,sorunu,como resolver,как исправить,deutsch,что делать and español languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to play the fifa 23 via epic games launcher :
Failure during update process
EA anticheat
►►How To Stop Twitter Email Notifications :
►►How To Delete Google App Search History :
►►How To Change Your Name In Truecaller :
How to solve fifa 23 stuck on loading screen on pc easy anti cheat error :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to administrative permission.
3.So first of all force close the ea app and other launcher.
4.And then disable run as administrator for fifa 23 app and ea launcher.
5.Finally one time restart your windows pc.
6.So after the restarting is completed,and then try to play your game.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#fifa23 #failureduringupdateprocess #eaanticheat #eaanticheatfifa23 #epicgames #windows10 #windows11 #anticheaterror
Here my device has 2021 released new update,but this option may be varry on 2022 release update.
Also works for ios iphone,iphone 6 and samsung models.
This english video also has subtitles in tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam.
►How To Install Apps On Your Samsung Smart Tv :
►How To Make Group Video Call In Google Duo :
►How To Change Voice In Google Assistant :
how to change imo default ringtone :
1.Now a days this app providing high quality live video and audio calling service.
2.At same time they doesn't know how to switch this caller tune by using your android mobile.
3.Here i using beta version of application.
4.Just open that messenger and then goto profile section.
5.And press "Notifications" setting,here you can locate "call setting".
6.Finally click to set your own mp3 song or any music as ringtone.
7.If you don't like this notification sound just download it from google.
#changeimoringtone #imocallertune #setringtoneinimo
How to fix VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE(igdkmd64.sys)-All windows version-video tdr failure atikmpag.sys,igdkmd64.sys,nvlddmkm.sys.this method is also working in windows 10,windows 8.1,windows 8-video_tdr_failure.
Goto device manager then select your display adapter.
click to update now options.
Goto control panel-power options.
select "choose what the power button does" then click"change settings that are currently unavilable"
now tick "Turn on fast startup" option.
Goto command prompt(admin)
It takes some time to complete the process, after this command is completed once restart your pc.
The Error is fixed.
Fix bgmi unable to connect to server please try a different network or grant wifi access to the game
This tutorial is about how to fix unable to connect to server please try a different network or grant wifi access to the game bgmi.
Always check if you install the 2023 released bgmi 1.7 on your device or not.
This solution works for all android mobile devices like samsung,oppo,vivo,realme,oneplus,xiaomi redmi or mi phone.
This network reset process common for following sim cards like jio 4g sim,bsnl,airtel,vodafone idea or vi.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the battlegrounds mobile india :
Unable to connect to server.Please try a different network or grant WiFi access to the game in your settings.
Error Code:269615110
►►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►►How To Change Google Chrome Download Location In Mobile :
How to solve bgmi unable to connect server problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning?.
2.My guessing is this is occurs due to the network issue.
3.So if you use wifi network first of all check your wifi router indicators.
4.At same time if you use mobile data network,just one time reset network settings.
5.And also give the access for "Allow background data usage" option.
6.Finally try to access that same battleground mobile india.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple step,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#unabletoconnecttoserver #pleasetryadifferentnetwork #bgmi
This tutorial is about how to fix discord not opening or won't open or not launching issue.
So if your mic or audio device not working properly just uninstall it.
And check it,if you're using the 2022 released new update or not.
At same time this solution not works on mac laptop as well as android phone.
But this trick also works for windows 7,windows 8 and windows 8.1.
This is the way you can easily fix discord not installing or not loading problems.
►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp Payment :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
how to solve discord not opening issue :
1.So when i try to click on this discord app in my windows 10 pc long time it won't open.
2.And my desktop screen doesn't goes to black screen or flickering.
3.And also it not showing any error notifications.
4.So what to do if discord is not launching?.
5.First of all disable this discord on startup.
6.And also delete this installation file cache folder by using the run command prompt.
7.So if you follow this simple step,your problem is fixed.
8.Don't forget to run this discord setup file as administrator mode.
#discordnotopening #discordnotlaunchingwindows10 #discordnotworkingwindows10
This tutorial is about how to fix unable to update minecraft native launcher microsoft store xbox game pass.
This method not working for mac laptop and other platforms.
In november 2023 i try to download this launcher from xbox game pass via microsoft store.
Also search the solution from reddit and curseforge sites and don't forget to install the java on your device.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,cara mengatasi,deutsch,hatası and español languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to install the minecraft launcher via microsoft store app :
Unable to update the Minecraft Native Launcher.
►►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp Payment :
►►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
How to solve unable to update minecraft native launcher :
1.One of my subscriber ask why does it say this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.Here i get this error message in my new windows 11 pc.
3.At same time this solucion also works on windows 10 based pc's.
4.So very simple method to fix this error is,just one time reset this minecraft launcher.
5.And if may be this reset process doesn't work for you,just uninstall that launcher completely.
6.And don't forget to restart your device.
7.After the restarting is completed,finally this minecraft native launcher won't update problem is solved in permanently.
#unabletoupdateminecraftnativelauncher #unabletoupdatethe #microsoftstore
Fix WiFi doesn't have a valid IP configuration Error in windows 7/8/10-wifi doesn't have a valid ip configuration-ethernet doesn't have a valid ip configuration-wireless network connection doesn't have a valid ip configuration.
I get the following error message/notification(does not have valid ip) while try to check my internet connections in my windows 10 pc.
WiFi doesn't have a valid IP configuration
This error solution is common for windows 7,windows 8,windows 8.1,windows 10 or win 10 also and this 3 methods are working 100 %.
This error is occurred all laptops like that hp,dell,samsung,lenovo,acer,asus,micromax,mac also and ethernet cable is also common for bsnl,airtel,reliance,aircel,tata docomo,vodafone lan connections.
? ? ?✔✅LIKE &?.✔✅SHARE ? ?✔ COMMENTS?✔ ?
Method 1:
1.Goto Run (windows + R) then type "services.msc".
2.Locate "DHCP Client".
3.Double click on it and select "stop" option.
4.Finally once restart your pc the problem is solved.
Method 2:
1.Goto windows icon and right click on it then choose "command prompt(admin)".
2.Type the following commands.
3."netsh winsock reset catalog"
4."netsh int ipv4 reset reset.log"
5.Finally once restart your pc the error is fixed.
Method 3:
1.Right click on "network icon" then goto "open network and sharing center".
2.Then click to open your network adapter and click"Properties".
3.Click to open "Internet protocol version 4(TCP/IPv4).
4.Then type the following details
5.Ip address:
6.Subnet mask:
7.Default gateway:
8.Preferred DNS server:
9.Alternate DNS server:
10.Finally once restart your pc the problem is solved.
This is about Microsoft Store couldn't install app ✔ something happened on our end ✔ there has been an error and fix something unexpected happened error.
This solution also works for windows 11 based pro and home versions.
And works on both laptop as well as pc.
Some user's are facing this issue while downloading the games,but after the downloading is completed it not installing.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to cara mengatasi,cách fix lỗi,kaise kare hindi,hatası cozümü,bangla telugu,tamil,malayalam,sinhala and kannada languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to download the minecraft launcher in windows 10 microsoft store app :
Couldn't install app
Something happened on our end.
There has been an error.
See details
Something unexpected happened
Reporting this problem will help us understand it better.You can wait a bit and try again or restart your device.That may help.
Code: 0x87E00005
Close Report this problem
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About error messages
00:39 : Sign out
00:49 : Reset store
01:16 : Windows services
01:47 : Restart
02:03 : Sign in
02:31 : Outro
How to solve something happened at our end. waiting a bit might help :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why does it says this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs for several reasons.
3.So first of all if this microsoft store server have any issue,it shows this kind of message.
4.And the second one of the reason is,if your internet connection not working properly it shows that message.
5.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#microsoftstore #somethinghappenedonourend #therehasbeenanerror #somethingunexpectedhappened #howtofix #fix #windows10 #windows11 #store #notdownloading
This tutorial is about how to fix couldn't open file open in another app try again or could not open file or how to fix docx file not opening.
This same problem also occurs while try to open the photo file formats like jpeg and png.
Here my xiaomi have the update of 2023 released miui 13 version.
At same time this solution works for all android phone models like oppo,vivo,realme,oneplus and all mi devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the docx file via xiaomi mi 11i android mobile :
Couldn't open file
Open in another app
Try again
Submit error report
►►How To Enable Game Turbo In Redmi Mobile :
►►How To Add Link In Your Instagram Story :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
How to solve can't open file error :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.And this is happening due to mi doc viewer app cached data's.
3.So anyway very simple method to fix this error is,just open your settings menu.
4.And goto manage apps - Mi doc viewer(powered by wps).
5.Now you can clear that app data's and also give the files and media access permission.
6.So after you done this processes,and one more time you can try to open any pdf or word file.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem(cannot open file) is solved in permanently.
8.If may be this trick not working for you just leave a one comment,i give some more ideas.
#couldnotopenfile #xiaomi #openinanotherapp
This tutorial is about how to fix windows 10 closing 1 app and shutting down problem.
This is 2022 released solution and always you can use new update of windows platform.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,cara mengatasi and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to restarting my windows 10 pc :
Closing 1 app and shutting down
To go back and save your work,click Cancel and finish what you need to.
Program Manager
Shut down anyway Cancel
Task Host Window
Task Host is stopping background tasks.
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Make Your Twitter Account To Private :
►How To Create Group In Gmail :
How to solve this app is preventing shutdown :
1.Here i get this issue in my windows 10 home based pc.
2.At same time this trick also works on windows 7,windows 8 and win 8.1.
3.So first of all force close that background running app via task manager.
4.And then follow that i mentioned registry method.
5.So if you follow this simple step,that problem is fixed in permanently.
#closing1appandshuttingdown #apppreventingshutdown #windows10
This tutorial is about how to fix roblox error code 529 we are experiencing technical difficulties please try again later.
Here i get this error message in my android mobile.
At same time this 2023 released solucion also works on windows 11 and windows 10 based pc.
But not working on mac laptop.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to hatası çözümü,cara mengatasi,codigo de,español,türkçe,แก้ยังไง and como resolver languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to joining one game server in roblox :
Join Error
We are experiencing technical difficulties.Please try again later.
(Error Code: 529)
Cancel Retry
►►How To Change Your Name In Truecaller :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp Payment :
How to solve roblox join error :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs for two possible reasons.
3.One is due to roblox server down.
4.And the second one of the reason is,due to network problem.
5.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#529 #roblox #robloxerror #weareexperiencingtechnicaldifficulties #robloxerrorcode529 #error529
This tutorial is about how to fix no service sim card problem or network searching error in iphone.
But iphone 6 user only have this error after battery replacement.
At same time most of the user's are having this issue after update the ios 14 to 14.6.
This is not a hardware repair solution,so only way to bypass this error is just move proper mobile network area.
This 2023 released method almost works for all iphone models.
Some working models are iphone 4s,iphone 5s,iphone 6,6 plus,iphone 7,7 plus,iphone 8,8 plus,iphone 10,iphone 11 pro max, iphone x,xr,xs max and iphone 12 pro.
And if you use following cellular like bsnl,jio 4g,airtel,vodafone idea or vi just follow this simple step.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to tab my iPhone se notification panel :
No Service
►How To Disable Auto Brightness In Your iPhone :
►How To Remove Iphone Not Backed up Notification :
How to solve no service problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask why is my phone saying this message with warning sign?.
2.This is mostly occurs due to your area not have a proper network coverage.
3.Otherwise your mobile sim card is not register with their service provider.
4.So anyway how to fix this issue?.
5.Just open your settings menu and then goto Mobile data - Network Selection.
6.Here you can always enable "Automatic" option.
7.And one time restart your phone.
8.After the restarting is completed,your problem is fixed.
#simcardnoserviceproblem #noserviceiphone #searchingnetwork
This tutorial is about how to fix imessage activation an error occurred during activation/waiting for activation.
Here i get this error message in my 2023 released new iphone se,and which is have the operating system of ios 14.7.1.
But this solution also works on older version of ios 12,ios 14,ios 14.6 and upcoming ios 15.
Some other iphone working models are iphone 4s,iphone 6,iphone 6s,iphone 7,7 plus,iphone 8 plus,iphone 11,iphone 12 pro max,iphone x,iphone xs max and iphone xr.
This is mostly occurs after switching carriers or changing sim card from jio 4g to verizon or bsnl.
This video has english subtitle at same time india based hindi,telugu,malayalam,indonesia and philippines people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to activate the imessage feature :
iMessage Activation
An error occurred during activation. Try again.
Waiting for activation...
►How To Turn off Auto Brightness In iPhone :
►How To Delete Multiple Contacts On Iphone :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
How to solve imessage activation unsuccessful issue :
1.One of my subscriber ask how do you fix imessage won't activate after porting the sim card from airtel to vodafone idea or vi?.
2.So very simple method is just one time sign out your apple id.
3.And also reset all the network related settings.
4.So once you done this processes,again goto turn on this imessage feature.
5.But it ask for your apple email id and password.
6.Sometime they ask for your phone number linked with this apple account.
7.Because they verifying your identity by sending the verification sms.
8.So once you complete this step,finally that problem is fixed.
9.You can try this same trick if facetime won't activate it.
10.But this method not work in ipad devices.
#imessageactivation #imessageactivationerror #anerroroccurred
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open my bluestacks in my windows 10 pc :
Performance warning
You may experience slow performance with BlueStacks due to the low available RAM.
Please consider closing some programs and continue.
Close BlueStacks Continue anyway
This tutorial is about how to increase speed of bluestacks 4.
This method not working in mac devices like macbook and ipad.
If you follow this simple step,your computer performance is boost and this error is fixed.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Link Your Bank Account In Whatsapp Payment :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
How to fix bluestacks performance issues :
1.This step is for best bluestacks settings for low end pc to play the pubg and free fire.
2.At same time this trick works on windows 7,windows 8 and windows 8.1 platforms.
3.There is no need to increase the ram size.
4.So very simple method is just update older version to new 2022 released bluestacks 4.
5.And then goto settings and change resolution to maximum one.
6.Then select "Engine",so here don't change any mode.
7.But simply choose the ram size to 4gb,and click to save this changes.
8.After the restarting is completed,finally this problem is solved.
#performancewarningbluestacks #bluestacksperformancewarning #bluestackssettings
This tutorial is about how to delete saved card from myjio app.
This jio autopay benefits are you can make your payment for future auto renewal plans.
This removal process only works after you disable the next recharge plan,and my suggestion is don't put your bank account details on any websites.
Here i setup this feature,because they provide cashback offer for the amount of 600 and 399 data plans.
This video has english subtitle,at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu and malayalam people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Facebook Lite :
►How To Set Tiktok Video As Home Screen Wallpaper :
►How To Remove Ads From Imo App :
how to deactivate jio auto recharge :
1.If you like to stop your future jio payments just follow some steps.
2.First of all open your myjio app and then link your mobile number with in this application.
3.So once account is successfully linked,in home page section you can press that horizontal lines icon.
4.And choose "Jiopay".
5.Now you can select "Saved cards" and the final one.
6.And then it shows my credit card details,but there is any remove icon is available.
7.So just go back to one step,and then goto "JioAutoPay".
8.Here it shows my plan name and mobile number,but you can press "Cancel" option.
9.And then it shows "Your request for jioautopay deregistration has been taken successfully".
10.But this deactivation process is only completed,after you get the confirmation message from jio team.
11.Once you receive that message,again goto that saved card section and then click to delete your debit card or atm card informations.
#canceljioautopay #removecreditcard #deletesavedcardinmyjio
disable facebook live video-turn off live video notifications-remove live notifications-stop live video on facebook.
This tutorial is about how to stop live video notifications on facebook.
Using this trick also delete live comments and live chat in your android mobile.
This method is new one 2022 released and steps are common while using facebook application.
Same way also remove birthday reminder notification from facebook.
Disable System Update Notification On Android :
How To Clear History On Instagram :
How To Send APK File Via Whatsapp :
how to remove live video from facebook :
1.First of all sign in your facebook account.
2.Then click arrow icon - Settings - Notifications.
3.In this section you can click to open "On Facebook" - "Edit".
4.Here locate "Live Videos" and click to turn off it.
5.This is the way you can easily disable facebook live video notification.
Fix fivem could not find component cache storage file (components.json) or how do to fivem cache clear/delete
If you like to fix this issue,just delete that cache files and folder.
That clear cache is one and only way to solve that error message.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to cara mengatasi,hatası cozümü,mappa törlése,temizleme and dosyası silme languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the fivem app :
Could not find component cache storage file (components.json).
See details Save information Close
delete snapchat account permanently-disable account from snapchat-2022-cancel-close your snapchat-android mobile-without-deactivate-temporarily-remove my snapchat story.
This tutorial is about how to remove or close snapchat account without password.
This trick is new one 2022 released and also works on samsung android phone,apple ios iphone,pc or computer.
If this method is good for you or not interested,just press cancel icon to reactivate your account.
This is my only one of the video for deleting snapchat account and also disable your this app related memories all at once.
Also available in tamil,hindi,telugu and malayalam.
►How To Delete All Conversations On Facebook Messenger :
►Best Instagram Downloader App :
►How To Change Amazon Prime Audio Language & Subtitles :
how to delete a snapchat account without knowing the password :
1.Long time i have the doubt for how do i delete my snapchat account permanently.
2.Because this snapchat story and chat history is very disturbing me.
3.Then i want to delete my a/c in temporarily.
4.But this video will show you how to shut down or close down snapchat account forever.
5.Here i using only method 1.
6.Just open your snapchat application in your android mobile and then press that profile icon.
7.Then again press gear icon for settings,then goto Support - My account & security.
8.Now in this section,you can goto Account information - Delete my account.
9.Here you can click to open that link "Accounts portal" and then it ask for your username and password.
10.Once the login details are entered,it starts to logging in.
11.One more time it ask for my sign in informations.
12.Once the details are entered,click to submit your request.
13.Finally immediately the snapchat deleted my account and this process will complete without 30 days.
14.Once if you forgot password,just use email to get recovery option.
15.This is the way you can instantly deactivate account from snapchat.
This tutorial is about how to check mobile data balance in bsnl.
This 2022 released new update of ussd code number works for following indian states are tamilnadu,kerala,mp,karnataka,odisha and rajasthan.
My plan validity is 365 days,also they provide best net pack offer for 1 month and more.
Sometime they sent the notification messages for remaining data balance,but there is possible to stop this service.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Google Play Store :
►How To Remove Ads From Imo App :
►How To Make Group Video Call In Google Duo :
how to know data balance in bsnl sim :
1.Here i using the bsnl prepaid 4g lte sim card.
2.At same time this method also works on 2g and 3g postpaid user's.
3.There is no special app is available to checking the daily data usage.
4.Here i show the steps by use my samsung galaxy m30s android mobile.
5.First of all open your keypad application and then type that ussd code.
6.And then you can follow few steps,finally it shows plan name,validity time period.
7.At same time if you're a pc user you can find new voice and sms plans through online.
8.Same way you can easily find the availability of broadband data usage.
#checkbsnlbalance #bsnldatabalancecheck #bsnldataplan
This 2023 released trick almost works for all curved tv on series 6 and series 7.
There is possible to downloading the files from usb,otherwise just reinstall it.
This youtube and jio tv some time shows new update,so you can check it.
►How To Disable Screensaver On Firestick :
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Google Maps :
►How To Hide Last Seen In Truecaller App :
how to install application in samsung smart tv :
1.Today i get the answer for installation of app like hotstar,zee5 and voot.
2.Here i using my series 5, 43 inch 4k smart tv.
3.Just open your apps section and then complete your sign up process.
4.Here you can put any app and click to download it.
5.If you don't like it, just select delete or remove option to uninstall the programs.
#installapps #downloadappsonsamsungtv #youtubeappforsmarttv
This tutorial is about how to fix instagram error sorry we couldn't complete your request please try again in a moment.
But this solution may be not working on ios based iphone and ipad devices.
Some user's are having this problem while using the instagram business promotion.
But most of them get this error while try to edit profile.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to view the followers in instagram :
Sorry,we couldn't complete your request.Please try again in a moment.
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►How To Get 3D Animals In Google Search :
How to solve we could not complete your request problem :
1.One of my friend ask why this insta showing this kind of error message?.
2.Some time this is happening if you try to view your blocked people's from your profile.
3.So very simple method to fix this issue is just check your instagram app.
4.Which means that if you have a 2023 released insta app or not.
5.So one time logout your profile from all devices.
6.And restart your android mobile.
7.So after the restarting is completed,just try to login or sign up your account.
8.So i hope finally that problem is solved in permanently.
#instagramloginerror #wecouldnotcompleteyourrequest #pleasetryagain
I get the following error notification while i try to updating my whatsapp messenger app :
Waiting for download...
Verified by Play Protect
This tutorial is about solution for waiting for download.
This trick 2022 released and works for all phone models.
This new update also works if you downloading apps like pubg tencent gaming buddy.
►How To Create A Group In Gmail :
►How To Remove Edge Browser In Windows 10 :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Your Google Maps :
how to solve download pending problem on google play store :
1.Here i show the method for both mobile data network user's and wifi connection.
2.First of all open that play store in your android mobile or ios iphone device.
3.Now goto settings section.
4.Here you can select that i mentioned setting.
5.Also fix not installing apps after download and not working errors.
#waitingfordownload #playstorewaitingfordownload #downloadpending
This tutorial is about how to fix there was a problem connecting to the server please try again snapchat.
Always use 2023 released new update of snapchat app on your device.
This solution works for all android mobile devices like samsung,oppo,vivo,oneplus,xiaomi redmi or mi phone.
But not working on ios based iphone and ipad platforms.
There is not possible to reset your password by without using the email id or phone number.
If may be that verification code is not sending to you,just one time press "Resend sms".
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to reset my snapchat account password :
There was a problem connecting to the server.Please try again.
►►How To See Your Liked Posts On Instagram :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►►How To Change Google Chrome Download Location In Mobile :
How to solve snapchat login problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why does this snapchat says this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.Sometime this error occurs due to snapchat server down.
3.But if you like to fix this error in your side,just one time clear this snapchat app data's.
4.And then try to verify your mobile number or email id.
5.So i hope this first method will work for you.
6.So if may be it doesn't work for you,just open that snapchat password reset link.
7.And then choose "Phone number" or Email id.
8.Once you enter the phone number they send the verification code to your number,so just copy that code.
9.After you enter that code and click to "Verify".
10.Finally they showing password reset section,so here you can enter the new password.
11.So i hope if you follow this second method,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
12.This is one and only way to reset your forgot password.
#therewasaproblem #connectingtotheserver #snapchat
This tutorial is about how to fix update failed windows 11 error code 0x8007000d some update files are missing or have problems. we'll try to download the update again later.
Always check it,if your windows pc is updated to the 2023 released new version or not.
This solution may be works on windows 10 operating systems like windows 20h2, 21h1 and 21h2 versions.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to check the windows update in my new windows 11 laptop :
Updates failed
Some update files are missing or have problems.We'll try to download the update again later.Error code:(0x8007000d)
►►How To Enable Dark Mode On Instagram PC :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
How to solve windows update some update files are missing or have problems :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.So before going to fix this error,first of all check it what is the reason for this message.
3.By simply goto control panel - Troubleshooting.
4.And then press "Fix problems with windows update".
5.And wait for a troubleshoot result.
6.So next way to fix this error is,you can install this update to manually.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#somefilesaremissing #updatefailedwindows11 #someupdatefilesaremissingorhaveproblemswindows11
Fix samsung j2 a new version of youtube is available install it now from google play ✔ update problem this app is no longer compatible with your device error fixed.
If you have a following samsung phone and tab models you can follow this same trick and the models are samsung a13,samsung j1,samsung j3 pro,samsung j5,samsung j7,samsung j7 prime,samsung galaxy note 3 and all samsung duos tablet mobiles.
This solution also works on vivo,poco,realme,redmi or xiaomi mi,oppo f1s,oppo a33f,oppo a37fw,oppo a37f and oppo a37.
So you can update your all the apps to 2024 released new version.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise thik kare hindi,tamil,bangla telugu,nahi chal raha hai na,sinhala,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the youtube app in samsung galaxy j2 :
A new version of YouTube is available.Install it now from Google Play
Your device isn't compatible with this version.
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:04 : About this error message
00:39 : Reason for this error
00:50 : Install the app as apk file format
01:16 : Another way to solve this error
02:11 : Outro
#youtubeupdateproblem #newversionofyoutubeisavailable #thisappisnolongercompatible
How to solve this app is no longer compatible with your device. contact the developers for more info :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message when i try to update the youtube app?.
2.So my answer is this is only occurs if your android version not support the older version of mobile apps.
3.So if you like to fix this issue,just install the app in apk file format.
4.Now a days lot's of websites are available to download the apk file in google.
5.So otherwise you can create the shortcut url via google chrome browser.
6.But if you try to open the google play store,your app not working and the updating process is not initiate.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
This video is about how to fix Webpage Not Available | Instagram Threads | net err_http_response_code_failure In Android chrome.
Always check if you using the 2024 released new update of insta app or not.
This solution works for all android phone models like samsung,oppo,vivo,poco,oneplus,realme,nothing and xiaomi redmi or mi phone.
This error message also occurs if you try to login the gameloop facebook and twitter,telegram,messenger,snapchat and digilocker.
Sometime this is also occurs in opera mini browser,picasso app and my jio app.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to bata raha hai,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,tamil,ka matlab kya hota hai,ko kaise theek karen,sinhala,ko kaise hataye and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the instagram threads link via insta mobile app :
Web page not available
The web page at
Could not be loaded because:
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About this error
00:33 : Solution for instagram
01:50 : Update App
02:06 : Solution for chrome
02:47 : Outro
How to solve net err_http_response_code_failure :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why does it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this error code?.
2.Sometime this is occurs due to network connection,which means that if your wifi or mobile data network not working properly it shows this kind of message.
3.So anyway if you like to fix this issue,just one time clear that insta app data's.
4.And also clear that instagram app link history.
5.At same time if you get this message in google chrome browser,just one time clear that browser app data.
6.So i hope if you follow i mentioned steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
7.But this method not working for pc or laptop.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#webpagenotavailable #instagramthreads #android #chrome #googlechrome #fix #howto #howtofix #mobile #instagram #instagramapp #solve #problem #browser
This tutorial is about how to fix minecraft connection timed$annotatedconnectexception error.
This method common for minecraft tlauncher,realms,hamachi and aternos.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the minecraft java edition :
Failed to connect to the server$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection refused: no further information:
Back to server list.
►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp Payment :
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
how to solve failed to connect to the server in minecraft :
1.Here i get this problem on my windows 10 pc.
2.At same time this trick works for all windows versions like windows 7,windows 8 and 8.1.
3.So first of all check if your java is updated to 2022 released new version or not.
4.And also check your wifi or lan internet connections.
5.Finally execute i mentioned commands in command prompt.
6.If you follow this simple step,this error is fixed in permanently.
7.But if you use the minecraft launcher.
#failedtoconnecttotheserver #failedtoconnecttotheserverminecraft #minecraftconnectiontimedout
How to fix Runtime Error-atibtmon.exe in windows 8/8.1/10-windows 10 runtime error-runtime error atibtmon.exe-runtime error program c windows system32 atibtmon.exe-runtime error windows 10-this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way-microsoft visual c++ runtime library error fix windows 10.
I get the following error message in my windows 10 pc:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error!
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
This error solution is common for windows 7,windows 8,windows 8.1,windows 10.
This error is may be occurred in during system startup and this error is occurred while if you are upgrade your windows 10 pc or other operating systems.
If you getting this error you can unplug your charging cables.
1.Goto "Power option" and then click "show additional plans".
2.Choose "High performance" option and then click "change plan settings" option.
3.Then click "change advanced power settings".
4.Now click "PCI Express" and then choose "maximum power savings".
5.Once restart your pc the problem is solved.
This tutorial is about how to solve yono sbi login problem or sb001 technical error please try later.
Some user's are get this issue after update the yono sbi app to yono lite app.
Always use 2023 released new update of app on your device,and which is available for both android as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
If may be this solution not working,just use sbi netbanking for fund transfer.
Also check your bank account linked sim card before going to get the activation code.
This method works for following sim cards like jio 4g,bsnl,airtel and vodafone idea or vi.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to activate my yono sbi mobile app :
SB001 Technical Error,please try later.
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
►How To Hide Your Last Seen In Telegram :
How to fix yono sbi registration problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask why does it showing this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.Here i get my verification sms,but unfortunately this yono app activation is not completed.
3.So my point of view this is happening if you don't have a main balance.
4.Which means that during this registration process,may be your service provider charge some amount from your main balance.
5.So first of all check your main balance.
6.Sometime this is happening due to the server down or server maintenance.
7.And finally one time reset your all network settings.
8.So if you follow this simple step,finally that problem is solved in permanently.
9.Once you verify your mobile number and then try to enter the username and password to login your profile.
#sb001technicalerror #yonosbiregistration #yonosbiloginproblem
unfortunately google has stopped working in android mobile-2022-google search stopped responding error.
I get the following error notification,while try to access my google application :
Google has stopped
Cancel Report
Send feedback
This 2021 released solution also works in tablet and ios iphone,ipad.
This method works on following android phone models are samsung,samsung j7 prime and samsung j3.
Some xiaomi devices are mi a1,redmi note 4,redmi note 3 and redmi note 5 pro.
This video is available in hindi,telugu and english.
►How To Remove Saved Passwords On Google Chrome :
►How To Disable Google Voice Typing In Android Mobile :
►How To Turn off Facebook Live Video Notification :
how to fix unfortunately google has stopped working :
1.Long time i have the one doubt about why my google search shows not responding issue message.
2.This type of problem is occurring due to the cached data.
3.So just open your android mobile settings - Installed apps.
4.Here locate that google app and then click to open it.
5.Finally click to clear all data.
6.This is the way you can easily solve and repair google stopped on your windows 10 pc also.
This tutorial is about how to fix fifa 23 your latest sync was interrupted ea app.
Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc,but some time this error message also occurs on nfs unbound,battlefront 2 and ea battlefield 5.
At same time this 2023 released solucion also works on windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 based platforms.
If you using the origin or steam launcher, also you can try this method.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to hatası çözümü,cara mengatasi,deutsch and como resolver languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to play the fifa 23 via epic games launcher :
Your latest sync was interrupted
We couldn't find any locally saved data for this game.You can proceed with launching the game and starting a new save,
but it may result in the loss of saved cloud data.Or you can wait 5 minutes and try again.
►►How To Change Your Name In Truecaller :
►►How To Add Link In Instagram Story :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
How to solve fifa 23 not launching problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to network problem.
3.So first of all force close the ea app as well as epic games launcher.
4.And then launch the cleanup setup file.
5.And also disable run as administrator for ea desktop file and ea launcher file.
6.Finally one time restart your pc or laptop.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#fifa23 #epicgames #yourlatestsyncwasinterruptedea #pc #windows10 #epicgameslauncher #origin #steam
This tutorial is about how to enable tpm 2.0 and secure boot in bios for all dell pc.
This 2023 released solution also works for dell latitude,precision,vostro,xps,dell alienware and dell inspiron.
But if you have a asus,acer,msi,lenovo thinkpad,lenovo ideapad and hp laptop don't try this method.
Because here i pressing the f2 key during the wakeup,but in other models this key may be different.
Always use amd graphics for best gaming performance and same way you can turn on this option for your all windows 10 platforms like windows home and pro versions.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to check my windows 10 pc configuration :
This PC doesn't currently meet Windows 11 system requirements.
TPM 2.0 must be supported and enabled on this PC.
More about enabling TPM 2.0
TPM: TPM not detected or This pc must support tpm 2.0
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
How to activate tpm 2.0 in windows 10 :
1.Here i show the steps by using my dell optiplex 7010 tower type desktop.
2.At same time this method works for all dell models but if you have a motherboard of intel.
3.Only way to bypass this message is,just restart your computer or laptop.
4.Once it wake up,you can press F2 key.
5.And then it shows boot menu,so here you can select "Security" section.
6.And this section shows some more options,but you can goto "TPM 2.0 Security".
7.Finally it shows disabled,but you can select "TPM on".
8.Now this feature is successfully enabled,and don't forget to apply this changes.
9.And this trusted platform module 2.0 not in a driver format.
10.So there is no need to download and install this tpm.
11.So this is the way you can easily get this tpm 2.0 on your pc.
12.If you not enable this option,you won't able to fix some issues while playing the games.
#enabletpm #dell #bios
This tutorial is about how to fix storage space running out error in samsung mobile or your phone getting full problem solved.
Here i get this error message in my samsung galaxy m30s android mobile.
At same time this solution also works on following models like samsung a20,a21s,a10,a30,a01,a11,a50,a3,a5,a23,a22,samsung j2,j2 prime,j2 core,j3,j4 plus,j5,j6,j7 prime,j7 nxt and j8.
Some m series are m01,m10,m11,m20,m30,m31 and samsung galaxy grand prime plus.
And the s models are s5,s6,s7,s7 edge,s8,s9 and s10.
This 2023 released solution also works for all android devices like realme,xiaomi redmi or mi phone,oppo and vivo.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada,kaise theek karen,kaise thik karen,kaise sahi karen,sinhala,kaise hataye and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to tab my notification panel :
My Files
Storage space running out
This may slow down your phone.Delete some files to keep it running smoothly.
Your phone's getting full
Free up space by moving apps or content to your SD card.
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp :
How to solve storage space running out error in android :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.And this is occurs if your phone internal storage is almost full.
3.So very simple method to remove this notification is,just clear all your app data's.
4.And also delete duplicate media files from your gallery.
5.Finally execute i mentioned one mmi code in your mobile.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#storagespacerunningout #storagespacerunningoutsamsung #yourphonegettingfull
This tutorial is about how to fix instagram reels option not showing up or missing | get reels back to profile grid.
This solution only works on ios 15.2 based iPhone devices.
At same time this trick also works for iphone 4s,iphone 5s,iphone 6s,iphone 6,6 plus,iphone 7,7 plus,iphone 8,8 plus,iphone 11 pro max,iphone 12 pro,iphone xr,iphone x,xs max and iphone 13 mini.
This video posted on december 2022,but in future 2023 if may be they release any new update this will work for you.
But some time this method not working for ipad devices.
Some working countries are india,nepal,pakistan,bangladesh and canada.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,sinhala,bengali,kannada and malayalam languages.
►►How To Turn off Auto Brightness In iPhone :
►►How To Check Your iPhone Warranty Details :
►►How To Hide Your Last Seen In Telegram App :
how to add reel back to profile grid after removing iphone :
1.One of my subscriber ask why it doesn't show the insta reels option in my feed section.
2.This issue also occurs even after update the new version of instagram app.
3.So very simple method to solve this problem is just one time logout your account.
4.And also delete this entire app or select "Offload App".
5.Once you done this processes,just one time reinstall that application.
6.Now one time you can try to open that insta app and login your profile.
7.If may be this reel feature not available in home page section,just watch reels story videos by one by one.
8.So i hope now this time this problem is solved in permanently and you get the reels option.
#instagramreelsnotshowing #reelsoptionnotshowing #addreelbacktoprofilegrid
Stop Unwanted Notifications On Android-Without Any App-How To-stop notification android-turn off notifications android.
? ? ?✔✅LIKE &?.✔✅SHARE ? ?✔ COMMENTS?✔ ?
This video is about how to stop unwanted notifications on android phone or how to turn off notifications on android.
This trick is works on android,tablet,bluestacks and the android operating systems are kitkat,lollipop,marshmallow and nougat also.
This tutorial works on following android mobile devices are samsung,lenovo,lg,micromax,moto e,moto g,moto x,moto z,redmi,htc,sony,vivo,samsung galaxy and note devices also.
This trick is no need for root permission and also works on without root android devices/ no root and this is the latest method 2022 also no need for any application, works on without any app.
Using this method you can push to turn off facebook,instagram,google,twitter,whatsapp messenger and all other android applications.
? ? ?✔✅LIKE &?.✔✅SHARE ? ?✔ COMMENTS?✔ ?
how to disable notifications on android:
1.Goto your android settings - notification center.
2.Here you can click to open "Notification access" and you can untick all the apps, then go back to one step.
3.Now click to open "app notification", here you can select your applications.
4.Then you can block unwanted notifications or turn off permanently.
5.This is the way you can hide notifications on android and also stop unwanted ads on android.
? ? ?✔✅LIKE &?.✔✅SHARE ? ?✔ COMMENTS?✔ ?
How To Remove phonepe protect activated in tamil,telugu,hindi and malayalam | PhonePe protect activated problem solution.
This 2024 released new update available for android phone as well as ios based iphone and ipad devices.
So there is no need to deactivate or unlock this protect feature.
Now a days they allow rupay credit card for phonepe lite payments.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to band kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kya hota hai,tamil,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to make my rent payment in PhonePe mobile app :
PhonePe Protect Activated
You're safe with PhonePe! We're stopping this payment for your security.
Important: Never enter your UPI PIN to receive money.
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:34 : About Error Message
00:52 : Example
01:31 : By Using GPay
01:52 : Outro
#phonepeprotectactivated #removephonepeprotect #phonepeprotectactivatedoff
How to solve phonepe protect problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what is the meaning of this message and why my payment failed?.
2.And is there is any possible to turn off or disable this notification?.
3.So my suggestion is this is not a error message,which means that this is type of new update.
4.So there is no need to fix this kind of message.
5.At same time this feature only activate itself,if you send the money to unsecured website or unknown contact.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
This tutorial is about how to fix login failed sorry unable to login please check your internet connection facebook.
Always use 2023 released new update of mobile app on your device.
This solution works for all android mobile devices like oppo a5s,samsung a50s,vivo,realme,oneplus and redmi or mi phone.
But this method not working in ios based iphone and ipad platforms.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,tagalog,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,cara mengatasi,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my facebook account via facebook mobile app :
Login Failed
Sorry,unable to login.Please check your internet connection.
►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Play Store :
How to solve facebook login failed problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask why this error happening and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.My point of view this is occurs due to the network connection.
3.So if you're a wifi user,first of all check your wifi router.
4.At same time if you use mobile data network,just follow i mentioned steps.
5.This is one and only way to fix this fb error message.
#facebookloginfailed #sorryunabletologin #pleasecheckyourinternetconnection
Jio pos lite unauthorised request problem please turn off the debug mode | jio pos lite app not open
This tutorial is about how to fix Jio pos lite app un authorized request problem please turn off the debug mode and use the latest apks from playstore | jio pos lite app not open
This solution works for all android mobile devices like samsung m11,vivo y20,vivo 1906,oneplus,realme,oppo,poco,mi/xiaomi and all redmi models.
Here i using the 2023 released jio pos lite app,but in future 2024 if they release any new update this problem may be fixed.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the jio pos lite app :
Un authorised request
Please turn off the debug mode and use the latest APK from Playstore
#jioposlite #unauthorizedrequest #pleaseturnoffthedebugmode
How to solve jio pos lite unauthorized request problem suspicious activity detected :
1.Some of user got "Please set the time to auto" error message.
2.So why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
3.If you got that kind of message,just check your device date and time setting,if it is set to correct or not.
4.So otherwise if you like to fix debug mode error,just enable developer options.
5.And then disable i mentioned two settings.
6.Finally one time restart your phone.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this app not open problem is solved in permanently.
This tutorial is about how to fix whatsapp.exe - system error the code execution cannot proceed because ffmpeg.dll was not found windows 10.
Always use 2023 released new update of whatsapp app for your system.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,cara mengatasi and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the whatsapp web in my windows 11 desktop :
WhatsApp.exe - System Error
The code execution cannot proceed because ffmpeg.dll was not found.Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►How To Create a Group In Gmail :
How to solve whatsapp exe system error ffmpeg.dll missing :
1.One of my subscriber ask why this error happening and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.At same time this trick also works on windows 10,windows 8 and windows 7 based pc.
3.Very simple method to fix this error is,just locate that whatsapp installation folder.
4.Here you can check it,if this ffmpeg.dll file is available or not.
5.If may be not available,you can download it from google,and this is available for both 64 bit and 32 bit based os.
6.So otherwise if you already have a older version,just click to launch that app icon.
7.Finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#whatsappexesystemerror #thecodeexecutioncannotproceed #windows10
This tutorial is about how to activate sbi credit card for online transaction.
If you like to pay your monthly emi payment,just use sbi netbanking or upi transaction,otherwise enable autopay feature.
But if you use sbi debit card like visa,master or rupay,just use yono mobile app for activation purpose.
At same time if you like to change your monthly spend limit,just press plus icon in "Set Your Spend Limits".
From 1st october 2023,the RBI declined the auto renewal payments.
Same way you can goto that manage card usage section for international transaction deactivation.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome Mobile :
how to enable sbi credit card for online transaction :
1.One of my subscriber ask how to use sbi credit card for ecommerce or ecom transactions like shopping?.
2.Here i show the steps by using the sbi card mobile app.
3.So first of all you can get this application from your google play store or app store.
4.Once the installation is completed,just click to open it.
5.But if you use this app in first time or new user,just register your sbi card details through sms.
6.And also they send the verification sms.
7.Once the activation process is completed,now you can login this app by using with the password or MPIN.
8.In dashboard section you can press that horizontal lines icon and goto "MANAGE CARD USAGE".
9.Here it shows Domestic Transactions,International Transactions and Tokenized Payments,so you can choose one by one.
10.Now you can click to turn on "Online Transactions,Point of Sales,ATM Transactions.
11.Once you enable it,and don't forget to apply this changes.
12.But don't try to activate "Contactless Transactions".
#sbicreditcard #internationalusage #onlinetransactions
This is about Fix " Cannot continue installation because another roblox player installer is running " in windows.
Always check if your roblox is updated to the 2024 released new version or not.
This solucion also works on windows 10,windows 7 and win 8 based pc and laptop.
But this trick not working for mac computer.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can traductor to สอนแก้, kaise kare hindi,cara mengatasi,que significa,что делать если пишет,cách fix lỗi,türkçe,ошибка,como resolver,на русском,español,que hacer and hatası cozümü languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to install the roblox player in my windows 11 laptop :
Cannot continue installation because another RobloxPlayerInstaller is running.
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About this error
00:23 : Force stop
00:39 : Method 1
00:57 : Create shortcut
01:32 : Method 2
02:07 : Outro
How to solve roblox studio cannot continue installation or installer :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what to do if it says this kind of message and why this issue happening?.
2.And this is occurs due to if you run the roblox setup file in multiple times.
3.And here i show the two methods to fix this issue.
4.And the first method is,you can download and install this roblox from microsoft store.
5.And the second method is,you can get this roblox player via roblox official website.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#roblox #cannotcontinueinstallation #anotherrobloxplayerinstallerisrunning #robloxplayerinstaller #error #robloxerror #howtofix #robloxinstaller #cannotinstall
Fix Rockstar Offline Mode Could Not Establish connection-Offline Online Sign in Failed Error 6000.87
rockstar offline mode could not establish the connection-offline sign in failed rockstar epic games.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the rockstar launcher via gta 5 game :
Offline Mode: Could not establish connection
Online sign in failed.We were unable to fallback to offline sign in because you have not previously signed in on this machine.
Offline play is only available for accounts that have previously signed in on this machine (with "Remember me" ticked) while connected to the internet and while Social Club Services are available.
QUIT #6000.87
This tutorial is about how to fix can't sign in error code 6000.87 rockstar launcher.
Here i get this error in my windows 10 computer,at same time this method works for all windows platforms.
Like windows 7,windows 8 and windows 8.1.
This trick 2022 released and if may be not working just comment to me.
This video has english subtitle at same time hindi,español,indonesia,cara mengatasi and hatası people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Add Bank Account In Whatsapp :
►How To Change Default Search Engine In Edge Browser :
►How To Make Your Twitter Account To Private :
how to solve cannot establish connection to rockstar games and offline mode :
1.This same problem also occurred on steam and epic games launcher while try to open the gta v.
2.So anyway if you want to fix this issue just goto drive c.
3.And then locate "Rockstar Games" folder and click to open it.
4.Finally click to delete that "Social club" folder.
5.And this process is similar to the uninstall of rockstar launcher.
6.Once you done this processes just restart your pc or laptop.
7.And same way you can try to open gta game and then this problem is fixed.
#rockstarofflinesigninfailed #onlinesigninfailedrockstar #couldnotestablishconnection
This tutorial is about how to fix sorry we are unable to get your account information minecraft launcher.
Here i get this error message in my windows 11 laptop.
At same time this solution also works on windows 7,windows 8 and win 8.1 based pc.
If may be this method not working for you,just comment to me.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the minecraft launcher via microsoft store :
Sorry! We were unable to get your account information.Please restart your launcher.
Oh no! Something went wrong,and we couldn't connect to the Minecraft services.Try again.
Oh no! Something went wrong,and you will not be logged in automatically next session.
View our troubleshooting guide here.
►►How To Add Link In Instagram Story :
►►How To Link Your Bank Account With Whatsapp :
►►How To Enable Dark Mode On Google Chrome PC :
How to solve minecraft launcher login problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issues?.
2.Sometime this is occurs due to your microsoft account.
3.So anyway very simple method to fix this error is,just one time sign out your existing minecraft linked with microsoft account.
4.And also uninstall that launcher.
5.After the uninstall process is completed,and also delete your cache files from your computer.
6.And don't forget to restart your windows pc.
7.Finally you can try to login or sign in your microsoft account by using with the username and password.
8.And also try to install and open that launcher.
9.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#minecraftlauncher #sorrywewereunabletogetyouraccountinformation #pleaserestartyourlauncher
video is about how to fix unfortunately google play store has stopped-google play store not working on android-how to fix unfortunately google play has stopped-how to fix unfortunately google play services has stopped-how to fix unfortunately google app has stopped-unfortunately google play store has stopped working error-unfortunately google play store has stopped working-unfortunately google play store has stopped. fix *root*-unfortunately google play store has stopped fix-unfortunately google play store has stopped samsung-unfortunately google play store has stopped tablet-unfortunately google play store has stopped solucion-unfortunately google play store has stopped-unfortunately google play store has stopped lg l5-google play store not working on samsung galaxy s3-google play store check your connection and try again-google play store no connection retry unrooted-google play store no connection retry root-google play store no connection retry fix-google play store no connection retry-google play store not working after root-google play store no connection error fix-google play store server error fix-google play store unfortunately stopped-google play store not responding-google play store server error-google play store not opening-google play store not connecting-google play store not downloading apps-google play store not updating
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to sent the text message in my samsung galaxy m30s android mobile :
Couldn't send message
Tap here to review your message.
This tutorial is about how to fix could not send message or sms not sending problem.
Some working samsung a series models are samsung a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a10,a20,a30,a40,a50 and a70.
And the working j and m series are m20,m21,m30,m30s,m31,j2,j2 prime,j5,j6 pro,j7 nxt,j7 prime,j7 max,j8 and j9.
Some other devices are samsung s2,s3,s5,s6,s6 edge,s7,s7 edge,s8,s9 and s10.
This solution is 2021 released but also works for all 2022 released samsung phone devices.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
►How To Change Download Location In Google Chrome :
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Google App :
How to fix failed to send message :
1.Some user's are ask my message not sending and not delivered.
2.But it shows failed icon,and also my friends not received any sms.
3.So if you get this problem just follow me friends.
4.Very simple method to solve this issue is just copy your sms center number from google.
5.And then paste this number to your message settings.
6.Once you follow my steps you can easily fix message not coming issue.
7.And this method may be works on mi phone or redmi device,vivo and oppo.
8.And this trick common for jio 4g sim card,airtel,vodafone idea and bsnl sim.
#messagenotsend #messagenotsending #samsung
Aadhar card signature not verified problem | how to get green tick mark | signature verified aadhar
Related topics:
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aadhar card signature not verified problem
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aadhar signature verify kaise kare
how to verify signature in aadhar card without adobe reader
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how to validate digital signature in aadhar card
how to get green tick on aadhar card on mobile
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#aadharcard #digitalsignature #aadhar #verify #get #greentick #download
#adobereader #verifyaadharcard #signature #validate #online #mobile
This tutorial is about how to fix error code esp-buimet-003 an error occurred while connecting to epic servers. please try again later.
Always check it,if your epic games launcher is updated to the 2023 released new version or not.
But this method not working for xbox one,playstation like ps4,ps5 and nintendo switch also.
And if you play this fortnite via android mobile or ios based iphone and ipad devices,don't try this method.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the fortnite via epic games launcher :
An error occurred while connecting to Epic servers.Please try again later.
ESP-BUIMET-003 Retrying in
►►How To Change Your Google Play Store Country :
►►How To Enable Dark Mode On Instagram PC :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
How to solve an error occurred connecting to epic servers :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what does it mean when fortnite says this kind of message?.
2.And what to do if we get this error code?.
3.And here i show the steps by using my windows 10 pc.
4.At same time this solution also works on windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 based laptop.
5.So before going to fix this error message,first of all check your wifi router.
6.If it shows any warning lights or not.
7.Once you check it and then change your dns address to manually.
8.And also delete webcache folders from epic games launcher folder section.
9.Finally don't forget to restart your windows pc.
10.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#fortnite #anerroroccurred #whileconnectingtoepicservers
This tutorial is about how to remove all transactions and messages on gpay app.
This trick is 2023 released and works for all android mobile and ios iphone also.
But there is no possible to change your profile picture and better luck next time,because this is default one.
This youtube video is also available in tamil,hindi kaise banaye,telugu kaise kare,kannada and malayalam.
►How To Make Reverse Videos In Your Tik Tok App :
►How To Hide Last Seen In Your Truecaller App :
►How To Stop Unwanted Notifications On Android :
how to delete transaction history in google pay app :
1.Long time i have the one doubt about,how to remove google pay chat history and contacts.
2.But here i doesn't explain to clear or deleting the tez account permanently.
3.This application has lot's of features like that referral code payment in india.
4.My suggestion is this is best app to check your bank account details.
5.If once you watch it,also get ideas about how to use electricity bill and bank transfer.
#googlepaytransactionhistory #deleteteztransactions #removegooglepayhistory
This tutorial is about how to stop autoplay of pendrive | disable auto open usb in windows 10.
Once you change this option,if you insert any external drive you get the notifications like USB drive keeps popping up message.
This solution also works for windows 10 and other windows platforms.
If you doesn't like this feature,same way you can remove or enable this auto play feature.
If may be this trick not working on your device just comment to me.
►►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
how to disable usb autorun in windows 11 :
1.One of my subscriber ask when i try to insert the pendrive in my new windows 10 pc, flash drive automatically opening which means that it doesn't ask for the access permission.
3.So how to turn off this dvd or usb drive auto opening problem?.
4.So very simple method is just open your settings menu.
5.And goto Bluetooth & devices - AutoPlay.
6.Here you can click to open option from "Removable drive" in choose Autoplay defaults section.
7.And then select "Ask me every time".
8.At same time if your laptop have a memory card slot,also choose "Ask me every time" from this "Memory card" section.
9.Finally this auto open problem is solved in permanently.
#stoppendriveautoopen #disableautoplaywindows11 #windows10autoplaydisable
How To Clear/Delete History On Instagram Search Permanently(Remove Watch history&Chat History)-delete history in instagram-clear search history instagram-instagram history delete-clear instagram history.
This method works on android,tablet,bluestacks also and the supporting operating systems are kitkat,lollipop,marshmallow and nougat also.
This is the new trick 2022 to delete chat history on instagram.
how to clear history on instagram search:
1.Open your instagram profile and then click to settings icon "3 dot" icon.
2.Then scroll down and goto last page here you can click to "clear search history" option.
3.Finally your all history like that chats,watch history and suggestions are cleared.
4.This is the way you can remove search history on instagram.
How To Fix twitter x suspicious login prevented problem in tamil,hindi and malayalam | suspicious login prevented twitter error.
Here i get this error message in my samsung galaxy a15 5g android mobile.
At same time this 2024 released solution also works on ios based iphone and ipad devices.
But if you using this x in your pc or laptop,you can follow this same method.
Some user's are facing this issue while they using the pubg mobile or bgmi gameplay.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to sign in my twitter account :
Suspicious login prevented
We blocked an attempt to access your account because we weren't sure it was really you.
This happens when we notice unusual login activity,like an attempt to log in too many times, or from a different location or device.
You'll need to wait before trying to login again.Some blocks are removed automatically.
Get help with login issues.
Got it
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About this error
00:29 : Reset account password
00:35 : Reset method
01:46 : Account recovered
02:03 : Outro
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#suspiciousloginprevented #twitterx #xloginproblem
How to solve twitter account locked for suspicious activity :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.So my suggestion is,don't try to login your x profile in many times.
3.Because if you tried many times,may be your account is blocked in temporarily.
4.So otherwise if you like to fix this issue,just one time reset your account password.
5.By simply open that x mobile app and click on Login - Forgot password.
6.Now you can enter the twitter account linked email id or phone number or username.
7.Once you enter the details and then you get the verification code to your registered email or phone number.
8.So just copy and paste that code and then you get the password reset section.
9.So finally you can create your new password.
10.So i hope once you create the new password and then your account is opening very smoothly and this problem is solved in permanently.
Google play something went wrong try again problem, Something went wrong please try again play store
how to fix google play store something went wrong try again problem play store Something went wrong please try again solved.
Here i show the steps by using my xiaomi mi 11i 5g android mobile.
At same time this solution works for all android models like samsung,oppo,vivo,realme,poco,oneplus,nothing r,infinix and redmi or mi phone.
But this method not working on play store tv.
Here i using the 2023 released play store app,but in future 2024 if may be they release any new update some setting location may be varying.
Sometime this is happening if you try to download the following apps like whatsapp,instagram,facebook,bgmi or pubg,free fire,dream11,youtube and some other applications from google play.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,kaise thik kare,bangla telugu,tamil,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to install the one app in google play store :
Something went wrong
Try again
Try again
?SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
How to solve google play store something went wrong please try again :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This problem occurs on both wifi network as well as mobile data connection.
3.So anyway if you like to fix this issue,just one time clear that play store app data's.
4.And also check your wifi router as well as fiber modem indicators.
5.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#somethingwentwrong #googleplaystore #playstore
This tutorial is about how to fix whatsapp.exe - system error the code execution cannot proceed because ffmpeg.dll was not found windows 10.
Always use 2023 released new update of whatsapp app for your system.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,cara mengatasi and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to access the whatsapp web in my windows 11 desktop :
WhatsApp.exe - System Error
The code execution cannot proceed because ffmpeg.dll was not found.Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►How To Create a Group In Gmail :
How to solve whatsapp exe system error ffmpeg.dll missing :
1.One of my subscriber ask why this error happening and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.At same time this trick also works on windows 10,windows 8 and windows 7 based pc.
3.Very simple method to fix this error is,just locate that whatsapp installation folder.
4.Here you can check it,if this ffmpeg.dll file is available or not.
5.If may be not available,you can download it from google,and this is available for both 64 bit and 32 bit based os.
6.So otherwise if you already have a older version,just click to launch that app icon.
7.Finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#whatsappexesystemerror #thecodeexecutioncannotproceed #windows10
This tutorial is about how to fix secure boot is not allowed if the system is in legacy boot mode.
In my desktop it shows secure boot is not supported.
This 2023 released solution also works on windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 based platforms.
But this issue only occurs on dell platforms,so other user's like asus,acer,lenovo and hp don't try this method.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to enable the secure boot in my windows 10 pc :
Secure Boot is not allowed if the system is in legacy boot mode
►►How To Create Desktop Shortcut For Microsoft Store Apps In Windows 11 :
►►How To Change Your Name In Truecaller :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
How to solve secure boot is not allowed if legacy option roms are enabled :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is only occurs on secure boot option is disabled.
3.So anyway if you like to fix this issue,just goto "General" category.
4.And click on "Advanced Boot Options".
5.Here you can tick to disable "Enable Legacy Option ROMs" and "Enable Attempt Legacy Boot".
6.Once you disable it and goto "Secure Boot Enable".
7.Now this time you can select "Enabled",and click to save this changes.
8.Finally one time restart your windows pc or laptop.
9.Once the restarting is completed,and then try to check it if this secure boot is enabled or not.
#secureboot #securebootisnotallowed #ifthesystemisinlegacybootmode #dell #pc #windows #windows10 #windows11 #fix
This is about Fix Fortnite Matchmaking error #2 ✔ we had trouble connecting to content beacon service.
Here i get this error message in 2024 released chapter 5 season 2.
At same time this solution also works for chapter 5 season 1,chapter 4 season 5,chapter 4 season 4,chapter 4 season 3,chapter 4 season 2 and season 1.
This issue occurs on lego fortnite,battle royale,creative og,rocket racing and festival mode.
But if you have a ios based iphone,ipad,windows pc,android mobile,xbox one,xbox series s and nintendo switch devices,don't try this method.
Also follow this same trick for error code #1,#3 and #4.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to play the lego obby fun private game in my ps5 :
We had trouble connecting to content beacon service.
Give it another shot,if the problem continues,check out
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About this error
00:30 : Change region
01:31 : Change dns address
02:19 : Outro
How to solve matchmaking error fortnite tournament :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why does my custom fortnite shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.And also my lobby status shows "Not Ready".
3.So if you like to fix it,just change your matchmaking region auto to your current region.
4.So otherwise if this method not working for you,just change your ps5 or ps4 dns address to manually.
5.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#fortnite #matchmakingerror #error #fix #ps5 #xbox #mobile #pc #fortnitematchmakingerror #wehadtrouble #notready #chapter5 #season2
how to fix no valid qr code detected whatsapp web problem or solve qr code not scanning whatsapp web.
Here i get this error message in my xiaomi mi 11i 5g android mobile.
At same time this 2023 released solution also works on samsung,oppo,vivo,poco,oneplus,realme and redmi or mi phone.
But if you have a windows 11,windows 8 or win 7 based operating system in your desktop also you can try this method.
Also check if you already linked any device or not.
This youtube video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise thik kare,kaise sahi kare,tamil,bangla telugu,kaise kare hindi,kannada,malayalam and sinhala languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to scan the whatsapp web qr code in my windows 10 pc :
Scan a WhatsApp QR code
No valid QR code detected
How to solve whatsapp web scan qr code not working :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why this web whatsapp showing this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to two possible reasons.
3.One is due to your whatsapp app background data.
4.So always click to enable your background data usage from this whatsapp.
5.And the second one of the reason is,due to your web browser cache's.
6.So if you use google chrome or edge or firefox,just open it on incognito mode.
7.And the open whatsapp web.
8.Now you can try to scan that qr code in your business account.
9.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
10.This is one and only way to resolve that error in your laptop or computer.
11.But if this not works for ios based iphone and ipad devices.
#novalidqrcodedetected #whatsappweb #qrcodenotscanning
This tutorial is about how to delete account in genshin impact mobile | remove your genshin impact account.
Once the account delete process is completed,and click to uninstall that game from your pc.
But if you remove this mihoyo account all your genshin installed devices like psn ps4 or ps5,ios based iphone,ipad and android mobile genshin impact is not working.
Here i install this 2023 released genshin 2.4 new version in my pc.
►►How To Enable Instagram Dark Mode On PC :
►►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays In Facebook :
►►How To Remove Facebook Messenger From Instagram :
how to deactivate genshin impact account on mobile :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me how do i remove my genshin impact account?.
2.But some user's are install this genshin from epic games launcher.
3.So anyway very simple method is,just click to access that mihoyo official site.
4.And then enter your gmail id as well as password to login this mihoyo.
5.And also verify that human verification step.
6.Once your profile is ready,just press that horizontal lines icon and goto "Account Security Settings".
7.Here it shows my all linked accounts like google,facebook and twitter,but you can scroll down.
8.And then press "Delete Account".
9.Finally they send the verification code to your mobile number or email id.
10.Once you enter that code and click to "Next".
11.Finally your account is successfully deleted.
12.But all your genshin impact data files are permanently removed after 30 days from their server.
#deletegenshinimpactaccount #removegenshinimpactaccount #deleteaccountongenshinimpact
how to remove gmail account access from unwanted websites, or stop google third party access for apps.
This 2023 released method works for all android mobile,ios based iphone and ipad devices.
This google account settings are also common for pc user's.
By using this way you can easily block your all spam and unwanted email receiving from your gmail inbox.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil,bangla telugu,kannada,sinhala and malayalam languages.
?SUBSCRIBE : @thetabox
how to delete third party apps on google account :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,how can i stop unwanted emails in gmail?.
2.So my answer is this is very simple.
3.So anyway if you like to fix this problem,just open your gmail mobile app.
4.And press your gmail profile picture icon and goto "Manage Your Google Account".
5.Here you can select "Security" tab and scroll down.
6.And locate "Your connections to third-party apps and services".
7.And this section shows your all site and apps details.
8.So just press "See all connections".
9.So if you like to remove any app or website from this section,just select that particular one.
10.And click on "Stop using Sign in with Google".
11.Finally it shows "Google will no longer automatically sign you in to that app".
12.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#removegmailaccess #stopunwantedemails #googlethirdpartyaccess
This tutorial is about how to fix we could not sign into your microsoft account minecraft error code creeper.
If you press "More info" option,it redirects to the minecraft help page.
Here it shows the some error codes and reasons like Bat,Cauldron,Cobblestone,Creeper,Crossbow,Drowned,Ghast,pufferfish and glowstone.
This solution works for minecraft 2023 released 1.18 version and upcoming 1.19 also.
But if you have a ps4 or ps5,xbox one,nintendo switch and ios based iphone,ipad devices don't try this method.
Because it not working for you,at same time this issue also occurs on minecraft java edition in windows 10 pc.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to cara mengatasi,hatası çözümü,hindi and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to login my minecraft pe :
Failed to login
We could not sign you into your Microsoft Account.
Access to Realms, Profiles, and your Marketplace items will be limited.Please try again later.
Error Code: Creeper
More Info
►►How To Enable Game Turbo In Redmi Mobile :
►►How To Add Link In Your Instagram Story :
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How to solve we couldn't sign you into your microsoft account minecraft bedrock :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.And sometime this error occurs,due to minecraft server is down.
3.But if you feel problem is your side just follow few steps to fix this error message.
4.So first of all clear that minecraft app data's.
5.And one time reset your mobile data and wifi connections and also don't forget to restart your android mobile.
6.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#minecraft #wecouldnotsignintoyourmicrosoftaccount #failedtologin
Aadhar card signature not verified problem | how to get green tick mark | signature verified aadhar
Related topics:
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how to get green tick on aadhar card on mobile
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#aadharcard #digitalsignature #aadhar #verify #get #greentick #download
#adobereader #verifyaadharcard #signature #validate #online #mobile
change tik tok video background black-make raindrop effect-create musically black background-get effects.
This tutorial is about how to change black background in tik tok.
This trick is 2022 released and works on all android phone and ios iphone also.
Also use kinemaster to edit your white or any colour backgrounds by without green screen.
This video is also available in tamil,hindi,telugu kaise kare and malayalam.
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how to make your background black in tik tok best musically :
1.Long time i have the one doubt about how to do raindrop effect in musically videos.
2.But today i get the answer to create the raindrops challenge or rainbow effects.
3.If you are a tiktok lover just follow my steps.
4.Open your app and then press that plus icon to start the recording.
5.And then my mobile camera is turned on,here press "Effect" icon.
6.It shows lots of video editing options in hd
#tiktokblackbackground #raindropeffect #makebackgroundblack
Harmful App Blocked-This App May Be Harmful, Installing This App May Put Your Device At Risk Problem
This is about how to solve Harmful App Blocked-This App May Be Harmful, Installing This App May Put Your Device At Risk Problem.
But don't try to install the gb whatsapp or fm whatsapp,because these are not the official version.
Here i get this error message in my samsung galaxy a15 5g android mobile.
At same time this solution also works on oppo,vivo,poco,nothing,realme,oneplus,pixel and xiaomi redmi or mi phone.
Most of them facing this issue while they try to install the following apps like vidmate,videobuddy,free fire,android tv,top follow,netwing,netflix,mobile tracker,share it,capcut,bus simulator indonesia and fastwin.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,tamil,bangla telugu,ka matlab kya hota hai,ko kaise hataye,kannada,sinhala,malayalam and kaise thik kare languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to install the one apk file from google chrome browser :
Google Play Protect
Harmful app blocked
This app may be harmful
More details
Installing this app may put your device at risk.Learn more about Play Protect.
Install anyway
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : Warning Message
00:36 : Reason
01:01 : Disable play protect
01:43 : Outro
How to remove dangerous app blocked notification problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why does it says this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.And some user's are have one doubt about,is there is possible to unblock this message?.
3.So my answer is yes this is possible.
4.So anyway if you like to stop or fix this notification,just open your play store.
5.And click on your gmail profile picture icon and goto "Play protect".
6.Here you can click on that gear icon.
7.And finally click to disable that two options "Scan apps with Play protect" and Improve harmful app detection.
8.Once you turn off these options,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
9.And in future if you try to download any apk file in chrome browser,it doesn't shows that warning message.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#harmfulappblocked #solve #thisappmaybeharmful #fix #howtofix #problem #remove #stop #error #android #whatsapp #solution #disable #turnoff #howto
This tutorial is about how to fix fifa 23 your latest sync was interrupted ea app.
Here i get this error message in my windows 10 pc,but some time this error message also occurs on nfs unbound,battlefront 2 and ea battlefield 5.
At same time this 2023 released solucion also works on windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 based platforms.
If you using the origin or steam launcher, also you can try this method.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to hatası çözümü,cara mengatasi,deutsch and como resolver languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to play the fifa 23 via epic games launcher :
Your latest sync was interrupted
We couldn't find any locally saved data for this game.You can proceed with launching the game and starting a new save,
but it may result in the loss of saved cloud data.Or you can wait 5 minutes and try again.
►►How To Change Your Name In Truecaller :
►►How To Add Link In Instagram Story :
►►How To Remove Apps From Microsoft Store :
How to solve fifa 23 not launching problem :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it shows this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to network problem.
3.So first of all force close the ea app as well as epic games launcher.
4.And then launch the cleanup setup file.
5.And also disable run as administrator for ea desktop file and ea launcher file.
6.Finally one time restart your pc or laptop.
7.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#fifa23 #epicgames #yourlatestsyncwasinterruptedea #pc #windows10 #epicgameslauncher #origin #steam
How to fix Runtime Error-atibtmon.exe in windows 8/8.1/10-windows 10 runtime error-runtime error atibtmon.exe-runtime error program c windows system32 atibtmon.exe-runtime error windows 10-this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way-microsoft visual c++ runtime library error fix windows 10.
I get the following error message in my windows 10 pc:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error!
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
This error solution is common for windows 7,windows 8,windows 8.1,windows 10.
This error is may be occurred in during system startup and this error is occurred while if you are upgrade your windows 10 pc or other operating systems.
If you getting this error you can unplug your charging cables.
1.Goto "Power option" and then click "show additional plans".
2.Choose "High performance" option and then click "change plan settings" option.
3.Then click "change advanced power settings".
4.Now click "PCI Express" and then choose "maximum power savings".
5.Once restart your pc the problem is solved.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to downloading the gta v :
An error occurred while installing gta 5(disk write error)
This tutorial is about how to fix disk write error steam cs go.
Some time this is happening in the middle of download and may be your download paused.
This issue is occurring when you download the witcher 3,destiny 2,fifa 21,dota 2 and csgo.
This trick is 2023 released new update and may be not working on mac platform.
►How To Delete Amazon Search History :
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how to solve disk write error when downloading steam game :
1.Some time it shows "Disk read error".
2.This is happening while updating the steam games.
3.Very simple method to fix this problem is just change your server region to nearest one.
4.And then repair this steam installation folder.
5.Finally clear that "Downloads folder" caches.
6.Here i get this issue in my windows 10 pc.
7.At same time this trick works for all windows versions like windows 7,windows 8 and windows 8.1.
#diskwriteerrorsteam #steamdiskwriteerrorfix #diskreaderror
This tutorial is about how to fix error code esp-buimet-003 an error occurred while connecting to epic servers. please try again later.
Always check it,if your epic games launcher is updated to the 2023 released new version or not.
But this method not working for xbox one,playstation like ps4,ps5 and nintendo switch also.
And if you play this fortnite via android mobile or ios based iphone and ipad devices,don't try this method.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the fortnite via epic games launcher :
An error occurred while connecting to Epic servers.Please try again later.
ESP-BUIMET-003 Retrying in
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How to solve an error occurred connecting to epic servers :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what does it mean when fortnite says this kind of message?.
2.And what to do if we get this error code?.
3.And here i show the steps by using my windows 10 pc.
4.At same time this solution also works on windows 11,windows 8 and win 7 based laptop.
5.So before going to fix this error message,first of all check your wifi router.
6.If it shows any warning lights or not.
7.Once you check it and then change your dns address to manually.
8.And also delete webcache folders from epic games launcher folder section.
9.Finally don't forget to restart your windows pc.
10.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#fortnite #anerroroccurred #whileconnectingtoepicservers
This video is about Update your app youtube problem ✔ an update is available with new features a faster experience - how to fix.
Here i get this error message in my samsung galaxy a15 5g android mobile.
At same time this solution also works on oppo,vivo,poco,oneplus,nothing phone,realme and xiaomi redmi or mi phone.
But specifically this problem occurs for samsung j series mobiles like samsung j2,j5 and j7.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,tamil,sinhala,kannada and malayalam languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to open the youtube vanced app :
Update your app
An update is available with new features,a faster experience,fixes and more.It typically takes less than 1 minute.
Timestamp :
00:00 : Intro
00:05 : About this error
00:33 : Clear app data
01:17 : Update google play system
01:52 : Outro
How to solve youtube me update your app problem kaise thik kare :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,why it showing this kind of message and what is the meaning of this issue?.
2.This is occurs due to some app data's.
3.So if you like to fix it,just clear that following app data's.
4.So just open your settings menu and goto "Apps" section.
5.Now you can clear the app data from google play store,google play services and youtube app.
6.And also check that google play system,if it is updated to the new version or not.
7.Once the installation is completed,and don't forget to restart your android phone.
8.So i hope after the restarting is completed,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
▬▬ ???????? ▬▬
#updateyourapp #anupdateisavailable #youtubeupdateproblem #youtubeapp #fix #updateyoutube #youtube #problem
I get the following error notification while i try to troubleshoot my windows 10 pc :
Windows can't communicate with the device or resource Detected
(primary DNS server)
This tutorial is about how to solve windows cannot communicate with the device or resource (primary dns server).
This trick is common for all windows versions like windows 7,win 8 and 8.1.
My best suggestion is always check if you're using new version of windows that is 2020 released or not.
►How To Check Graphics Card In Your Windows 10 Pc :
►How To Remove Ads From Imo App :
►How To Disable Microsoft Store Apps Auto Downloading :
how to fix windows cannot communicate with the device or resource issue :
1.First method is just enable flight mode for few seconds.
2.And after the few seconds once again click to enable your internet connection.
3.Method two is just disable your network adapter like ethernet or wifi adapters for a few seconds.
4.And don't forget to restart your computer or laptop.
5.Once the restarting is completed,same way you can activate your network adapter.
6.Finally your browser is automatically connect to the internet and the problem is solved.
#windows10error #primarydnsserver #windowscannotcommunicate
This tutorial is about how to fix this purchase was not completed roblox 40 robux and setup google play store to make purchases.
Always check it,if your roblox is updated to the 2023 released new version or not.
This solution works for all android mobile devices like samsung,oppo,vivo,poco,oneplus,realme,xiaomi redmi or mi phone.
But if you have a ios based iphone or ipad it shows "This purchase could not be completed" message.
There is no need to create the new account on your roblox app.
This video has english subtitle at same time you can translate to cara mengatasi,co to znaczy,artinya,ne demek and hatası çözümü languages.
Today i get the following one error notification while i try to make a payment for roblox premium :
This purchase was not completed.
You have cancelled this purchase
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How to solve this purchase was not complete in roblox 80 robux :
1.One of my subscriber ask to me,what does it means and why this roblox keeps saying this kind of message?.
2.This issue only occurs if you not linked your payment methods with google play store.
3.But some user's are get "Please set up google play store to make purchases" error message.
4.So anyway very simple method to fix this error is,just open your play store app.
5.And then press your gmail profile picture icon and goto "Payments & Subscriptions".
6.So next you can goto "Payment methods".
7.And then add your credit or debit card details.
8.Once you done this processes and then try to make your roblox top up.
9.So i hope if you follow this simple steps,finally this problem is solved in permanently.
#thispurchasewasnotcompleted #robloxthispurchasewasnotcompleted #pleasesetupgoogleplaystore
This tutorial is about how to fix wifi no internet access - private dns server cannot be accessed.
This 2023 released solution works for all phone models like samsung,xiaomi or redmi,google pixel,oppo,vivo and oneplus.
Also check your wifi router,if it is works or not.
This video has english subtitle at same time tamil,kaise kare hindi,bangla telugu,kannada and malayalam region people's are can easily understand it.
Today i get the following one error notification after i connect my mobile into wifi network :
Wifi has no internet access
Private DNS server cannot be accessed.
►How To Find Upcoming Birthdays On Facebook :
►How To Enable Dark Mode In Google Play Store :
►How To Delete Search History In Instagram :
How to solve wifi connected but no internet access problem :
1.Sometime this same issue also occurs if you use the mobile data connection.
2.My suggestion is don't set up google dns server,because it couldn't connect to any website.
3.Only way to resolve this issue is just locate that private dns option.
4.And simply click to turn off it.
5.Once you disable it,one time restart your android mobile.
6.So i hope after the restarting is completed,just try to connect that same wifi network.
7.Finally that problem is solved.
8.If this setting location is not available in your device,just use search tool icon to locate it.
#privatednsserver #wifihasnointernetaccess #wificonnectedbutnointernetaccess